They are related. You cannot trust the biblical authority’s interpretation because they are biased with extreme prejudice against this. It would defeat their own preferred divorce from other prior civilizations. The claim that “atom” is merely ‘Greek’ is misleading with intent. But the Greeks likely adopted the term as it relates to their own memetic evolution of language. The “atom” is defined as “indivisible” by what we get from the Greeks. But Adam IS the prime characterization of what referenced ‘clay’ or the Earth beneath one’s feet and what would be intetpreted as solid. Both ‘adam’ and ‘atum’ have ‘m’ as its ending sound and likely referred to the objective endings as ‘n’ is to subjective endings. ‘t’ and ‘d’ relate to things but evolved of a mimicking of the sound of striking things like wood, versus something like a rock (or better, metal).
All our languages related but change due to many things. It is more likely that the phonetic sounds are what initially created words, not arbitrary symbols. A good read that I think relates to us here as skeptics is Richard Dawkin’s “The Selfish Gene” where he talks of words having the same kind of genetic like evolution and his analogy to how genes operate.
I can take most of the significant names and show such memetic relationships like this. But note that other factors have influence too just as genes can mutate by a variety of ways. Politics is an excellent example. Take some words more close in time, like “lieutenant”. If you are American, you will pronounce it “loo-ten-ant” but how do you think the British colonial commonwealth countries opted to choose to pronounce it, “lef-ten-ant”? This came from a political bias and the original use of the ‘u’ came from the Roman spelling and with the the sound, ‘v’. [This the source of why ‘w’ is sounded ‘v’ by the northern Germanic or Scandinavian cultures, and yet we pronouncr thisas ‘dubel -u’] This also evolved into a ‘b’ sound and makes, “witch” relate to “bitch”.
The Aramaic or northern African roots of the ‘ya’ or ‘ye’ sound was spelled with ‘i’ but politically had been altered by the Greek era to ‘j’ but came from economics: when we write cheques, to prevent others from changing say, a $10 to $100, we spell it out and use lines on either side to avoid this conterfeiting. The ancients used ‘I’ or’i’ as a symbol for one (as in Roman numerals). But to avoid counterfieting, they would hook the ‘I’ or ‘i’ to become ‘J’ or ‘j’ at the ends for the same reason. And since the Greeks also happen to use the ‘j’ as phonetically sounding like a soft ‘g’ sound, this is how the change of Yoshua (sound) became Jesus. These meant, “I am” and is how the French get “je suis”. Note too that Zeus, is related to ‘sis’ for “same” and is the ‘suis’ as well.
Going way back, the lion would rah (roar) and would be a sound representing how even a kid might try to scare one another. This sound AND the image of the male lion, with its main, became the predominant root that became “Ra” (the energy of the ‘rays’ of the sun), and our modern arrogant means to further insult the ancient Egyptian’s representation of this as another ‘god’ when it was likely just another means of learning the term for communicating the idea of ‘energetic’ concepts. “Va” is a diminished example of this and both relate to the verb, ‘are’ in English, and ‘va’ in French.
‘m’ sound was motherly and probably related to comfort as the sound we make when being breast fed as a baby. This is somewhat universal. The ‘n’ sound is dominant for negating concepts and why perhaps the subjective value of the sun to be dominant but negating of ‘m’ as secondary recipients of the ‘m’ in the earth receiving the sun at night as ‘n’ is primary for the rising of the sun at ‘eden’. The ‘t’ may have been representing ‘t’, ‘ch’, or ‘j’ sounds from our African roots and mimicked things like a javelin being thrown and striking something. "Torah is the ‘t’ and ‘ra’ and seems to suggest why it is the "words spoken or thrown out (by the source or a god).
I am confident about the relationship of the ‘eden’, ‘aten’, ‘atum’, and ‘adam’ roots this way for similar processes of thought. These consonents are cross linked to the diamond or circle of directions I tried to represent but should certainly be denied by most of the dominating religions today.
I believe that Jerusalem (je-ra-sol- um) is “I see the one [received]” or “the place where one sees the sun” or “I saw god”, etc. And I believe that Jerusalem as a place was the last remnant of the Egyptian rule over the whole region around 1000 BC. and that Judaism itself is the fallout of AkenAten (a kin to aten, or the same as the sun god) to the end of the dynasty including Ramses (‘ra-moses’ == leader of the light).
David gives us ‘divide’ to which can be either the Dead Sea continental divide, or the separation of Egypt’s last empire, or even the divide between Judea (where Jerusalem is) to the northern Israel (assyr- ra- el) [Assyrian source combined Asher and Ra as combined cultures]
Soloman can be "sol amun’ or the “solo” (orinal) end of the Egyptian empire.
It’s not important to be exact. But if you are not religious as I am, I do not actually believe that any names from any of the religions were of arbitrary names. We are biased to name our children BEFORE they are born; the ancients named their children by how they behaved and any titles that give us a clue about who they represent from common terms.
“Cronus” is related to “chronos” (time and/or order); YHWY is Ye-oveh (== the egg) and relates directly to Jehovah as (je- ova) meaning the same.
The story of Adam and Eve is not about the origin of two particular humans but told as such to combine cleverly a few ideas in one. Adam is from is the being made from clay and why it is the Earth beneath our feet. It opposes the supreme origin or ‘egg’ of the sky, the sun with its most perfect circle in contrast to the oval of eggs of fish and birds, etc. [if Aten is the perfect shape in the heavens, representing God, and Adam is made in his ‘image’, it stands to reason they might name him similarly.] Adam represents the indivisible first of mankind, where Eve represent all the rest of mankind and suggests a kind of ‘et cetera’ which gives us “eve-rything” for “eve-r”.
Ptah was another name not necessarily a literal god either but refers to another aspect from the sun, the sound of a spark (like fire). I already mentioned, Nut, Nun, and the Nile.
Amun is likely “the end” or a secondary thing like the moon (which sounds familiar to ‘a moon’). And would make AmunRa be ‘moonlight’.
I can go on and on. But the point of these as ‘etymological’ roots are less biased than to presume the religiously biased interpretation. We may know that the Hebrew asserts that the ‘Ark’ (of the covenent) is merely a cupboard, but it was probably an remnant obelisk of AkenAten’s city moved to the desert (Armana) that was broken and held many commandments for that ‘moses’ when he was finally asked kindly to leave for his intentional denial of respect of all other cultures that he tried to wipe out. The ‘ark’ was thus a likely real boat or an amphibious sled like those used to help build the pyramids. It may have been slowly destroyed due to normal erosion and time and thus became the eventual box left over as a mere ‘cupboard’ that the Jews now assert. Note how that though happens to match a similar box in King Tut’s tomb?, Tut-moses is the sun of AkenAten.
There are a lot of reasons why these words are not accepted and are intentionally being given false etymological roots. It might, for instance, indicate that the original ‘promised land’ WAS Egypt but that their failure left them only Palestine as the last remnant of the monothiestic AkenAten. Note how the story divorces Moses from that by asserting him a foreigner instead?
Jacob (ja cob) == I stumbled or I walk; then when he realized where or who he was fighting, he became Israel (I saw Thee light); relates to Achilles in the Greek. Eden relates to the Oden of the north which suggests that there was back and forth waves of travel back and forth.
Okay, I’m just going on too much. This should be enough and has digressed from the topic too far.