Trump is the most unpresidential president to date. He killed that Iranian General to take the medias focus off of the impeachment trial…what’s worse it has worked. Most of the news outlets are just talking about the state of perial he has brought the USA into.
Meanwhile back in Washington DC, the GOP Trumps Stooges in the House and Senate have continued blocking the idea a “FAIR” impeachment trial. What are they afraid of.
Every court case I have followed has had a defendant trying to get as much evidence entered into the record to try to prove their innocence. The Trump and his GOP Trump Stooges have done everything in their power to stonewall any evidence from becoming forward. Why, Why, Why.
If Trump is so innocent, why isn’t he or the Congressional GOP not presenting the evidence that will acquit President (and I use the title loosely) Trump.
The Congressional GOP do not want a FAIR trial, by hearing witnesses and presenting documents. The Trump Stooges just want to start it so that they can vote for a dismissal without any trial.
What the Congressional GOP refuse to understand is, that Trump is the 3rd President in US history to be impeached. That black mark is a part of his presidential record for all of history. I believe that my grand or great grand kid will be learning about what Trump did in their social studies and American history classes. I also know that the shameful way the Congressional GOP has acted will also be taught in the same history classes.
Remember that the truth ALWAYS comes out, maybe not today or tomorrow or years from now, the truth will reveal itself, and then the Congressional GOP’s members will have to accept the consequences for the way they behaved and the way their ignored the Constitutional Oaths of Office. Unfortunately, their fates will have already been sealed, for all of future history. They and their heirs will have to live with the shame, of NOT fulfilling their Constitutional jobs. Oh what SHAME, they will inflict on the family lineage.