but then I remember everyone is trying to figure this out, and how consequential it is.
We have a few people like this here, not necessarily flat earth, but anti-AWG, or just not understanding science and accepting some random article as truth.
I never could “turn” a flat - earther. But I enjoyed having a discussion with them. Their arguments were all BS but well prepared BS. And I miss them. Because here in Germany they got replaced by the ‘Covidiots’ them being the anti vaxxers, pseudo healers holding hands with the Nazis and screaming freedom , Corona Dictatorship comparing themselves with Sophie Scholl or sending their kids on a stage to say" last week was my 11th birthday. Had to stay in. I felt like Anne Frank".
You can’t have a serious conversation with them. I don’t even know where to start.https://www.theguardian.com/global/video/2020/nov/23/german-anti-mask-protester-compares-herself-to-sophie-scholl-during-speech-video
Well looks like he at least embarrassed the silly idiot, good for him.
That’s exactly what more intelligent balanced citizens should be willing to do.
Someone should take her foolish butt for a tour of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial.
Too bad we don’t have a time machine, send her back for a taste of the real thing!
Three cheers to the guard who had the nerve to speak up.