Underpopulation, oh come on


This should link to a short article and video. It ends with a particular brand of stupid that shows how dumb people are. Spoiler alert: Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson.

Major irony when the ad that came up was for online shopping. I didn’t see a link to the new study, but the clips from old one are spookily accurate. To me, the problem lies in how we relate to the words “growth” and “collapse” and “freedom”.

Population wil start to decrease in about 17 years?

By what method?

Including immigration is the wrong way of thinking about growth. If some people get to have more resources then you’re implying war and murder.

I agree in context of world population.
In context of population growth in a specific country due to immigration, that would be a valid factor.

Did you hear the part about where there needs to be some agreement in the world on social welfare policy? Where nation sovereignty can’t be a priority?

Well, in a global context, it would affect all countries and peoples.
There would have to be “common cause”.

Not annihilating the human race is the common cause.

It should be, but it isn’t.
Half the world’s population would love to see the other half “disappear”.
Therein lies the rub.

Yes, caring about the welfare of others and not wanting them to die are tied up together. The next step of social evolution is to understand that wanting others to be healthy and comfortable will make us happy. But for a long time, fighting for our stuff was a big part of survival, so that idea sticks around.

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How do you legislate compassion from the rich?

Still looking for the study itself

I think it’s on this site, but I didn’t get a direct link

Its author, Gaya Herrington, is Sustainability and Dynamic System Analysis Lead at KPMG in the United States

Sure would be nice if I didn’t have to work at it. Just give me the high level talking points so I can sound smart at parties.

Or a free download