The point of life/living

No you haven’t, your responses say otherwise. Shocking and appalling aren’t valid arguments against the point. I have listened and explained why your arguments don’t work, pay attention.

I do, but it is still a TV show. Such things are written to work out a certain way, they don’t reflect life.

Already explained why the therapists aren’t of any help.

Like I said, you don’t have an real arguments outside of “it’s an illness” which explains your replies.

To be honest, I’m not even sure why I’m replying when I know what the answer will be. You haven’t given this much thought.

It is though, by not being around or burdened anymore.

Yeah but to what end? It just sounds like that something we decided is good, this…doing things to benefit humanity. But why do that? It still ends the same, there are only so many goals you can reach and achieve before you get to the end and find yourself staring into the void.

I have goals like ending chronic hunger on the planet. There’s nothing wrong with the goal of having a little fun while doing that. I asked you what a “real reason” is, and you said “greater purpose”. That’s a goal, find a greater purpose. Because so far, you’ve just complained that everybody else’s reasons for living are too small. If you’re just here to put down others, then you can leave. If you don’t want to leave, we can arrange it for you.

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And exactly how is life burdening you? The need of hunting-gathering for food?

I seldom use biblical expressions, but this one seems to fit.

“As you sow so shall you reap”
If you sow misery, that is what you will reap and be burdened with.

OTOH, if you sow happiness, that is also what you will reap and be delighted with.

I showed you examples of real misery (starving dogs), and the result of relieving the burden of slowly dying by sowing kindness and sustenance, and restoring the dogs to enjoying life once again.

Question: have you ever really suffered from circumstances outside your control?

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Even then, to what end? Why do all of this or any of it? Like…am I missing something here?


Reality, unfortunately, doesn’t pan out like that. People sow joy and reap only misery while others sow misery and reap joy. The world doesn’t work like that. Sometimes you never end up reaping anything at all.

Yes, you sound like you’re suffering from depression. The more you talk the more like you sound like you have depressive disorder. Chronic at that. You also keep saying that others are wrong, rejecting what they are saying, insisting it doesn’t work or it’s not true. This shows a lack of desire to do anything, which in turn you display your depression again, by saying, “Why bother. We’re all going to die.” If someone says enjoy the time you have you deny them their enjoyment. What’s the point in talking to you when you refuse to find any enjoyment? There is not point in engaging with you. I’m guessing you don’t even have a girlfriend and if you do, she’s just as ill.

Why would the presence of a partner or not have anything to do with anything?

Maybe it is depression. Looking over some of the searches I’m getting on google I’m seeing that a lot of it does seem to match what’s been happening lately.

It’s harder to think, harder to plan, harder to remember, even harder to say no to impulses. I used to think it was just a sleep thing but maybe not. I don’t really feel sad though, but maybe…

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Which is why you need medication that works for you. That said, people aren’t always in touch with their feelings and therefore might not necessarily feel sad. As for a partner, depression can be a big turn off one doesn’t want to do anything and thinks life is worthless.

Well I meant that what I read is that depression isn’t always feeling sad, it can also be feeling nothing or numb. They said a common misconception is that depression is some great sadness when that’s not always the case.

I’ve been on various meds before but none of them really helped me out.

This is true.

Was the dose adjusted? There’s Zoloft and related meds (SSRIs), Wellbutrin, Buspar, and many more, with generics of course. If you have trouble sleeping too, there is also Trazadone or the milder Melatonin.

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The sleeping meds I got put on just got me more wired than normal, so they had to stop them.

I was on Zoloft in the past but didn’t see any changes, I do remember Wellbutrin but I think that just made me zonk out. That’s one thing I remember a lot of the meds doing. It didn’t really help my depression but gave me other effects.


I keep asking you. And I tell you that you keep changing your answer, but you deny that you do that, but you just did it. You started with the infinite regress questions of “why”, then you said that’s not what you meant, that we need a “real reason”, so I asked what a real reason is, and you said a “greater purpose”. Now you’re back to "why do all of this ".

You want something, but you don’t know what it is. That’s why you need to talk to someone who knows about people who have these questions, especially the autism part. A forum can’t do this because we are regular people with our personal opinions, we’re going to give answers that we’ve learned and that work for ourselves, not ones that help you sort your questions within questions and your rejection of our answers.

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Sleeping meds do the same thing to me. In which case, caffeine alone could help. It sounds counter intuitive, but it puts my younger son, my great grandmother when she alive, and even me to drink a cup of coffee when we can’t sleep and one cup of coffee never hurt anyone.

As for antidepressants, I have no suggestions on that. If you aren’t taking anything right now then St. John’s wart might be something to discuss with your doctor, but I would NOT take it with anything else, especially not an anti-depressant. Some people swear by it, I don’t, but then again, I’ve never had a reason to try it.

I’ve been going to the gym and that helps, for a little while, but coming back to the house well…

I just know since I’ve moved to a new state my mood has taken a nose-dive, when I visit “home” (AKA Florida) I feel so much better and able. My sister is there, my dogs, my brother, aunt, everything I know and love.

But the way things are now I won’t be able to head back anytime soon. I feel like I screwed up moving out her away from everything as I haven’t been able to get it together since then. But they already have a roommate and I’d need to sleep on the couch if I did room with them.

Hang in there. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.

If you feel better closer to family, your pets, and all, maybe you can work to move back, even if it won’t be any time soon. Maybe make it a 10 year goal or a 15 year goal. Save a little money here and there to make the move and even get a small flat of your own near you family.

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I was planning that, but I don’t know if they’ll stay in Florida. My dogs are already 9 years old and I don’t want the last day I see them to be when they have to be put down…

I know I can’t live attached to me my whole lives and they have their own things they want. On the other hand I’ve been trying to get it together while I’m here and it hasn’t worked. It’s been a year and a half and my mood hasn’t improved much.

I’m not sure what’s the right call here.

That’s something you’ll have to decide for yourself. No one else can do that for you.

Im not sure if I can, choosing this is what got me here in the first place so I don’t have much faith in my decision making ability.

I doubt you’d be happy if someone else made the decision for you. I don’t know anyone who is happy with others making decisions for them.