South Korean delegation announces to America, that our president has agreed to meet with Kim Jong Un. White House (was) mum.

Fundamentally I’m totally in favor of America and North Korea meeting.
But what the hell is going on - an announcement made in front of White House by South Korean delegation, without any America officials present,
announcing the US President was going to make such an astounding meeting. Within a couple months at that.
This ain’t a three ring circus, it’s a kaleidoscopic circus. A high-level South Korean delegation has passed on a message from North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong Un to President Donald Trump, inviting the American leader for an unprecedented meeting regarding the ongoing nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula. After meeting directly with Kim, South Korean National Security Chief Chung Eui-yong and his delegation flew to Washington to hold a press conference in front of the White House on Thursday. Chung, who previously said the young leader may be willing to halt weapons testing and ultimately abandon the nuclear weapons if his country's security could be guaranteed, revealed the historic invitation.

And as one of the news shows pointed out, the State Dept earlier announced no such meetings were planned. Oh and how dare you denigrate circuses! :wink: