Regarding malicious willful ignorance and the embrace of lies.

I got a question:

When do we as a society finally get behave intolerant and confrontational towards malicious willful ignorance?

When do we as a society finally get be militant in defense of respecting truth, honesty, physical reality?

After all, we do need each other to keep ourselves honest.

Honesty, respect for knowledge and experience, is the key to learning and lasting constructive solutions -

so when the hell to we as a society get to start demanding that of EVERYONE, even of the God Fearing respect physical truth?

When do we get to point out the difference between EGO Run Amok,

and the God of Time & Light, Life & Love???

When will we as individuals start appreciating the two fundamental domains of reality.

The Physical Reality, this Earth and Evolution, which gave birth to us, and which will continue long after we are dust and less.

And our (individual and collective) Human Mindscapes, our minds, our eyes to perception.

When do we as a society finally get be militant in defense of respecting truth, honesty, physical reality?
We don't. Every despot, every cult, says they have the truth. It's not enough to claim it. It has to be demonstrated. That's the struggle.

Willful ignorance? You mean like the Rep Gov of Georgia, yesterday, declaring that it was just revealed to him that COVID-19 can be passed by asymptomatic carriers. He said that is a “game-changer” and finally directed Georgia to self isolate. So, him just now recognizing that basic known fact is about like someone who gets hit in the head with a baseball bat, over and over, for months, until finally deciding it is a good idea to avoid people wielding baseball bats.

We are living in a society where a large % of our people believe LIES routinely until reality might impinge on credence beyond the ability to maintain the LIE. At that point, should it occur, they will just create new LIES to revise history or otherwise excuse their unwarranted faith in the LIES.

I’m pretty sure the “physical” aspect of reality is contested by more than a few people.

It’s the problem of solipsism (soft not the hard one which has no evidence for it).

You can’t prove either. In short I cannot verify that everything isn’t just a figment of my mind or that there is an external reality independent of myself. Granted that doesn’t mean there isn’t one but the main point is that it’s a belief in an external and independent reality, not really knowing it to be so. Like I believe that other people exist and have minds and the like even though I cannot prove it.

Is it any wonder we as a people are destroying our life support system as fast as possible! Nope no question there - cold hard statement. :- |

In a universe that created all the process we can witness unfolding outside of ourselves - to seriously believe your EGO is equal to physical reality, and that objective appreciation is non-existent, underscores why our future has become totally hopeless.

Tooo fucking much hollywood and fantasy thinking each and everyone one of ya.

In a universe that created all the process we can witness unfolding outside of ourselves – to seriously believe your EGO is equal to physical reality, and that objective appreciation is non-existent, underscores why our future has become totally hopeless.” citizenshallengev3

Nicely stated retort to the insanely inadequate view that reality is just a figment of our own perception and hence any LIE might just be an “alternate fact”.

Well there is a difference, but you can’t really solve the problem posed by “soft” solipsism.

Thank you sir. {Tim, not the snowy fool with his head up his ass.}

Always appreciate your substantive follow ups.

Sorry Lausten, uncalled for. I know, I know. I’m just glad I don’t have the type in this room with me.

Would be interesting to see if a little friendly physical bitch slapping might get better results than intellectual bitch slapping, which turns out to be totally worthless when there’s no intellectual integrity or good faith in that head for sense to bump up against.

Like trying to box in a weightless cube.

Know what I mean Lausten, every once in a while in life, you need to get down in the gutter with the bullies and treat them to their own medicine.

You can whine all you want CC but the problem of Solipsism is inescapable.

“the problem of Solipsism”? Do you mean something like Solipsism Syndrome?

Would be interesting to see if a little friendly physical bitch slapping might get better results than intellectual bitch slapping, which turns out to be totally worthless when there’s no intellectual integrity or good faith in that head for sense to bump up against.
If liberals were even capable of fighting you might have a point.

I guess you have never heard of Daniel Richards.

You should check this out snow city. You can get 30 days free.

Yeah guy, occasionally we understand each other :wink:

I’ll admit sometimes it’s embarrassing considering myself liberal after seeing them"liberals" in action.

That’s why I like to keep my commitments simple, like good-faith learning, truthfulness, honesty, behaving with dignity and honor, empathy and commitment to others, living my days aware of my good fortune, then I die, comfortable in the awareness that a few tears will be shed and some will miss me.

Can’t help it that my being resonates with the Golden Rule that expects us to treat others, as we would have them treat us. (with a bit of dignity and honor, while keeping one’s word.)

rather than the other golden rule that believes gold gives one the right to demolish other’s lives - while disregarding fundamental physical reality.


The Physical Reality, this Earth and Evolution, which gave birth to us, and which will continue long after we are dust and less.
The physical reality is that eventually the Sun will become so large that it will consume the Earth. This planet and indeed the entire universe is transient, or so our science types tell us. Better to enjoy what you have while you have it.

So, in the final analysis what difference does what one believes make to anyone else? It is much better, I think, to limit your concerns about other people to their actions. After all unless you can read minds you will never know for sure what someone thinks.