The concept of god in our minds

If you want to get all melodrama.
Okay, that is the general impression one could get from watching what we are doing to ourselves. If you disagree please share some metrics that reflect a thoughtful rational people working towards a healthy future. I’d love a little good news.

Could start with the state of mental health,

The State of Mental Health in America | Mental Health America.

… Eleven of the 15 indicators used to rank the states in the 2024 State of Mental Health in America report were calculated using the 2021-2022 NSDUH data. This is a reminder that the 2024 State of Mental Health in America report cannot be compared to previous reports. For more information, see SAMHSA’s statement here.

Oh well. I figure if someone can’t even get themselves to recognize and acknowledge our human self-absorbed nature and our blindsided self-serving, yet self destructive behavior - they aren’t in much of a position to get all high and mighty with their finger pointing.

Not to mention the grand hypocrisy - warm invitations: bring your ideas, let’s discuss -
OH NO! not those ideas, we can’t discuss that,
every thing else around it, compartmentalized like in a sterile operating room,
but no, not the actual ideas I’m presenting, those are too worthless to even repeat, let alone think about and discuss.

Lausten, what I’m seeing is that you misrepresent what I’ve written in plain English and it doesn’t seem to bother you.
You feel in a position to broadcast disregard, if not contempt, for my constellation of ideas yet you still haven’t discussing my actual words and concepts they spell out in any serious manner - so excuse me for not buying your dismissal, nor the professor’s - who’s own theory is that religion is bad and people should get rid of them. Like that’s a realistic suggestion.

But I know I should not be surprised, double standards seem to be a way of life for us humans.
And our hero’s have always had clay feet.

Oh I’m not saying you deliberately misrepresent, it’s more like a natural misunderstanding from having two very different world views and background. With you offended by my ideas to the point that you aren’t interested making the effort to understanding them.

I can feel bad about that. I can hate myself for offending people so damned easily I don’t even recognize it half the time. But no one has ever given me any breaks and I needed to deal with it. To learn to put my own ideas/feelings on hold enough to figure out what others were striving to say.

But in the end I still returned to my center of balance in harmony with my experiences and learning, assimilated what had value, flushing the rest.

In the end, I’ve been scares about human behavior and thinking pretty much my entire life, and the past fifty years have been plenty proof enough that my worries and fears were well founded and the rosy picture the big brains were feeding us had profound and fatal flaws that we collectively refused to acknowledge.

After all, conserving, maintaining and finding a way to be happy with enough, rather than obsessing with ever more - WAS TOTALLY OFF THE TABLE.

BURN BABY BURN HAS BEEN OUR SOCIETY’S BATTLE CRY. Don’t tell me I’m the one that got everything wrong - unless of course you think today’s world situation is the best we could have hoped for.

I don’t know what topic you are on right to now. This is beyond “red herring”

I never said you are wrong about AGW, greed, self absorption, burn baby burn, all that.

It would help to consider the context.

Perhaps review the context, if it’s still not making sense.

I believe all takes is some good faith effort, and a willingness to think outside of yourself.

Like I said, it would require some good faith contemplation,
try rereading the first post for what it is,
without focusing on sharpening those knifes of resentment because I dare question a few traditional (bankrupt) philosophical conceits and suggest a different Earth Centrist perspective makes much more sense - that is, if trying to understand ourselves matters…

Seems to me, the proof is in the pudding - does that concept make any sense?

yes. and that’s a belief that you have