Science validates the Bible, which is God's word

The universe. Who says it must have a beginning ?

Detailed measurements of the expansion rate of the universe
place the Big Bang at around 13.8 billion years ago, which is thus
considered the age of the universe. After its initial expansion,
the universe cooled sufficiently to allow the formation of subatomic particles,
and later simple atoms.

Big Bang - Wikipedia

Pope Francis’s comments on the Big Bang are not revolutionary.
Catholic teaching has long professed the likelihood of human evolution
Patrick Cusworth 31 October, 2014

Perhaps it was inevitable that Pope Francis’ comments on the Church’s
position on scientific theories such as the Big Bang and evolution would
cause a stir. In his address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences,
the Pope cautioned against the image of God the creator as “a magician,
with a magic wand”, arguing that belief in both theories around the beginnings
of the universe and the birth of humankind are consistent with the Catholic faith.

“The Big Bang, which is today posited as the origin of the world, does not contradict
t the divine act of creation; rather, it requires it”, he stated. Similarly, he argued,
“evolution of nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation because
evolution pre-supposes the creation of beings which evolve.”

My viewpoint.

The bible is a book of science.

The bible is about morals and ethics.

The science of moral philosophy is referred to as morality.

People who you may know who cover the science of the bible are Richard Dawkins, Daniel C. Dennett, Steven Pinker, and Edward O. Wilson. On this site Lausten would be the person that covers the science of the bible.

The science of morals and ethics does not have to be built on true facts. It can be based upon principles to teach morals and ethics.

The question here is – Does God’s principles validate the science of morality?


No. The bible is baloney, written by people who didn’t know that planets revolve around the sun, knew nothing about biology, cosmology, geology, psychology or modern logic. Try to come into the 21st century, or at least the 20th, if you can manage to give up ancient fairytales.







prasadarao: Bible and Quran say God created heavens and earth. Bible further says God created this universe about 6000 years back out of nothing. Science says the Universe is formed billions of years back and is still expanding. Hindu Vedas say God has not created this Universe but this Universe is a manifestation out of God. i.e., whole Universe is a part of God. Further, Scientific estimation of Universe formation date and Vedic estimation of Universe manifestation date nearly match. Vedas further say the Universe finally merges with God from whom it has come out. Jainism believes in God but does not believe in creator God. According to Jainism, this Universe is neither created by Anyone nor sustained by Anyone nor destroyed by Anyone but is self existent and runs on its own accord based on its own cosmic laws.


The bible says all sorts of things that have been proven to be untrue. Why stake your life on ancient fiction written by people who were completely ignorant of modern science and critical thinking? They had an excuse for being ignorant, inept and gullible. What’s yours?

As you know, there is a big difference between ‘‘science of ethics’’ and
''science of physics / chemistry ‘’
Physics is written by formulas and ethics by metaphors

“As you know, there is a big difference between ”science of ethics” and
”science of physics / chemistry ”
Physics is written by formulas and ethics by metaphors”

Meaningless babble