“The Jan 6th. Attack: Before, During and After” Washington Post investigative report

followed up with Blinkens psychopathic comments that this is a tremendous opportunity

And in what context did he say this? Parsing speeches for selected sound bites without context does not constitute critical thinking on your part.

That strategy is used by trolls.

Moreover, what does this have to do with Jan 6th?
Are you attempting to justify that domestic act of terrorism, promising to hang the vice president of the US and threatening to kill Nancy Pelosi, a respected Speaker of the House with a long service to the nation.
A threat that was actually perpetrated on her husband. Do you see the psychopathy in these unprecedented acts of lawless violence?

And you are blaming all this on the duly elected current President of the US?
I am afraid that you see this entire scenario from an upside down perspective.

And that does not match your expressed desire to see “critical thinking” in the act of civil discourse!!!
It looks like you’ve hitched your cart to the wrong horse.

your partner here asked to post something interesting. Use your critical thinking skills and apply any context you think applies. See how that work out for you

I did.
How did that work out for you?

works out well as you vindicate Seymours story

I believe CC4 addressed that story quite adequately, so no luck on that one.

Can you explain why you have adopted such an anti-American attitude and especially selecting president Biden as a bad actor?

Have you actually read the good things he has done in 2 years of crisis upon crisis which were not of his making?

IMO, President Biden may go down in history as one the all-time great presidents. He has done a superb job in all positive areas of socio-economic structure of the US in spite of major developments outside his control.

if you are going to reduce this down to a dumb anti american line of argument then I couldnt be more bored. Your critical thinking skills are non existent.

You did that all by yourself and I don’t find that boring at all.
I find that treasonous.

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This convetsation is already sounding like kids on a schoolyard, saying, “no, you are”, back and forth.

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I am still waiting for his response to my questions. All I get is deflection.

It’s the age-old question; How much trolling can a troll troll before they labeled a troll?


metalhead thanks for sharing that video clip.
America is a super power
Biden is concise and clear.
Sounds like an actually American President sure beats trump’s slurred sweaty idiocies .
But, that’s still not evidence that America did it.

Here’s story looking at Russia as the culprit:

I don’t know who bombed it, but I do know that Russians are destroying civilian neighborhoods just as fast as his missiles will allow him. Because of that my heart is on board with military action that will help cripple Russias military might. Why the hell not?

Can you explain why I should be especially upset about that particular incident?
Why should the stupid pipeline be the center of attention, what about the war atrocities Russia is inflicting, all because of Putin petty paranoid ego and golden fantasies of Empire glory?

Way back at #11 I tried talking about the bigger picture of the general insanity that’s infesting most of billionaires who are running the show, the show that is destroying our world and how to cope with that.

But, it seems, all that went right over your head. Why, because you seem too busy obsessing about minutia and trying to impress us with your own supposed moral superiority?

Then you come up with garbage like this.

“My Partner.”
What are you playing at.

That’s behaving just like MAGA Republicans, who are incapable of hearing any one else, because they are too busy creating their straw men, in their alternate reality that is simply not interested in doing any sort deeper thinking, let alone learning from mistakes.

Sorry don’t have the time to really do this justice, life is busy, but from reading your posts, seems like it would be wasted time and effort anyways. That’s what I find a shame.

Oh and Write isn’t my partner, we’re debate pals and we both think for ourselves. But if your self-generated fantasy is what you need to get by, don’t let me stand in your way. Oh and yes, I’ll admit I agree with most of what he’s responded to you, though not all of it. We are different people, don’t you know.

Here’s what upsets me more than the pipeline rupture.


2. The consequences of the conflict

2.1 Humanitarian impact

The humanitarian cost of the conflict for Ukraine’s population has been severe. Most obviously, large numbers of people have been displaced. The UN figures record around eight million Ukrainian refugees across Europe, with around six million people internally displaced within Ukraine itself.

Those remaining in Ukraine remain at physical risk from Russian missile and drone attacks. In total, the UN estimates that there have been around 18,000 confirmed civilian casualties, with around 7,000 killed and 11,000 injured, and that the real figure is likely to be considerably higher.

The casualties are often collateral damage from Russian strikes at Ukrainian power stations, transmission lines and other key infrastructure objects. These attacks have left over 40% of Ukraine’s power system damaged, leading to regular blackouts and pleas from the government for people to limit their energy use.

Ukrainian households are also at the centre of what has been described as a global food crisis. As of 1 February 2023, approximately 35% of Ukraine’s population was estimated to be suffering from insufficient food consumption, a figure which has increased 11 percentage points in the last three months, according to figures from the UN’s World Food Programme.

2.2 Economic impact

The economic impact of the war has been severe, not least due to the extensive damage caused to Ukraine’s productive assets and infrastructure and the way the war has dislocated the labour force. The Ukrainian minister of economic development has said that around 47% of Ukrainian companies have stopped operating. The finance ministry estimates that the economy shrank by around 30% in 2022.

This decline of private sector activity has led to a sharp fall in tax revenue which, combined with budgetary pressure for financing military spending, has created significant financial pressure on the Ukrainian government. In 2022, the government relied on the National Bank of Ukraine financing its budget deficit, but this has contributed to the depreciation of its currency, the hryvnia, and a significant rise in prices. The Ministry of Economy reported that inflation was 27% in 2022.

Going forwards, Ukraine is hoping to reduce macroeconomic instability by fully financing its budget through a combination of donor support, IMF assistance and debt issuance.

Situation Ukraine Refugee Situation

Oh, but you want something more concrete?
Okay, if blowing up that pipeline, will help put an end to this, then why not?

Rescuers search for people trapped under the rubble of a high-rise residential building hit by a missile on Jan. 14, 2023, in Dnipro, Ukraine.
Global Images Ukraine | Getty Images News | Getty Images


Has anyone else noticed that politicians make promises but they don’t always keep them? Germany was less committed to sanctions when Biden made those remarks. He could have been considering diplomacy, not bombs.

The same people who are quick to point out a broken promise are often the ones who use a comment like that to prove a secret agenda.

In President Biden’s case, he has congress keeping him from fulfilling all his promises. Or should I say a whole Repug House and even the Repugs in the Senate are blocking him. So it’s not all his fault that not all that a president promises gets fulfilled. Now I don’t know how it works on the State and Local levels, but I’m sure with our checks and balances, even a Governor gets blocked from doing what he’d like to do.

didnt block him when he blew up those pipelines

seymour hersh cant get published in the NYT but Thomas Friedman does every day. Thats the problem with mainstream journalism in a nutshell

He is the Commander-in-Chief. He is the “decider” in such matters.

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“metalhead, post:36, topic:8772, full:true”]
seymour hersh cant get published in the NYT but Thomas Friedman does every day. Thats the problem with mainstream journalism in a nutshell

Thomas L. Friedman, a New York Times Op-Ed columnist, writes about foreign affairs, globalization and technology.
https://www.nytimes.com › column › thomas-l-friedman

‎Friedman works for the New York Times.
Seymour Hersh doesn’t.
What do you expect?

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why is it so is the rhetorical question

And you are going to decide who the NYT should hire?

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