What is the meaning of life?

That’s a foolish lie. Don’t speak to me again. Got it?

I made that decision the moment you started preaching. Bye bye… click

No poser or pretender here.

Bye then.

Now we get to see if your word is worth anything.

Oh boy, so now miastarr plays the tough guy.

Have at it. :woman_farmer:

Go away, troll. Find a quiet corner where you can avoid thinking and then stay there.

I didn’t preach. In your unintelligent and hateful mind you reached a false conclusion.

That didn’t last, what are you doing back here? The other place didn’t pan out either?

Oh, so you aren’t leaving? But, you are playing the tough guy.

Cocky guy aren’t ya?

Write, he’s got you there.
Preaching implies some coherent message being presented. Miastarr has yet to share anything coherent enough to pass as preaching.

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You sound like a frustrated teenage delinquent. I could help you with your first steps towards wisdom and politeness.

You are a funny guy, you ought to learn about people before telling them who they are.

That escalated quickly.

Usually people at least post their thesis for a day or two before they start telling everyone what’s wrong with them.

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Did you research the CFI website before joining this group? That should have given you a clue about this group. None of appreciate being preached at by what we perceive as religion. I’m often bemused how someone calls some people in a group of established members a particular name, not realizing they are doing exactly what they accuse the established members of. I was going to explain to you where the block button is, but I don’t see any reason to do so.

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And that while claiming reason. The Reason for scientific inquiry is to take a different path than personal attacks. Follow the methods, make the case, let those others fight about it.

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What kind of joint is this?

How do you play?

What is Good Science?

Disclaimer: This is a gross generalization of what science is about; science is actually much more complex than how it is described here, but this will give you a basic background if you need it.

1) Science is a human endeavor.

2) Science follows certain rules and guidelines.

3) Facts versus opinions.

4) Science generally uses the formulation of falsifiable hypotheses

5) Acceptance of scientific ideas is based on a process of publication and peer review.

6) Replication is also vital to good science

or if you are ready for the big time , . . .

Once we have a visceral appreciation for the fact that our physical body creates our minds, it becomes clear that both science and religion are products of our minds dealing with the physical reality each of us is imbedded within. Two projects with two very different natures.

Science seeks to objectively learn about our physical world, but we ought to still recognize all our understanding is embedded within and constrained by our mindscape and the bubble our personal ego creates.

Religion is all about the human mindscape itself, with its wonderful struggles, fears, spiritual undercurrents, needs and stories we create to give our live’s meaning and make it worth living, or at least bearable.

What’s the point?

Religions, science, same as political beliefs, heaven, hell, mathematics, art, music, even God, they are all products of the human mindscape, generations of imaginings built upon previous generations of imaginings, all the way down.

That’s not to say they are the same thing, they are not! Though I think they’re both valid human endeavors, still fundamentally, qualitatively different.

Religion deals with the inside of our minds, passion and souls, Science does its best to objectively understand the physical world beyond all that, doing its best to eliminate ego and bias from its deliberations.

From this starting point a much more constructive conversation . . .

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Life has no meaning because whatever you feed to mind it train. As per my understanding life has only meaning to be calm, peaceful detached mind which is beyond all insecurity, without biased, take life day by day with some planning but not attached to it. Life is journey to understand it. All majority scriptures and psychology books teach human psychology to be calm so we can enjoy life. It’s very difficult to be calm and I am also trying my best. We are ourselves laws in existence and we can only understand laws because laws are itself defination of something. Our psychology of mind are laws and our organ follows laws. Any exceptional thing is abide by laws because we understand only definitions at some level which is law itself. Nothing is random even though sometimes it seems random. We don’t understand that random thing because we don’t aware it’s laws.

For me life means to have good like minded vibe around, do possible good thing for those where love possible and “have calm mind to understand and resolve challenges.” We are efforts and choices only in some sense.

I am self sufficiency/permaculture and science enthusiastic.

Well that was interesting, I find more I can agree with than not,
though I’d formula things slightly differently.
What really made me smile (if not fuzzy inside) is that reading that comment took me back to Woodside CA, (very early 70s) and some “successful hippy” friends with an awesome little cabin and landscape - hanging in the backyard talking about life and dreams.


Welcome to CFI, hope to hear more from you. :raising_hand_man:

You’ve raised some deep questions about life’s meaning. For me, it often boils down to what brings personal fulfillment, like relationships, creativity, or contributing to something bigger. I believe meaning can shift over time and is more about the journey than a single answer.


Life is journey to learn wisdom and you are right. It can be anything for anyone. To enjoy life peace is most important.
