Sorry, this is my own interpretation of observations based upon relating the terms from the various religious and historical sources in general. The biblical terms come from prior sources and I was showing how there exists certain common themes going back to Egypt (and other cultures) Language evolves too. And we won’t have actual ideal ‘proof’ of this other than circumstantial guesses precisely because the direct linking evidence for language evolution is politically destroyed by modern cultures replacing the old.
The original languages first evolved by sounds of nature, intentional alterations of spellings and/or definitions meant for isolating (and burying if possible) the old historical links.
The dDeN, aTeN, aTuM, aDaM represents the fact that the ancients did not use vowels originally and they interpreted word non-arbirtrarily with very extreme significance. The names, Eden, Aten, Atum, and Adam, referenced directions of east, west, up, and down, with specific ways to link the sounds. The rising sun is ‘eden’ (and why it was the name of the birth place of man), ‘aten’ is the highnoon sun, ‘atum’ is the falling sun, and ‘adam’ is the ground (location of where the sun would be). The reason I used small and capital letters was that you can see a pattern where they swapped the d, t, n, and m in an order. To see it clearer, write these in a diamond like,
and remove the vowels,
Furthermore, words had multiple meanings and ALL biblical names reference meaningful everday words. You don’t have to believe it. But then I’d question whether you actually interpret the religious scriptures as literal or severely retarded. We really have not evolved that much and it is an arrogant assumption to assume that ancient civilization were made up idiots.
I mentioned these because you can then see the circumstantial links that make the apparently ‘arbitrary’ stories of religious material as having a secular origin AND that people back then were quite ingenious. This has been very helpful also for me to affectively help the religious literalist change their opinions without insult and in ways that allow them to still not think their whole life investment in their scriptures is not at a loss. There is still a ‘liberal’ value to religion that is not as harmful and can be productive for many. And even for those of us who are athiest, it can help make us less intolerant towards them.
You’ll warm up to it. All the names in the bible had meaning. I thought I saw someone reference a Canadian movie about the Catholic missionaries teaching the natives how to read the bible by you or someone else here? [Black Robe] The movie illustrates something we don’t realize as significant when novel: that something as seeingly trivial as written words were ‘magical’ to the Natives witnessing how symbols on a piece of paper can precisely transfer one’s literal speech word for word to another person. Words meant something far more significant to the ancients and why you cannot presume what I wrote as a ‘stretch’.