Can you prove, that the human race will not leave, the Earth as Europeans once left Europe for the new World of America, and colonize another planet. This colonization may well begin with the primitive life forms needed to begin an ecosystem, of which the organisms will evolve and adapt to their new environment.
Can you disprove this?
Is this logical, being that we know our planet is finite?
If evolution is real, and those simple plants and animals evolved into an organism that is aware of the cosmos, would not humanity have acted as God for the organisms on this planet?
Just think.
No idea what that is supposed to mean. How does evolution make organisms "aware of the cosmos"? If there is a god and humans move to and survive on other planets the same god would have to have been involved and their survival would most likely be similar to the same evolutionary principles that are present on earth. Actually that would be the case whether there is a god or not. But I doubt that an omnipotent and omniscient creator of the universe, if there is one, would be surprised or disturbed at how it all unfolds.
Sheesh, I am only quoting evolutionist. The theory of evolution says that a single celled organism evolved into all organisms, including human beings that are aware of the cosmos at this point, what part of this eludes you?
The "awareness" part. Do organisms need to be "aware" of the cosmos to evolve? If they are unaware of it would they not evolve? Also, which "evolutionists" are you quoting? You can't just say you are "quoting evolutionists" without identifying them--at least not if you want to be seen as a rational person.
If humans move even plankton to another planet, and the theory of evolution is valid, then those plankton could evolve into humans or some other self aware of the cosmos life form someday, this is what your goofy theory predicts, this would also make the human race the God of that planet's life forms, what part of this eludes you?
Everything. You are limiting your god again. Couldn't he create plankton on another planet, or would he be incapable of that? It's your goofy theory that posits an omniscient, omnipotent god, then puts limits on him. So if your god creates life that evolves into humans on another planet, he is suddenly out of the picture and the human race becomes the god of that planet's life forms? Are you claiming that if evolution is true human beings are gods of the earth's life forms? If there is a goofy theory that's a prime example of ultimate goofiness. In addition, I still don't get the self-aware part. Are single celled organisms self aware?
What I have done is moved this argument out of the dead past, and brought it into the present and future, where anything can happen.
No, what you have done is move the argument out of the realm of rationality. You contradict yourself--and your claim of a god--at every turn, and bring in a new unsupported claim every time you post. Presenting new unsupported claims does not wipe out your previous unsupported claims.
Quote, "No, what you have done is move the argument out of the realm of rationality. You contradict yourself--and your claim of a god--at every turn, and bring in a new unsupported claim every time you post. Presenting new unsupported claims does not wipe out your previous unsupported claims." please elaborate, as you have just posted empty ideas, that I can not respond to. I enjoyed proving that the previous poster believes that Darwin's theory is supernatural. If you provide as much detail as he, then I can respond properly.
You have yet to "respond properly" to anyone on this forum. All you have done is make baseless claims and then try to twist responses to support your claims. Do you really think that the rational people on this forum (or anywhere) don't see through that? You apparently know just enough science jargon to make a complete fool of yourself and nothing more.
There is no evidence that DNA grew out of a warm pond, it you can produce anything "proper" to dispute this, feel free to present your dispute properly.
You have not come up with a rational alternative. You have not even presented a rational argument against it.
If you have proper evidence that evolution and life can exist without a DNA core, please present your information now.
If you have proper evidence that a DNA core is not necessary to life, please present it now. You have not even come up with a rational alternative.
Life without DNA, is like music without sound.
Quite an interesting quote from someone who denies DNA.
Seriously, I like the circular reasoning idea that you picked up from the how to annoy a creationist page. However since I know the trick, it just makes you look rather silly in my eyes. On the other hand, we would really appreciate if you could point out where I denied DNA.
I have never read a "How to annoy a Creationist" page. It's really not so hard that I need to read up on it. All I have to do is talk sense. That in itself is very annoying to a creationist.
Again DNA is a hard drive, now being used to store binary computer code, which makes your body composed of 37 billion hard drives all executing chemical computer code. That you believe formed in a mucky pond from nothing. Yup, this makes sense to no one.
I said nothing about a pond--that was your claim. But you apparently think your god could not have created it. He isn't intelligent enough a designer for anything that complicated, is he? He can only do magic tricks