You come up with some great lines to support what Israel is doing in gaza yet in the next post you try to walk it back, only to make you look two faced and duplicitous. You haven’t condemned anything that I have said to you about israel actions so then you are fully on board with israel goals of making this a final war by wiping out the Palestinians either through ethnic cleansing or as netanyahu has called for - Amelek (the killing of all men , women and children) .
You’re making assumptions and putting words in mouths. Name calling is really unnecessary.
I usually give a friendly warning first, but the next one could be an official moderation statement.
What name calling? I said “it makes you look”
Because he quoted write4you I think he was replying to him.
Alright. It’s a fine line or a gray area or something. No big deal.
Its like name calling someone a troll and the moderator gives zero warning or even a comment. A fine line indeed
Well, I’m out.
I’ll let history write itself and see who’s understanding of the situation was correct .
Have fun slinging ad hominems around.
Dont go. Israel needs you now more than ever.
The facts are that Netanyahu was taking about Hamas. Not the Palestinians.
Some would say it’s a dog whistle. Hard to believe he would think no one would make the leap
That was scary week, but America has come to its senses.
Biden advances $1 billion in arms for Israel amid Rafah tensions (
Biden threats to israel are all theatre (as i have said before) with Israel’s Defence Minister Yoav Gallant now announcing that her attack on Gaza will be expanded.
John kirby last friday-
Weapons shipments are still going to Israel. They’re still getting the vast, vast majority of everything that they need to defend themselves.
We will continue to commit to spending every dime of the supplemental request that we got from Congress to get them the capabilities they need… there is no weapons shipment cutoff here.
Thanks John.
We are all laughing at biden in israel. He said his red line will be if isreal enters rafah. Well israel tanks have moved to the centre of rafah and we have eliminated mote terrorist women and children . And biden is sucking his thumb . Thank you!!!

He said his red line will be if isreal enters rafah. Well israel tanks have moved to the centre of rafah
What are friends for.
Better wake up. Biden is just a figure head that’s all about money for the upper rich. It was unbelievable that Israel took so long to take control of Rafah. What is the war about? Hamas is going to merge with and take over the Egyptian Brotherhood. If it can be shown it knows how to be political on the world stage. And be popular with the Muslim population. I heard that the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt believe that Israel attacked Gaza October 7th. And that Israel is trying to commit genocide. Two days after the attack our students were protesting. Doesn’t fit any timeline except pre-planned. What is George Soros reason for funding protests? If Israel does not cut off the head of the snake. Then a lot of people will die, and the Palestinians will never be free. Institutions of higher learning, Before WWII there were 750 institutions of higher learning in Russia. And Germany was well into students’ ideologies without having any direct or forced control. The colleges in Germany had to go through a period of denazification and reconstruction after the war. We should not let our colleges get to the point that we have to reprogram the stupidity out of our smartest students.