After many years of effort, I’ll admit it’s nice to finally see ‘Cascading Consequences’ breaking out a little.
I’ve been in contact with Paul Beckwith occasionally and have used the term in our communication, so I do feel a connection.
Cascading Climate Consequences: US Report Published on Nov 17, 2017 Following up on my recent videos, I chat about startling facts/observations from the recent US Climate Report. My view is climate changes are much worse than presented in this report. Soil moisture is dropping across all seasons; as is mountain range snow pack feeding rivers; number of large fires is rising. Tropical cyclones are moving northward; Cat. 4-5 are more frequent. Tornado outbreaks (-30 per day) are rising, atmospheric rivers are stronger, frost free/agricultural growing days are rising.
U.S. Report Says Humans Cause Climate Change, Contradicting Top Trump Officials By LISA FRIEDMAN and GLENN THRUSH - NOV. 3, 2017 WASHINGTON — Directly contradicting much of the Trump administration’s position on climate change, 13 federal agencies unveiled an exhaustive scientific report on Friday that says humans are the dominant cause of the global temperature rise that has created the warmest period in the history of civilization. Over the past 115 years global average temperatures have increased 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, leading to record-breaking weather events and temperature extremes, the report says. The global, long-term warming trend is “unambiguous," it says, and there is “no convincing alternative explanation" that anything other than humans — the cars we drive, the power plants we operate, the forests we destroy — are to blame. The report was approved for release by the White House, but the findings come as the Trump administration is defending its climate change policies. ...
The White House’s new climate report contradicts everything Trump is doing on climate Updated by Umair Irfan Nov 4, 2017 and MikeYohe, that's the big difference between us, the things I write will stand the test of time, since they are based on real world facts. whereas eventually your insane GOP fed rantings and nonsense will be seen by all as supreme treason, and a heinous crime against humanity.