Edited to reflect a title change to the original blog post at WUWTW.
Hope you don’t mind me sharing my latest virtual broadside against Anthony Watts’ crazy-making
Here is an excellent example of the rhetorical sleight of hand WUWT’s Anthony Watts excels in:
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Anthony starts with a question for Dr. Mann:
A question for Dr. Michael Mann – Would a professional scientist behave this way? Posted at WattsUpWithThat on March 25, 2013] by Anthony Watts Watts says: Some days you have to wonder how supposedly rational and intelligent people who are considered professional scientists allow themselves to behave like this. From Dr. Mann’s Twitter feed: Watts continues: A simple “no" would suffice, but Dr. Mann seems determined to denigrate people that have different views than him such as Dr. Spencer’s Christian faith. How unprofessional. It is yet another example of Climate Ugliness that pervades the mindset of AGW proponents.================================== Notice Mann said not one word about "Christian faith." Please look at Michael Mann's words : "No, I'm not interested in "debating" climate change & evolution denier Roy Spencer on your "news" network." Seems simple, straight forward and polite. Roy Spencer rejects current climatological understanding. True, check out Roy's website]. Roy Spencer also rejects the scientific understanding regarding biological evolution. Dr. Spencer is in fact, a firm Young Earth Creationist] {a notion that can not survive rational scrutiny}.
Follow the logic here, it is Watts who drew the direct line between "rejecting evolution" and Christianity. Now, is it fair for Anthony to claim all who "reject evolution" are Christians? Incidentally, Anthony Watts' own "update" reaffirms such an impress. Raspberries may be fruit, but not all fruits are Raspberries.Back to Anthony's complaint, seems to me Dr. Michael Mann ~ despite all the time wasted defending himself against frivolous attacks has remained a full time scientist. He budgets his time for science not for philosophical debates with someone who doesn't accept foundational precepts of modern scientific knowledge. Watts' wrong with that? To me it sounds like Spencer and Watts are over estimating their own worth; and getting upset cause the world doesn't agree. Hmmm, wonder why Watts is trying to exploit this whole silliness? I suggest he's trying to drown out the more important information being reported on these days. Shame on him. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ As to the other complaint: "Why won't you# debate me*?" # = scientists * = Spencer or Watts, or the Lord M or FOX, whoever's batting that meme around. ~ ~ ~
It's like this... that question coming from the likes Spencer and FOX is sort of like asking: "Why won't I participate in a friendly sparring match with you?" Even though I know you're wearing clawed brass knuckles, like fighting dirty, hate my guts and want to kill me.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Am I exaggerating? Let's consider the 1999 Mann et al paper, the one denialists want to destroy Mann's career over:
http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/pubs/mann_99.html Title: "Northern Hemisphere Temperatures During the Past Millennium: Inferences, Uncertainties, and Limitations" Abstract: "Building on recent studies, we attempt hemispheric temperature reconstructions with proxy data networks for the past millennium. We focus not just on the reconstructions, but the uncertainties therein, and important caveats. Though expanded uncertainties prevent decisive conclusions for the period prior to AD 1400, our results suggest that the latter 20thcentury is anomalous in the context of at least the past millennium. The 1990s was the warmest decade, and 1998 the warmest year, at moderately high levels of confidence. The 20th century warming counters a millennial-scale cooling trend which is consistent with long-term astronomical forcing."~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . and for this piece of pioneering scientific work Republican politicos want to lynch Professor Mann ! Interestingly enough, minor errors were found. The sorts of errors that are routine and part of the scientific learning process. Keep in mind that no scientific work is perfect. ~ ~ ~ But, back to Watts' latest and his political theater; look at the wording used by Mann et al.! Mann et al's study is all about uncertainties and caveats and focus on learning how to make future research more accurate - what more did/do Watts and McIntyre expect? Who knows, or cares, if with 20/20 hindsight Mann's team may have done a few things differently - because today, if you lay that 1999 graph across the many subsequent proxy studies, it has stood the test of time impressively well. Another one of those facts Watts and his fans do their best to hide from the public, rather embracing some global conspiracy parania than facing the down to Earth evidence. In reality Mann et al's study was a great step forward that's been unjustly slandered with endless Yellow Journalism tactics; resulting in a great step backward for society. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
This brings me back to the question of why not debate. A constructive debate demands a level playing field, a landscape of trust and respect. Along with mutually agreeable guidelines of behavior and evidence. Scientific consensus skeptics have shown repeatedly that fidelity to the truth and mutual respect along with some introspection and self-skepticism are totally absent from their own world views. Furthermore, they love drama and demonizing. Scientists aren't into any of that stuff - ignore real facts, avoid questions, attack with misdirection, Your done - times up!!! BS and salesmanship and deceptive wordsmithing is NOT their style. They don't have the time - life is too short! If you ain't got any integrity and base honestly they ain't got the time or interest. That, and more, is plenty enough reason for serious scientists to stay away from Watts/Spencer/LordMonckton style mud fighting... er "debates" wink, wink. But hey, I'm just a citizen and I been paying attention to the modern society driven global warming issue since the early seventies, I'd be happy to "debate" Roy Spencer or Anthony Watts, let's see where the pieces fall, ;-) My first question would be: "Can you describe your conception of our Global Heat Distribution Engine?"[finally fixed that misspelling]