Ouch, that’s god, I mean good. Master at diversion, I’ll hand you that.
Yipes, more than any other cause?
Write, you are a rationalist aren’t you?
Bring down the temp of your claims.
Hunger statistics show progress. But it’s fading.
The number of people affected by hunger has decreased by 189 million people since 1990. But in recent years the positive development has stopped. Since 2015, we have seen an increase in hungry people globally every year.
1990: 1011 million
1995: 989 million
2000: 900 million
2005: 945 million
2010: 821 million
2015: 784 million
2016: 804 million
2017: 821 million
2018: 822 million
also see - Losing 25,000 to Hunger Every Day | United Nations.
Yeah? . . . and then what?
Why are you implying that a regular person, or an especially curious non-psychiatrist, doesn’t have “Standing” to tackle that question?
Why, such a suggestion?
That’s a genuine head scratcher.
Guess I’m not quite ready to write off humanity outright.
I do see faith and community doing good things for some people and simply dismissing them as too stupid to worry about or deal with, well,
that may work for MAGA, but, most god fearing aren’t MAGA, so what’s to do with them?
Well that’s reassuring, I though you were talking about me, because I agree with scientist, from what I’ve heard coming out of Max’s mouth, he sure as heck sounds more like charlatan, than scientists!!!
But why should he care, the 5 million dollar man is laughing all the way to the bank.
What paradox?
Getting called out for talking way beyond what serious science can claim ?
Recently I again starting listening to Max’s book Our Mathematical Universe, and I can barely get through his contrived introduction with its just so stories for softening up his audience.
Man, that’s the stuff of intellectual entertainment and of an entirely different class then what the likes of Solms, or Damasion, or Lane, or Carroll, or Hazen, or Shubin, or Godfrey-Smith, or Al-Khalili offer up.
These men tell stories that are busy offering up bits and pieces of solid information (not what ifs, and lets suppos’ns) along with a coherent storyline to enable the audience to absorb the information - and then reprocess it within the constellation of understanding one has already achieved.