… and the myth of the empty space within an atom.
There are people who will go on and on about the double-slit experiment and mind experiments, such as Schrödinger’s cat and other curiosities and how they hold secrets to understanding our own lives. The thing that gets me is that the quantum realm is about the tiniest realm imaginable, at the very base of matter. Of course, things are going to get weird, with particles popping into existence and out and atoms creating molecules that are constantly being knocked about by other particles - crazier than videos of the surface of the sun.
How’s that going to inform us about this planet, it’s biosphere, it’s creatures, humans and our day to days?
There are roughly 50,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms in a grain of sand. That is 50 million, million, million atoms, or 5x1019 atoms. Yes, that grain of sand that will comfortably sit on top of the head of pin. Quantum weirdness belongs within that unimaginably tiny realm.
By the time we factor up those singular quantum weirdnesses of ultra, ultra, ultra tiny bundles of energy, up to our macro world, all that curious weirdness gets lost in the sauce and structure of atoms and molecules.
It’s only our (human mind’s constructed) mathematical formulas that describe electrons as specks orbiting a nucleus, and atoms as entities mostly made up of empty space like some tiny solar system.
Only once we recognize the full spectrum of scientific understanding do we recognize that in reality electrons move so fast that they are smeared out into tiny forcefields that envelope an atoms nuclei within electron convalescence shells as solid as can be. Nothing empty about it.
Saying it’s all empty space is but a parlor head game. It’s frivolousness is easy enough to prove, one convincing experiment is placing one’s finger between a rock and a moving hammer. Results are immediate and dramatic.
Moral of the story
While it’s probably quite reasonable to claim that our macro world is ultimately embedded within this quantum fabric of reality and thus the echo of quantum mechanical behaviors must somehow resonate through the laws of nature as we see them - it’s still scientifically dishonest to imply that the behaviors and complex mathematics of that realm hold insights when translated into our macro realm.
Which is what some repeatedly imply when they seamlessly flip back and forth between the quantum realm and analogies within humanity’s macro realm of our day to days.