Awaken to reality!

What am I saying?
What are you saying?
That intuitions are not a product of learning?
Are intuitions a product of experience?
Well, what is experience?
Learning, perhaps?

Okay, let’s take it from the top, one more time:

**Our human body is the product of hundreds of millions, and even billions of years of evolution -

Our mind is the product of all the experiences and learning acquired during your particular life.**

Then you die, but if you had kids, your body lives on, and not just in a metaphorical manner.

You, or I, or anyone, living today, wouldn’t be here if one link in your particular body’s evolutionary history (that is the chain of life) had been snuffed out before producing babies.

Nonsense! Nothing I’ve ever said justifies that assessment!

Our intellectual religious histories are very relevant when it comes to understanding our selves and our current twisted self-destructive way of thinking and behaving.

Our heritage is very important, it’s just been a very childish one.
Self-serving and monstrously painful and destructive to all but the lucky haves.

And now we are proudly marching toward the ending of this evolutionary epoch and ourselves, with our self-absorbed thinking and self-serving behavior resulting in self destruction consequences and a grotesque resetting of Earth’s evolutionary trajectory.

Bull shit !
The problem is with not digesting the scientific evidence.

The problem is ignoring the new lessons science has uncovered!!!

The problem is in ignoring that your consciousness is a product of your body monitoring and communicating with itself.

Instead, we still demand a need for metaphysics to explain us (Chalmer’s contrived intellectual artifact, the so-called Hard Problem of Consciousness) - and all the delusional flights of philosophical fancy society is being subjected to these days, musings that do more to blind than to enlighten. (Hoffman and that gaggle of mathematician, physicist philosophers and their obsession with the heavens, rather than focusing on good old Earth and her squishy biological adventure.)

Cry me a river we have multiple conversations going on, we’ve been grappling over this for a long time.

You keep telling me there’s no there, there. Then you put up videos that explicitly demonstrate the “there” I’m complaining about, so I take the advantage to speak up. Besides, so far as helping inthedark, Kant has nothing to offer, Dark is already way past that, he’s down in the nitty gritty of our modern dysfunctional society, living out it’s schizophrenic self-destructive existence. Kant doesn’t have the wherewithal to speak to a cynic about our modern times in anything more than quant fairy tales.

I never proposed that! So long as you make up what you are hearing from me, we won’t get any where.

Biology is totally relevant to understanding ourselves and our thoughts and our personality and our struggles!

If you think I was trying to explain this:

It’s no wonder we have such a communication gulf between us.