Bohmian Mechanics

Let’s begin with this important biography.

Question: Is the concept of “hidden variables” a form of quantum “superposition”?

A little more background on David Bohm.

Bohm believed all matter is unfolded out of what he eventually described as a holomovement, which meant that matter could also enfold and so return into the holomovement. Bohm considered quantum mechanics to be a process of unfolding and enfolding. He imagined the universe as an infinite sea of space and energy out of which matter could be unfolded, which he called explicating, and enfolded which he called implicating, which, in Bohm’s words, “together are a flowing, undivided wholeness. Every part of the universe is related to every other part but in different degrees.” In an interview published in Omni magazine conducted by the physicist F. David Peat and John Briggs, Bohm explained his concept of enfoldment:

“Everybody has seen an image of enfoldment: You fold up a sheet of paper, turn it into a small packet, make cuts in it, and then unfold it into a pattern. The parts that were close in the cuts unfold to be far away. This is like what happens in a hologram. Enfoldment is really very common in our experience. All the light in this room comes in so that the entire room is in effect folded into each part. If your eye looks, the light will be then unfolded by your eye and brain. As you look through a telescope or a camera, the whole universe of space and time is enfolded into each part, and that is unfolded to the eye. With an old-fashioned television set that’s not adjusted properly, the image enfolds into the screen and then can be unfolded by adjustment.”

“Wholeness and the Implicate Order”

For those who are not familiar with Bohmian Mechanics, here is an alternative quantum theory to the Copenhagen Interpretation.

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