15 Years Late

Hey Guys. I’m new here and might sound a little silly buy how do I create a forum.

Also can’t wait to get into some convos with you guys :slight_smile:


I don’t follow this. I saw 2001 and 2010 but never heard of the others. I don’t know how they relate to this thread.

He’s saying, because he was in the WCG, he had his head up his butt and missed a lot of life. Church of God, whether it is World or Anderson, everything is a sin. Language (unless it praises God or is without foul language and blasphemy), actions (actions can be sinful too), sex (not uncommon), not being subservient to one’s husband, disobeying parents… the list goes on and on. Movies and most everything on TV is sinful, unless it adores/worship God. You can go out for ice cream, as long as who you are with serves God, but no movies. Basically, when you get into a Church of God sect you are in a cult and have your head up your butt, without a clue as to what is happening in the real world.

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But I woke up this morning cringing with shame over not acknowledging my grandmother’s birthday.

That’s what happens when one is in a cult. There is something in that particular cult that gives you regrets. I apologize if I overstepped by translating what you were saying about missing out on life due to being in a cult. Some cults are worse than others. CoG Anderson Indiana was bad enough, but World was worse, from what I gather, because my grandparents were always saying, “Not that one” when they told people they were part of The Church of God. It was years later that I figured it out, because they never clarified to me what they were talking about. While there are differences, I don’t see big differences, except not celebrating birthdays and holidays common to the general public. Everything is still a sin in both of the Xian cults. It’s just a matter of degrees.

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how do I create a forum. - @ham3x
You need a website host that allows for it, then pick the software, sometimes the website host will have something, then the fun begins. Lots of settings and decisions to make. I tried it once and got spammed by Russians selling heavy equipment. It eventually crashed it.

CFI switched to this WordPress platform a few years ago and it has not worked out that great. They are looking at a change.

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he had his head up his butt and missed a lot of life -- Mriana
I guess I was looking for some more symbolism in the particular movies he mentioned. Trying to make too much of it.

@write4u, I always go with the parsimonious until it’s time for a paradigm shift. Quantum woo was proposed decades ago.

@lausten, the only movie referred to is 2010, which has that awesome scene, moves me every time I recall it, where Dave manifests to Hal who has just laid down his life for the lying cowardly humans, and tells Hal something’s going to happen, ‘Something wonderful’. 3001 is the perfect rationalist follow up to 2001 & 2010, I missed 2061. Banks - a superb rational fantasist - instantiates ‘the sublime’. The most beautiful sci-fi film of all time is Tarkovsky’s Soviet realisation of Lem’s Solaris, in which a world loves a man. They all, along with Hoyle, yearn, play approach-avoidance with transcendence. Dance right up to it, twirl with it and ultimately turn away. Only Banks dares to leave the door open, and even that is to the pantheistic, the noosphere. I don’t do fantasy : ) It’s either hard science and rationality alone or grounded by intent, which, I submit, is only slightly more absurd than existence itself.

@djtexas, aye, but sooner or later, we’re all slaves and can’t overthrow the oppressor. And furthermore, being grateful doesn’t actually stop one fighting back when one can.

@mriana, ya got me, no problem. I did do movies and books regardless. Far more than most.

@martin peter clarke

ya got me, no problem.

I have found that CoG Anderson and WCG have quite a bit of similarities, as well as some differences. My grandparents only turned on the TV for the weather. Once the weather was over with on the news, the TV had to go off again and while music was OK, it had to be Xian music. My grandmother was the church organist. Jewelry was sinful until around the 50s or 60s, then they allowed it, but women could not be overly adorned. I did get lucky in that when I was at my grandparents’ house as kid I was allowed to watch Captain Kangaroo and the old cartoons like Felix the cat, if they were on, but then the TV was once again turned off. As a teen if I listened to the radio, it had to be on a Xian radio station, like it or not. I found the music boring for the most part. My grandfather read a lot and not everything was Xian. He came to the conclusion that there was no way that God only put people on Earth and believed there had to be others out there somewhere. In which case, we had to evangelize to them. And my grandmother read a lot of Harlequin novels, so they didn’t stick 100% to the cult teachings, even though my grandfather was the assistant minister. Yeah, I was a PC and I don’t mean “privilege character”, although I was a bit privileged.

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martin peter clarke said: I always go with the parsimonious until it’s time for a paradigm shift. Quantum woo was proposed decades ago.
I take it you don't like the reductionist perspective? I do, I am strongly opposed to the "irreducible complexity" argument. I find it always leads to a form of sophistry. I like logical simplicity of self-organization from chaos to order. It has a proven evolutionary track record.

Everything starts with quantum mechanics of pure potentials (the implicate) becoming manifest (the explicate) as physical patterns of various densities and temperatures (David Bohm_“Wholeness and the Implicate Order”)

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Au contraire @write4u, but reduction of intentionality to QM is an unnecessary, imparsimonious (a word that should exist) step or trillion too far. Is greater complexity, not less, going down and coming back up. I can’t stand the ignorance of irreducible complexity, because I was guilty of it and worse for decades. But the emergence of intentionality is in biology, not physics. We have no warrant for descending twelve orders of magnitude and more in signal to noise ratio.

I agree that motivated (intentional) action in humans is the result of complex neural patterns. As Tegmark posits, there may be complex patterns that acquire an emergent conscious quality, just as wetness is an emergent quality of a complex pattern formed by trillions of dry H2O molecules.

But that does not alter the fact H2O and Microtubules are some of the simplest molecular patterns (dimers) with potential emergent self-ordering states depending on sufficient quantity and temperature. Note that anesthesia renders the conscious extrospective part of the brain unconscious but does not affect the introspective part of the brain that continues to regulate homeostasis. Each brain pattern has a different emergent quality, just as H2O may be in a solid or liquid state, even in relatively close proximity.

Cold temp. H2O = Ice (solid).

Moderate temp. H2O = Water (liquid)

Hot temp. H2O = Gas (vapor)

Model of hydrogen bonds (1) between molecules of water

Water, ice, and vapour[edit]

Within the Earth's atmosphere and surface, the liquid phase is the most common and is the form that is generally denoted by the word "water". The solid phase of water is known as ice and commonly takes the structure of hard, amalgamated crystals, such as ice cubes, or loosely accumulated granular crystals, like snow. Aside from common hexagonal crystalline ice, other crystalline and amorphous phases of ice are known. The gaseous phase of water is known as water vapor (or steam). Visible steam and clouds are formed from minute droplets of water suspended in the air.

So we start with simplicity and as the self-forming pattern increase in complexity, the whole acquires emergent properties and qualities that are greater than the sum of its parts, and may be called an emergent supernatural quality (ice and water do not exist as independent physical entities), but are not added by or a product of a motivated supernatural agency. Tegmark calls that: “Not starting by asking the hard question, but starting with hard facts”, which are found in the simpler patterns. The trick is to find the point when the pattern acquires its extraordinary properties. We are currently working with the brains of fuitflies.

What are microtubules?

Microtubules are hollow cylinders [1] that are approximately 25nm in diameter [2] and vary in length from 200 nm to 25 μm. They are formed by the lateral association of between 12 and 17 protofilaments into a regular helical lattice [2],[3]. Each protofilament consists of repeating units of polymerized alpha (α) and beta (β) tubulin monomers, all pointed in the same direction. Multiple contacts within the microtubule, between both tubulin subunits and the protofilaments, impart rigidity [4].

Microtubules are a common denominator in all Eukaryotic organisms and in a slightly different form in Prokaryotic organisms. They seem to be a common denominator in all living things. A hard fact.





What has any of this eukaryotic universal got to do with intentionality? Does THC play a role?

Was going to keep my hands off this thread, but what can I say. :sweat_smile: :scream:

It’s so easy for someone like me who’s childhood was free of having religion forced on him. My parents wanted us to be introduced to Christianity and work it our for ourselves. Leading to a few years of falling in love with Jesus and his story, then falling out of love with the human’s who created and ran the religion. Then a decade or two to resolve the loss ends - ‘You mean when I die that’s it for me? Yup and it’s okay. Now remember to live your todays to the best of your abilities!’ - ‘You mean there’s no one watching over me every second? Only my own conscience and sense of self respect’ - ‘You mean I’m not going to burn in hell for playing with my dinky, or getting all excited about women? Cool!’

Then I focused the rest of my life on understanding this Earth’s, its Evolution, it’s biosphere, its amazing human creatures and me myself - it’s been a much more fruitful journey, than chasing other’s religious fantasies.

How do you do with Earth’s Evolution?,… and what that has to teach us about the human condition?

If you mean the evolution of life on Earth, it’s entirely natural. Mediocre. Predicated on entirely natural, universal abiogenesis. As soon as it rains, there’s life. As I said two lines up from your question, whatever science and rationality from it do. The human condition - that of an intentional eusocial monkey - is natural. There is no requirement for existence to be purposed, to have meaning, to be caused.


But. …

Mediocre? Seriously?
Guess there’s nothing that can 't be derided by smugness.

Guess that touches on why so few give a dang that we are destroying this planet out from under us.

Hmmm, why do you draw a distinction between Earth and Life?

You do know that life has been incorporated into Earth’s geology for very early on? In fact, a great many (I dare say most, though might get spanked for that) of Earth’s interesting minerals would have never happened had life, and it’s oxygen, not done their fantastical dance together. Then all the organic stuff being pulled down with subducting plates, and acting as flux to help melt and do other interesting chemical things.

Complex life is a dance between geology and biology.

I was going to say, sure maybe slim mold is boring stuff. But, you know, that’s just not the case, it’s absolutely amazing and still to a large extent incomprehensible.

I’ve been fascinated by myxomycophyta, as I initially learned of them, for half a century.

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“I tried it once and got spammed by Russians selling heavy equipment. It eventually crashed it”.

Russians :smiley:

Had almost the same problem when I tried to create my own forum for Arma 3 server I had back in the days.

Indeed, Robert Hazen has an entire lecture about the co-evolution of minerals and life , each contributes to the evolution the other. Minerals created life, life creates mineral complexity.

The Slime mold is a single-celled pseudopod that walks with its Microtubules.
The different types of pseudopodia are (from left): lobose polypod, lobose monopod, filopod, reticulopod, tapering actinopod, and non-tapering actinopod.

According to appearance, the types of pseudopodia are lobopodia (bulbous), filopodia (slender, thread-like), reticulopodia (a network of pseudopods), axopodia (thin pseudopods containing complex arrays of microtubules), and lamellipodia (broad and flat pseudopodia).(3) An amoeba or amoeboid cell may form more than one type of pseudopodia.
Pseudopodia Definition and Examples - Biology Online Dictionary

It searches for food by subtraction places where there isn’t any.

When presented with a maze to find the shortest path from “start” to “exit” (food) the mold begins by filling all paths. Then, where it finds a dead-end it withdraws and marks that entrance with a chemical (do not enter). This is a slow process but eventually it will find the shortest path to the food by eliminating all other paths.

This method of forming a supply chain is extremely efficient and using this method the slime mold managed to draw a map of the Tokyo railroad system with locations of stations (food) in one day, where it took humans about a hundred years to design it on a larger scale with “learned” minds.

The single-celled Paramecium has another method of microtubule driven propulsion

It swims driven by microtubule motors that beat"cilia" or rotate “flagella” for propulsion.

The single-celled Paramecium is a perfect example of this motion method about 4 billion years before man invented the boat propeller .

Transitions between three swimming gaits in Paramecium escape

Amandine Hamel, Cathy Fisch, Laurent Combettes, Pascale Dupuis-Williams, and Charles N. Baroud


Paramecium and other protists are able to swim at velocities reaching several times their body size per second by beating their cilia in an organized fashion. The cilia beat in an asymmetric stroke, which breaks the time reversal symmetry of small scale flows.

Here we show that Paramecium uses three different swimming gaits to escape from an aggression, applied in the form of a focused laser heating. For a weak aggression, normal swimming is sufficient and produces a steady swimming velocity.

As the heating amplitude is increased, a higher acceleration and faster swimming are achieved through synchronized beating of the cilia, which begin by producing oscillating swimming velocities and later give way to the usual gait.

Finally, escape from a life-threatening aggression is achieved by a “jumping” gait, which does not rely on the cilia but is achieved through the explosive release of a group of trichocysts in the direction of the hot spot.

Measurements through high-speed video explain the role of trichocysts in defending against aggressions while showing unexpected transitions in the swimming of microorganisms. These measurements also demonstrate that Paramecium optimizes its escape pattern by taking advantage of its inertia… more

Aye, what dysteleology achieves eh? No wonder teleology chose it :wink: