Cannabis and religion

<p style=“text-align: left;”>Tim I never claimed to be better than anyone, in fact I have made it clear I am a sinner myself, I just belief that the Bible has documented facts despite “interpretations” or variations in language, rising from the dead is the same a ressurrect or come back to life?</p>
<p style=“text-align: left;”></p>
<p style=“text-align: left; padding-left: 40px;”>Why am I bigoted to you, in fact everyone here has done nothing but criticize, defame and mock me but I have still tried to remain civil and express my views, sorry if I don’t do it the way you wish but i don’t agree with you and still I focus on your beliefs not your character, I was hoping to start another thread but this one got quite interesting, I’ll probably start one later and yes you are correct Tim, there are two main families, sativas and indicas , sativas are more uplifting while indicas are more sedating, there are tons of strains of each family and hybrids too, nowadays there are strains for many specific ailments</p>

And T next time try using something from a true Christian not a decieving Catholic like Martin Luther, it’s like I asked you about atheism by quoting an agnostic and claiming he is important to your people, you should stop making that many assumptions

No one is assuming anything. Tone it down a bit dude. No one is going to hurt you. We can all read what you read. We just formed different opinions. Do a little sativa and mellow out. Maybe make a friend. WWJD?

Come on man, even you made fun of T after he/she made assumptions about me, what do you mean tone it down? You havent seen me tone it at all ? well although you are blaspheming Jesus would probably keep on preaching to non believers, I’m seeing it’s not well received, I’m a pretty friendly dude even when disagreeing with others but I will also stand up for myself and what I believe

And you know where your “miracle worker” came from? You know how he/it began? You could say that he/it was always present. But supporters of the BIG BANG theory could also say that the potential spontaneous occurrence of the BIG BANG explosion was always present. That seems to be pretty much a wash in terms of your creationist explanation vs. the Big Bang theory coming up with “something from nothing”.

I doubt that you are particularly bigoted in general, just in terms of your beliefs about atheists and your stereotypical attributions of qualities to them such as immorality.

<p style=“padding-left: 40px; text-align: left;”>With the exception that the Bible was documented way before that bb theory was even invented, thats what makes God God, he is the creator to us believers without “probably” “maybe” nor “perhaps” as the bb theory goes</p>

So it is your certainty of the fiction that makes it true and the fact that your dogma was documented prior to the emergence of science and alternate theories? That does not stand at all.

There are a strikingly large number of people today who are certain that the Earth is flat. This idea long predates the belief that the Earth is more spherical. With your logic, thus, you would be compelled to believe that the Earth is flat. (If you do believe the Earth is flat, I’d rather not know.)

I understand why you might think that but my beliefs say that somethings are wrong or are not the way others think, and I should voice it, with respect but I should not stay quiet not to make others uncomfortable when to me their souls are at risk. I could say the same about you guys and your beliefs being like bigots claiming truth from what I believe to be one of the greatest lies of mankind, I think it’s inevitable, we humans hate to be wrong and told we are, the Bible does just that and I can understand why so many reject and try to flip it around to make it look like nonsense I did that for a long time myself but now Im just trying to be a better person based on what I believe to be true because of what I have found in religion, not because anyone told me to or led me to it, I’m not even close to being righteous, I never will be but I will sure try

Only that it is not fiction, so many witnesses and they all testify what happened was true, unlike bb, see it in legal terms, what makes a better case, having witnesses or a simple story with no evidence to back it up, that certainly does not stand even in atheist countries with atheist laws

Perhaps we can agree that some atheists have a superior morality to some God believers.

Either way, you are correct that I think that what you view as truth about God is one of the greatest lies perpetrated on humanity.

Oh definitely “perhaps”


wellthe deceived and evil ones have led you to believe that, read scripture without being biased and you will find that most of what you see and learn in the world nowadays are just lies


So is your name Felipe or Phil? (Oh, I guess Phil could be the anglicized form of Felipe). Heavy toker, smoked every day since age 15. That’s you.

I was wrong about your career, and I apologize. (These days, of course, anyone can be a writer, thanks to the Internet.)

good luck with your job as an editor
No need to wish me luck. I've been doing it for 35+ years, for about 50 publications. I've hired and supervised about 30 writers, and if one of them entered an online group to do research and didn't identify himself as a writer, he'd be gone in 10 seconds. That's unprofessional.


You seem to know a whole lot about something you don’t believe in,
I have only been an atheist for a few years. Before that I was Orthodox for 20 years and Protestant before that. I've been studying comparative religion since the 1980s.

In 2001, I published a book, “Sacred Sites,” after visiting and researching over 400 historic churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, and Native American burial mounds. So I know a little bit about religion.

I love your “save” tho:

although it looks like you copied and pasted.
Ya think?!?! I asked if you knew who wrote it, and no, I didn't type that anti-Semetic shit myself.

But then, you Googled and found the author. And I find your POV … intriguing.

something from a true Christian not a decieving Catholic like Martin Luther
You do know that Martin Luther broke from the Catholic church and sparked the Protestant Reformation, don't you?

If you believe people are saved by faith, rather than works or Sacraments from the Catholic church, then… thank Luther.

If you believe you have the right to read and interpret Scripture for yourself… if you believe Communion is symbolic and not Christ’s actual body and blood…thank Luther.

If you read the Bible in any language but Latin, thank Luther. He was the first to translate the Bible into the vernacular.

All of today’s Lutheran, Anglican,
Anabaptist, Presbyterian, Congregational, Evangelical, Southern Baptist, and UCC churches have based their doctrine on Luther’s theology.

You may be the kind of Christian who thinks your faith is completely your own and independent of any input from anyone, but that isn’t how it works.

Anyway, I just finished an article on this very topic (how Christians label one another “fake Christians,” but you have already disavowed Luther so I’m not sure who you think the real Christians are.

Who are they?

Anyhoo… I think your zeal for Jesus here is interesting, because you don’t identify as a believer anywhere else. You are, above all, about smoking weed. Yet here you are, preaching to us.





Wow impressive, got on your nerves huh? That’s what you get for assuming, now you apologize so yeah anyone can be a writer thanks to internet, does that bother you? And a Latin? Does that make it sting harder ? could care less about you and your achievements or what you would do or who would you fire, I just mentioned what I do to shut you up but that’s ok I knew you were gonna come back whining and picking on everything I said, and I mentioned the copy paste meaning you just read antisemitism and said oh I’m gonna use that, did you know Catholicism is not Christianity at all? Luther was deceived, sorry to tell you that all that expertise of yours went down the toilet mixing Catholicism with Christianity, although he wasn’t completely wrong the Jewish talmud does talk againt Christians but I’m sure a religion mixing superscholar as yourself already knows that, what input are you talking about, grow up become a real man and learn how to talk to people, because reading and writing don’t seem to be your thing

Hey, I said I was a sinner! ? I’m still learning, just like you are learning to be a super proggresive atheist ?

I hate to think that heavy use of cannabis from a young age, may have contributed to your current enmeshment in magical thinking, but I have long been of the opinion that pot use should be avoided until one is in their mid-20’s (especially heavy use) so as to circumvent possible adverse impacts on the developing brain. By the mid-20’s the human brain is thought to be substantively developed.

So get thru undergrad and grad school 1st kids! (And in the meantime vote for progressives so that you won’t be buried in student loans. Then you can have some cash to spend on pot, if you are still interested.)

Hey don’t believe everything you read, there are a lot of lies on the web, I have told many, so you choose to believe some things I say are true? Don’t believe me, believe the Bible

There ain’t nothin more magical thinking than believing in an explosion out of spite

Why the Bible? The Quran claims to be the complete absolute word of God, and it seems imminently more internally valid than the Bible. The Bible is a hodgepodge of often incoherent and/or inconsistent writings.

So if you are mainly going on old timey religious writings, the Quran might be a better choice. (tho I don’t recommend it either)

an explosion “out of spite”? where did the “out of spite” come from? The BB is a theory, not a determined fact. But there is evidence for it, and not just some old book that claims to be truth incarnate.