The common distance of the stars , by Aetzbar ………………………………………………………………1
Countlees stars moving infinite space.
The stars are combined according to the idea of a central star , and ather stars revolving
around it. Each star is a central star and ather star, at the same time.
Kepler discovered the univerce formula D^3 : T^2 = P ( P is number )
D – The distance of ather star from central star.
T – Time that ather star rotates around a central star.
Newton : Each star has its material quantity ( M – view Newton)
M determines P that appesrs in Kepler’s universe formula.
If M will increase 5 times,then either P increase 5 times.
How to get the P of earth ? with Kepler’s universe formula. D^3 : T^2 = P
The earth is a central star for the moon.
Moon is far from earth 384000 km, and time it orbited the earth 672 hours.
P = 384000^3 : 672^2 = 1.2510^11
P of earth is determined by M of earth.
There are an infinite number of combination of D and T ,if selected D ,the formula tell us T. If you want to send a satellite to earth, a height of 88000 km ,time it will circle the earth,
predetermined. T = root of ( 88000^3 : 1.2510^11) = 74 hours
Finding p of the Sun.
The Sun is a central star for the earth (with the moon moves around)
P is obtained by the distance ( Earth – Sun) and time of 1 year in hours.
P of Sun = 42910^14 P of the Sun determined by M of the Sun.
The common distance of the stars , by Aetzbar ………………………………………………………………2
Galileo introduced an imaginary experiment , in which a ball falls to the entrance of a
Tunnel that reaches the other side of the earth. This ball will illustrate a pendulum
Movement , between the two openings of the tunnel.
The cycle time will be 1.4 hours. Marked ]T[
P of earth and ]T[ of earth ,determines by M of earth.
The common distance of the stars
As we move away from a star, lap time around it will grow. ( T increases) Therefore ,the
Equality T = ]T[ must appear each star, at some distance from the center of the star.
So that all the stars in the universe will be in harmony, need only a single distance which appears the equality T = ]T[
How do we find the common distance of the stars ?
Since M of star determines its P and ]T[ , must be a connection between P and ]T[
The connection is P ]T[^2 = number
This connection will reveal the common distance of the stars.
P of earth = 1.3*10^11 and ]T[ of earth = 1.4 hours
1.3 * 10^11)1.4^2 = 2.5 * 10^11 )
( D^3 : T^2) * [T[^2 = 2.5 * 10^11
T = ]T[
D^3 = 2.510^11
D = 6300 kilometers
The common distance of the stars = 6300 km
Satellite close to the ground, makes a complete revolution in 1.4 hours.
]T[ of earth is 1.4 hours.
Earth space are within 6300 km from the center of the earth.
You need to refill your meds.
Don’t encourage him. This nonsense is ‘not even wrong’].
Agreed. This rambling isn’t even coherent enough to qualify as nonsense.
]T[ of Sun is 8.7 seconds
In distance of 6300 km from the center of the Sun, T is 8.7 seconds
]T[ of Earth is 5050 seconds
In distance of 6300 km from the center of the Earth, T is 5050 seconds
6300 km is common distance of all stars
6300 km is a Natural Physical Constant.
The equality of times T = ]T[ appears at 6300 km from the center of each star.
Each star has its unique M and unique ]T[
M* ]T[^2 = constant
We live in a place of equality times
The Common Distance is an amazing natural physical constant which come from the work Of Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, and Newton with the idea of the Cycle time of the star.
Copernicus gave the idea that Each star is a central star and ather star, at the same time.
Kepler gave the mathematical connection D^3 : T^2 = P
Galileo experiments vaguely hinted on the term Cycle time of star ]T[
Newton that created the metaphysical term “quantity of material” M ,asserted that
M reflects P , and defines ]T[ according the mathematical connection P* ]T[^2 = K
( D^3 : T^2 ) * ]T[^2 = K
When T = ]T[ they cancel each other and remains D^3 = K
D is the Natural Physical Constant ,shows the equality T = ]T[
Summery: The Common Distance is an amazing natural physical constant which come from the work Of Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, and Newton with the idea of the Cycle time of the star. Copernicus gave the idea that Each star is a central star and ather star, at the same time. Kepler gave the mathematical connection D^3 : T^2 = P Galileo experiments vaguely hinted on the term Cycle time of star ]T[ Newton that created the metaphysical term "quantity of material" M ,asserted that M reflects P , and defines ]T[ according the mathematical connection P* ]T[^2 = K ( D^3 : T^2 ) * ]T[^2 = K When T = ]T[ they cancel each other and remains D^3 = K D is the Natural Physical Constant ,shows the equality T = ]T[Nice "summery." Lois
5 steps Creating a dynamic universe.
First step: Each star is moving and never rests.
Second step: Each star is a central star and side star, at the same time.
The Sun is a central star for the Earth ,and Earth is a central star for the Moon.
The Earth is a side star for the Sun, and the Moon is a side star for the Earth.
Side star revolves around central stare, with lap time T.
Third step: Each star has mass M and Cycle time ]T[
Fourth step: M determines ]T[ by the formula M* ]T[^2 = constant
Fifth step: The equality………. Lap time = Cycle time ….( or ]T[ = T ) will appear at
D= 6300 km, from the center of each star.(6300 km is a Natural Physical Constant)
Thus we have obtained the known universe.
Each star has a unique P resulting from the formula D^3 : T^2
Ok. So what’s your point? Or more specifically, why?
Welcome to the CFI forums, rudi. Don’t hold yer breath waiting for a coherent answer.
Dynamic universe without gravity, by Aetzbar --------------------------------------------------1 .
Each star has its Material quantity ( M – Newtonian view)
The stars are moving and never stop.
Stars move like a screw – turn and advanced.
Each star is a central star and side star, at the same time.(Copernican view)
The Sun is a central star for the Earth ,and Earth is a central star for the Moon.
The Earth is a side star for the Sun, and the Moon is a side star for the Earth.
Side star revolves around central stare, with lap time T
Let’s say that the sun is a point and earth as a point
If we move away from the sun,the distance D will increase from zero km to infinity km
lap time T will increase (from zero hours to infinity hours)
If we move away from the Earth,( D will increase from zero km to infinity km )
lap time T will increase (from zero hours to infinity hours)
The Sun has a unique fit between D and T, and the Earth has a unique fit of D and T.
Each star has its unique fit between D and T.
Kepler fined the formula of the stars D^3 : T^2 = P
P is a unique number of star, that represents a unique fit between D and T.
There is a link between M of star to P of star ( M1 : M2 = P1 : P2 )
How to get the P of earth ?
The earth is a central star for the moon.
Moon is far from earth D = 384000 km, and time it orbited the earth T = 672 hours.
P of Earth = 384000^3 : 672^2 = 1.2510^11
Dynamic universe without gravity, by Aetzbar ------------------------------------------------ 2
Finding p of the Sun.
The Sun is a central star for the earth (with the moon moves around)
P is obtained by the distance ( Earth – Sun) and time of 1 year in hours.
P of Sun = 42910^14
Each star has also its Cycle time ( marked ]T[ )
Galileo introduced an imaginary experiment , in which a ball falls to the entrance of a
Tunnel that reaches the other side of the earth. This ball will illustrated a pendulum
Movement ( of 1.4 hours ) between the two openings of the tunnel.
The cycle time of the Earth will be 1.4 hours.
each star has its Cycle time.
M of star determines its ]T[ , by the formula M* ]T[^2 = K (constant)
Because M1 : M2 = P1 : P2
We have the formula P* ]T[^2 = K
According to P of Earth and ]T[ of Earth , K = 2.510^11
With the formula P ]T[^2 = 2.5 10^11 can calculate ]T[ of Sun = 8.7 seconds
Natural Physical Constant
The formula P ]T[^2 = 2.510^11
is the formula (D^3 : T^2) ]T[^2 = 2.5 * 10^11
The formula shows that the situation of T = ]T[ appears at the distance of 6300 km, from
the center of each star.
D^3 = 2.5*10^11
D = 6300 km
Thererfor , 6300 km is a Natural Physical Constant.
Dynamic universe without gravity, by Aetzbar ------------------------------------------------ 3
The equality of times law
The equality………. Lap time = Cycle time ….( or ]T[ = T ) will appear only at
D= 6300 km, from the center of each star.
6300 km is a Natural Physical Constant.
The equality of times law determines that each star has a unique fit between D and T