TNA, the precursor to DNA and RNA?

The last bastion of ID is about to fall. DNA and RNA have long been a favorite of ID proponents and it is tru, DNA and RNA are very complex and do not easily assemble because of the particular sugars they use.
Enter TNA, a simpler sugar which lends itself much better to duplication and is not incompatible with the DNA and RNA sugars.

According to Chaput, one interesting contender for the role of early genetic carrier is a molecule known as TNA, whose arrival on the primordial scene may have predated its more familiar kin. A nucleic acid similar in form to both DNA and RNA, TNA differs in the sugar component of its structure, using threose rather than deoxyribose (as in DNA) or ribose (as in RNA) to compose its backbone.

This DNA matter is really exciting. In my Google News I have “Stem Cells" and “Genetics" listed for news that I want.
The discoveries keep coming in.
What will happen if the scientist can discover how to formulate people to live to say 400 years old?
If they get there, do you think they will tell us?

This DNA matter is really exciting. In my Google News I have “Stem Cells" and “Genetics" listed for news that I want. The discoveries keep coming in. What will happen if the scientist can discover how to formulate people to live to say 400 years old? If they get there, do you think they will tell us?
When we learn how to assemble a DNA and find a compatible cell, who knows what we can do.