President Trump is a great leader.

It feels like Trump is already our President even though he hasn’t been sworn in yet.
What a great man! When’s the last time an elected leader went on a thank-you tour?
I can see really good things to come with this administration.
Honestly! Who gives a thank you tour? What genuine heartfelt feelings he must have for Americans.
I hope y’all are ready to make America great again.
Wooo hooo!! :slight_smile:

It feels like Trump is already our President even though he hasn't been sworn in yet. What a great man! When's the last time an elected leader went on a thank-you tour? I can see really good things to come with this administration. Honestly! Who gives a thank you tour? What genuine heartfelt feelings he must have for Americans. I hope y'all are ready to make America great again. Wooo hooo!! :-)
Sorry Darron this foolishness deserves a bit of a reality check: Silly boy, Trump is using those tours because he doesn't know anything else but showmanship. Sucking in the love of the crowd.
Dec 9, 2016 | 9:03am EST Trump gets one presidential intelligence briefing a week: sources By Mark Hosenball | WASHINGTON President-elect Donald Trump is receiving an average of one presidential intelligence briefing a week, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter, far fewer than most of his recent predecessors Trump's vice president-elect, has been receiving his own PDB at least six days a week, the sources familiar with the matter said.
Donald Trump Can't Find Time For Intelligence Briefings, But Has Loads Of Free Time For 'Celebrity Apprentice' By MORGAN BRINLEE Although not required, such daily briefings are generally considered a vital resource for incoming presidents. And given Trump's lack of military and political experience, one might think he'd be especially keen to bring himself up to speed on matters of national security. Vice President-elect Mike Pence reportedly receives at least six a week, according to Reuters In an interview with Fox News' Chris Wallace, former Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway said Trump was "not always skipping those briefings." She claimed the president-elect was "briefed by a number of credible sources on these issues," but failed to specify who those sources were. {what like Bannon?}

VYAZMA do you care much about America and our 230 some year old democratic government?
What is it that you expect Trump to do for America?
What qualities do you find him?

Sucking in the love of the crowd.
When you say "crowd" do you mean the deplorable, irredeemable people?
Sucking in the love of the crowd.
When you say "crowd" do you mean the deplorable, irredeemable people? Ah mikie, the quote was "basket of deplorable. Why your need to embellish it? Can't help yourself I, guess its a tribal thing. But of course your behavior and this example is right in line with the reality distortion thing Rightie seem dependent on. How about if we label them, the gullible, soon to be disillusioned, masses, that got suckered in by Alt-right hysteria along with Russian manipulation and the Koch/corporate money/PR machine into believing lies and bullshit would be a more apt description. As for Trump's Deplorables, they definitely exist. In particular the Alt-Right - fabricators and broadcasters of malicious total fabrications, that would be LIES, FRAUDS with intent to do harm.
November 28, 2016 Profiles in Treason - Citizens United I’m a very busy individual and there is simply too much to keep up with and though I am familiar with the basic outline of their democracy shattering court case Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission and how Right-wing activist Supreme Court Justices decided that it’s okay for corporate Oligarchs to buy US elections in our evolving Corporation of American. I actually never visited their website to take a look myself until a couple days ago after another story about Bernie Sanders going after them. I was surprised, nay, shocked, to say the least. Their basic pitch starts:
Citizens United who We Are: Citizens United is an organization dedicated to restoring our government to citizens' control. Through a combination of education, advocacy, and grass roots organization, Citizens United seeks to reassert the traditional American values of limited government, freedom of enterprise, strong families, and national sovereignty and security. Citizens United's goal is to restore the founding fathers' vision of a free nation, guided by the honesty, common sense, and good will of its citizens. Officers and Board of Directors David N. Bossie, President and Chairman of the Board Burtonsville, Maryland Michael Boos, Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary Manassas, Virginia Brian Berry, Director Media Consultant Austin, Texas Ron Robinson, Director President, Young America's Foundation Reston, Virginia John Bliss, Director Attorney Denver, Colorado Kirby Wilbur, Director and Treasurer Duvall, Washington
All that sounds reasonable enough, in a contrived sort of way. At least, it’s rational words linked together. One would hope it offers a basis for dialogue with ideological ‘opponents’. {in here I have a link to CitizensUnited, but I'm not reproducing it here, they are easy enough to look up.} Except, I know from other conversations that when they use the word “honesty" it means: their own self-certain opinions - it has nothing to do with an objective evaluation of facts. They make it really simple, everything that doesn’t conform with their perspective is a lie (period!) and anyone opposed to their notions are enemies. Fellow Americans, don’t exist in their universe, it’s us vs them. Okay that’s looking at the words, now try to view their blog at I had no idea that Citizens United was actually a blatant hate group that seems to be dedicated to fomenting a civil war amongst Americans. It was hideously shocking, then as the surprise wore off, it was deeply frightening to realize many fellow Americans have become so saturated with blind hatred and misplaced anger. These people don’t want to reform our government, they want to destroy it ! Cut off your nose and poke out your eyes, to spite your face is what it sounds like to me. Wake up America, this is not a drill! Democracy use it or lose it! Most Americans are totally unaware that Citizens United is actually Koch's Bullies. Ironically there’s every indication that Russian Oligarchs have had a heavy hand in this election - and I tell you what, take a look at those videos and tell me that Citizens United website sure don't look more like a vintage Russian Propaganda review than anything we could have imagined coming out of our United State of America? Americans, it’s your move! _________________________________________________________ Citizens United (organization) _________________________________________________________ Co-sponsor a constitutional amendment to OVERTURN CITIZENS UNITED _________________________________________________________ - Center for Responsive Government

Mike belongs to that new generation of Americans that believe the world is suppose to fit into their own world view,
when the world doesn’t agree with them, they have decided that they’ll replace reality with what ever fiction serves their agenda best of the moment.
Here for those of us who didn’t have time for this nonsense when it went down, here a peek at the complete story and it appears another example of the Right-wingers ripping something out of context and morphing it into a opportunistic fiction.

In Context: Hillary Clinton and the 'basket of deplorables' By Angie Drobnic Holan on Sunday, September 11th, 2016 Clinton began the night with a standard welcome before criticizing Trump and the types of judges he might appoint to the U.S. Supreme Court if he were elected.
She then noted that she had "a special commitment" to LGBT community and spoke in support of gay rights: "In too many places still, LGBT Americans are singled out for harassment and violence. You can get married on Saturday, post your pictures on Sunday and get fired on Monday. That's why we've got to continue the forward march of progress." "And we cannot do it alone. I cannot do it alone. I'm not like Donald Trump, who says, 'I alone can fix it.' I've never quite figured out what it is he alone can fix. But that's not what you'll hear from me. I think we have to do this together. So, together we're gonna pass the Equality Act to guarantee full equality. We're going to put comprehensive quality affordable healthcare within reach for more people, including for mental health and addiction. We're going to take on youth homelessness, and as my wonderful, extraordinary, great daughter said, we are going to end the cruel and dangerous practice of conversion therapy. We're going to keep working toward an AIDS-free generation, a goal that I set as secretary of state, and with your help we're going to pass comprehensive gun laws. ..." "I know there are only 60 days left to make our case -- and don't get complacent, don't see the latest outrageous, offensive, inappropriate comment and think, well, he's done this time. We are living in a volatile political environment. You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic -- you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people -- now 11 million. He tweets and retweets their offensive hateful mean-spirited rhetoric. Now, some of those folks -- they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America." "But the other basket -- and I know this because I see friends from all over America here -- I see friends from Florida and Georgia and South Carolina and Texas -- as well as, you know, New York and California -- but that other basket of people are people who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they're just desperate for change. It doesn't really even matter where it comes from. They don't buy everything he says, but he seems to hold out some hope that their lives will be different. They won't wake up and see their jobs disappear, lose a kid to heroin, feel like they're in a dead-end. Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well." "And what I hope is that in addition to your extraordinary generosity, you will go to our website,, or text to join at 47246 to see how else you can get involved."

No embellishing or distortion going on here. After the “basket of deplorables" she then called them “irredeemable".
Where is the Russian manipulation? The emails didn’t show any evidence of anything to profit Russia or even mention Russia. Obama with all his connections, which by the way, must not be half as good as yours, because he has ask the CIA to look into any Russia involvement. And he hopes to get an answer before the end of his presidency. Yet you already know the answers. And you are expanding your secret knowledge to others. You might give Obama a call.

Thanks, I needed that...
No embellishing or distortion going on here. After the “basket of deplorables" she then called them “irredeemable". Where is the Russian manipulation? The emails didn’t show any evidence of anything to profit Russia or even mention Russia. Obama with all his connections, which by the way, must not be half as good as yours, because he has ask the CIA to look into any Russia involvement. And he hopes to get an answer before the end of his presidency. Yet you already know the answers. And you are expanding your secret knowledge to others. You might give Obama a call.
Your priorities are mighty weird. But this you give a free pass.
November 28, 2016 Profiles in Treason - Citizens United
Okay don't feed the trolls, WTF (or FT) fight them with evidence! There are others looking in. :long:
No embellishing or distortion going on here. After the “basket of deplorables" she then called them “irredeemable". Where is the Russian manipulation? The emails didn’t show any evidence of anything to profit Russia or even mention Russia. Obama with all his connections, which by the way, must not be half as good as yours, because he has ask the CIA to look into any Russia involvement. And he hopes to get an answer before the end of his presidency. Yet you already know the answers. And you are expanding your secret knowledge to others. You might give Obama a call.
Your priorities are mighty weird. But this you give a free pass.
November 28, 2016 Profiles in Treason - Citizens United
Okay don't feed the trolls, WTF (or FT) fight them with evidence! There are others looking in. :long: CC, if you are really concerned about the democratic system then be careful of what our secret organizations are doing. Have you checked out Citizens United in your Profiles in Treason? You might check out Ron Robinson of Reston, Virginia. I have come across that name before connected with the NSA. Reston, VA., is a hot spot for NSA, CIA, FBI, etc. I am a 100 times more concerned about what these secret departments are up to than what Russia is doing. Secret departments, secret courts, secret laws. What kind of democratic system do we have operating today?