370 prosecutors: Trump would be charged with obstruction.

Here is how the statement starts:

“We are former federal prosecutors. We served under both Republican and Democratic administrations at different levels of the federal system: as line attorneys, supervisors, special prosecutors, United States Attorneys, and senior officials at the Department of Justice. The offices in which we served were small, medium, and large; urban, suburban, and rural; and located in all parts of our country.”

It takes 5 min to read it.





Oneguy, if u deny that Trump did any obstruction, you did not carefully read the last part of the Mueller report, like the several hundred former prosecutors did, who wrote a joint letter about it. Here is a short excerpt:

"…The Mueller report describes several acts that satisfy all of the elements for an obstruction charge: conduct that obstructed or attempted to obstruct the truth-finding process, as to which the evidence of corrupt intent and connection to pending proceedings is overwhelming. These include:

· The President’s efforts to fire Mueller and to falsify evidence about that effort;

· The President’s efforts to limit the scope of Mueller’s investigation to exclude his conduct; and

· The President’s efforts to prevent witnesses from cooperating with investigators probing him and his campaign.…"

These aren’t raving liberals with TDS, like me.

Tell me why Trump would obstruct? What is the logic? -- Mike
I don't understand the question.

If Trump did nothing wrong. What would he gain by obstructing the investigation? What is the logic in breaking the laws to obstruct the investigation of a process that will prove your innocent? Not logical.

Fishing and entrapment are a ploy use by the investigation. Just look at Michael Flynn for proof.

This whole Democratic program is to get Trump no matter what. And Trump has had to fight Republicans too. The swamp is full on both sides.

Remember we had almost a 100% of the scientists backing aether winds. Einstein was discredited for not believing in aether winds. There was only one problem, there never was aether winds. Are your prosecutors smarter than the scientists?

Or is it possible that of the 700 plus former federal prosecutors are now working for law firms who have contracts with the government. There are only 93 active federal prosecutors at any one time. And the President can remove any or all of them.

Remember the prosecutors shut down Arthur Anderson, put 28,000 people out of work. Put its top management in prison. Then the Supreme court said they were innocent after proven guilty and threw out the Arthur Andersen convictions in 9 – 0 opinion. And guess who was working for Mueller. Yes, the same Arthur Andersen prosecutor. Thus, these federal prosecutors have no creditability.


Can’t follow your argument: Are you supporting Trump? Hard to tell with what seem to me to be straw man fallacies. I’m sure I’ve just misunderstood.

Perhaps a kind soul could dumb it down for me.

I am supporting the Rules of Law.

Is it not true that federal prosecutors put 28,000 people out of work at Arthur Anderson? Yes or no.

Is it not true that top management went to prison? Yes or no.

Is it not true that the top Anderson prosecutor was working for Mueller? Yes or no.

Is it not true in a 9 to 0 vote the Supreme court said Anderson was innocent? Yes or no.

The government has six ways from Sunday to put innocent people if jail if they want. Trump did nothing wrong. And the only reason he is not in jail for doing nothing wrong is Fox News watching and reporting on the government. If they had arrested Trump our nation would have been shut down like you have never seen before. Cities would still be without lights and water and the interstates would have been shut down. The working people are tired of all the games being played and are at the point of pushing back.

The question should be who is controlling these government departments? This is where we need to be looking. Into the Dark and Deep state.

The point being. You just had 700 plus prosecutor’s state that they could put an innocent American in jail. Is that a good or bad thing to you?

What are the common factors?

Highly educated in law.

Highly overpaid with an overpaid retirement plan.

Fully paid medical for life.

White collar environment.

They all are working for a government built for their caste.

The problem is the Lois Lerner/ James Comey types. And yes, the prosecutors fit the bill. Once the damage is done by these Un-American types the government settles the lawsuits with payout while people like Lois cash their big government retirement checks. The Americans who got hurt and lost everything defending themselves. I guess they should feel lucky they were not put in jail for doing nothing wrong. This is not the America I want. I want to see people like Comey and Hilary put in jail and the upper caste system destroyed.

Aether winds is something from the 17th century and does nothing to support this argument, or whatever it is you are doing.

If Trump did nothing wrong. What would he gain by obstructing the investigation?

He wouldn’t. But he would gain if he has done something and could obstruct the investigation. We know he did something and we know people who worked for him did things. Unless you are claiming that all the Trump people in jail right now are innocent.

Trumpublicans cannot support the rule of law, because they support Trump instead. Trump skirts, pushes against, exploits, ignores, and obstructs laws based on what his personal whims and wants are at any given time.

Trumpublican Senators are loyal to Trump ONLY because their absolute loyalty is demanded under the threat of Trump having them primaried. They care more about keeping their jobs than about upholding their oath to the Constitution.

The “Deep State” is a pernicious, shameless, conspiracy theory LIE. The ppl referenced are no more than the hodgepodge of bureaucrats that are NECESSARY for the basic everyday function of the govt. They do their jobs as best they can, without any malicious intent, and have kept things reasonably on track, despite the vagaries and outlandishness of Trump’s whims from one moment to the next.

Using Presidential power to imprison one’s political adversaries, to get foreign govts to investigate one’s political opponents, to protect one’s own interests against the valid interests of the citizens, to spread lies constantly, to minimize and deny the actions of Russia to impact our election, to put one’s self beyond the reach of any justice for breaking the law – these are all abuses of that Presidential power. These are all reasons Trump had/has to obstruct investigation. Because if the truth cannot come out, his lies and “alternative facts” (aka disinformation/propaganda) can hold sway.

Trump did wrong things. He knew that he did wrong things. He lied over and over during his campaign. Perhaps he did nothing that could be found to be criminal, but he certainly did things that skirted the possibility of being found criminal. AND members of his campaign DID do crimes that were discovered. AND besides protecting himself and campaign members from possibly actionable criminal findings, Trump did not want his many lies to be exposed. e.g., u don’t recall him saying during the campaign that he had no dealings with Russia? Investigation eventually discovered the efforts for Trump Tower Moscow.

London mayor says Trump not ‘in the same class’ as Obama, Bush, doesn’t deserve state visit”. This was in the news today. I thought I should post it in case you are having trouble in the comprehension of the caste system. The London mayor seems to understand the American caste system and who is accepted and who isn’t.


The Michelson-Morley experiment to measure the aether winds was done in 1887. It showed that there were no winds. But it was not believed by any of the scientists. And it wasn’t until the 1900’s that it started to go away.

Einstein wrote, “If the Michelson–Morley experiment had not brought us into serious embarrassment, no one would have regarded the relativity theory as a (halfway) redemption.”

The Trump investigation needs a to be brought into serious embarrassment too.

Point being. If all the scientists believed in something that was totally wrong and had no basics at all. Why would one think that a bunch of Philadelphia Lawyers are any smarter than the scientists? It just shows it is all political for the shysters. The bank robbers always can justify robbing a bank.


“He wouldn’t. But he would gain if he has done something and could obstruct the investigation.”

The investigation was for Russian Collusion by Trump. Nothing more, period. Trump people in jail had nothing to do with Russian Collusion as related to Trump. Is that not a fact? What is going on is like the police getting a warrant to search our house and all your records for doing something wrong. What you did wrong, they don’t know because they have not done the search and found anything yet. That is call fishing and is against the laws.

Point being. Two years, 35M spent, disrupting the government to search for crime that was not committed. Does the term “Banana Republic” come to mind.

Question. Who is backing the Banana Republic political actions? Who would want these people leading our country?

TimB, Let’s agree to disagree. TDS is to much like the creationism disease. Like judgement day coming in 1980, every prediction about Trump were false. You have been wrong about Trump on every item and now you tell me he is not upholding the constitution. Well, what do you expect from a Russian agent?

Deep State.

I research the career of an NSA banker because I wanted to know how our system operated. It is all about the dollar. The dollar is our strongest weapon. At the time I realized that if the deep state ever turned its resources on America, they could control us. Right now, we are testing what controls the deep state will have over us. China is working to dump the American computer systems and has been trying to dump the dollar because of the deep state.

The Clinton Foundation I would bet was setup as a tool of the Deep State. Thus, the Deep State wanted Hilary to win. I feel the Deep State did control a lot of the voting. And still lost. They must be having a coming to Jesus meeting right now on what to do next. Barr got in office without any problems from the Democrats, I bet he is there to re-balance the system and keep the deep state under cover. Also, I think the deep state has realized that Trump is not controllable, but really understands the power of the dollar and is easy to work with and is not the threat the deep state thought he was.

Deep state was a research project I did before I started researching religion. Followed it from the beginning after WWI. Vietnam, Formosa, Iron Curtain, Hollywood and its number one project banking were interesting projects of the deep state to me. It was much more interesting than religion research has been. The NSA is responsible for shutting down thousands of business and if the data ever got out to the public, the liability lawsuits would be more than the national debt.


I asked you a simple question; Do you support Trump?

“I am supporting the Rules of Law.” does not answer the question; it is an evasion…

Your attempt at interrogating me is a ham fisted attempt to avoid answering the question. I still don’t know where you stand. Right now, I no longer care. Getting a straight answer from you is like pulling teeth.

I have nothing more to say to yo on this topic.

All I see is Trump helping out the poor citizen.

What I do get is Trump never did anything wrong, period.

You guys invent stuff up to keep playing a political game. Kill Trump by a thousand cuts is your policy. The Dem have no morals at all.

Sorry Patrick, the above items I posted. Of course, I support Trump. But what is meant by “supporting” in today’s political environment? Supporting your side, even if it means destroying the country seems to be the Democratic method. Lie, lie and lie, then blame the other side as liars. I don’t trust the Dems or the Reps. What I trust is the rules of laws that America is built upon.

America went through the deployment of the radio. And we were almost kept from entering WWII due to the actions of the Deep State. The President had to go around the laws that were implemented by the Deep State of Germany here in America. After the war our government had to clean up the radio stations and newspapers that had been under the control of the German Deep State. Then our government went about controlling the news with our own Deep State.

If a radio station did not subscribe to the AP wire. Then they were put out of business by the IRS. That simple. There were 300 people who controlled America’s way of thinking. This was the psychology of keeping other countries like Germany from controlling policies of America. One man was able to spend 5M a month on radio stations newspapers and German American Societies and get laws passed that would keep America out of European wars. The 5M a month came from American investors in German Bonds sold by American Banks. It cost Germany nothing, the bonds paid for everything. In the end, the American taxpayers paid off most of the bonds, billions. Of the nine treaties we had with Germany, seven were about the bonds.

Point being. The radio stations, newspapers and banks had a lot of control over the actions of the America public and its psychological welfare. The idea was simple. You pick 300 good Americans and if they see something going on that shouldn’t be. They can stop it. That’s why the they needed to control the AP wire. With the banks they put a NSA banker on every board of every major bank so they could watch what was going on. And guess what? It worked. The banking laws were changed, and American banks became bigger and stronger.

Television came about and the NSA put guys on their boards too. Major U.S. companies that were international like G.E. had NSA board members too. This caused the U.S. to grow and develop into the world police force, you could say. For example, when a country in South America was going to communism, American companies would invest in the Democratic opposition and invest millions of dollars. No investment broke even, they all lost million. The President would praise the companies for investing and even give honors to accountants that implemented the projects. And it was never told to the public that those accountants working directly for the president were NSA. This way America never was directly involved with the political operation of other countries in any way that broke any treaties. This system was used a lot with the fall of the Iron Curtain.

When Obama became President, I was wondering who died or was taken off the list. Every president gets put on the list of 300. So, someone must be removed. This list was common knowledge and I had for years been able to view the list on the internet. Guess what, the list is no longer available, and all details of the list have been removed. That got me worrying, I prefer transparency.

We went from newspapers to radio, to television and now to internet. We have built a complicated system of controls that can change governments. Both China and Russia are working on alternatives internet solutions. Just last month Russia was able to disconnect from the world wide web and keep their system running. Can’t blame them. If I am not happy with how our government is handling the systems, why should other countries?

Before, just knowing all the presidents were on the list with people who were going to back the rules of law. And that most of the NSA were composed of university professors. I felt that this great power would not be used against us. Today I am not sure. And my trust in university professors not being political bias is hitting rock bottom.

Patrick, you now know why I am worried about the system and say that I back the rules of law. Sorry for not being direct. I do think Trump is going to turn out to be one of our greatest presidents. Right now, I trust Fox News and RT. That’s about it. If Fox turns on us, then I am afraid the NSA is controlling the news.

Every president gets put on the list of 300. So, someone must be removed. This list was common knowledge and I had for years been able to view the list on the internet. Guess what, the list is no longer available, and all details of the list have been removed.

You know you can look at websites that have been taken down, right?

Wow. “The 300 people who control America”??? Is the Illuminati not a good enuf conspiracy epic for you? The Putin playbook of disinformation and propaganda is full of conspiracy theory crap presented as truth. Trumpublica follows the Putin playbook.


You are right about the conspiracy stuff. I kept running into the list of 300 being used as conspiracy topics on the internet. And it could be the reason they took it down. If you researched the list yourself, you will find it was moved around in the beginning to several departments. They were always military departments. Thus, the reason for the program has got to be for military operations. One German did more for the war than any German division was able to do. If the President hadn’t done what he did. Europe would be speaking German today. Trump could not do the Lend-Lease Act like President Roosevelt did. The Ninth District Court would block it.


Thanks for the lead. Was not aware of the sites like that. I have not done anything other than keeping a check on what the NSA banker has been doing as far as business. I got to say Jesus lead a dull life compared to this guy. He is no longer on the board of the Taiwan Shanghai Bank. The American Bondholders Foundation set up by President Roosevelt so American could someday be paid on their bonds has gone quiet. The NSA banker controlled the foundation. At this point, I would have to say the poor America investors gets nothing due to the political process.

Right now, I am trying to clear my desk so I can put to bed where and how the wives’ tale of smoking marijuana will cause birth defects came to be. I figure that will take at least three months on the Harley. And will be fun. I got to be careful, I have been having more fun lately than the law allows. And that is with a broken shoulder.

You own a Harley?


Lucky Barstard!. These days I have enough to buy a new Harley.> Sadly, I no longer have the over confidence of the typical 20 something drongo. So this week I bough a new’ jelly bean’; a Mazda 2, 1596cc, 6 speed auto. It boasts 113 break horse power.(BFD) Best thing about is the colour; a kind of grey-blue. I suppose it’s a bit swifter than the geriatric Camry it replaces.

–I have never had a better car than my Datsun 1600, which I bought new in 1972. THAT car produced 98 brake horse power, and was terrific. Not quite the first word which comes to mind describing the little Mazda.

Riding a motor bike with a broken shoulder? Yup, that’s exactly the kind of thing I meant.


And it could be the reason they took it down. If you researched the list yourself,
Mike has become a caricature of himself.


Mazda makes some good cars. I had the GTX and the Z28 muscle cars and they were a lot of fun. But of all the cars I have had that I miss and would like to get again is the Triumph TR3. Two uncomfortable seats, ruff riding, cloth top, noisy, no power steering or power anything, no air conditioning. And not much hp either with the little four banger and horizonal dual S/U carbs. But I always enjoyed driving the car. How many cars today do you need a cap and leather coat to drive?

Does the grey-blue change color from night to day? I had a midnight blue car and at night time it was black and in the sun it was dark blue.