Missing water

Just flooding. That’s rich.

Of course no supporting links

Those who want to understand why Mike is blowing more smoke, take a look at these informative articles:

The claim sea level isn’t rising is based on blatantly doctored graphs and conspiracy theories that are contradicted by empirical observational data.


Figure 5: Tilted global sea level data produced by Monckton and Mörner in the SPPI Monthly CO2 Report for January 2011

Nils-Axel Mörner’s claims regarding sea level rise are the very definition of denial, involving nothing more than conspiracy theories and unsubstantiated accusations of data falsification wich are easily proven untrue. The mainstream media needs to realize that Mörner is simply not a credible source of information about sea level rise or climate science in general. One individual’s unsupported conspiracy theories do not trump empirical observational data.


Understanding Sea Level



European Space Agency, ESA
Published on Sep 24, 2018

Although it may not be immediately obvious when we visit the beach, sea-level rise is affecting coastlines all over the world. For low-lying countries such as the Netherlands, sea-level rise and tidal surges are a constant threat. Our oceans are rising as a consequence of climate change. As the temperature of seawater increases it expands and the ice melting from ice sheets and glaciers adds more water to the global ocean. We know this because satellites high above our heads measure the temperature of the sea surface and of our changing ice. While the global averaged trend is towards rising levels, there are many regional differences so that in some places it is rising and in other places it is falling. Satellites carrying altimeter instruments systematically measure the height of the sea surface so that sea-level rise can be closely monitored. Altimetry measurements over the last 25 years show that on average sea-level is rising about 3 mm a year and this rise is accelerating.

Is the three MM a year, a number that you think is correct? It is easier catching chickens by hand then to get you to declare a baseline fact. I do understand, I’d be scared to if every fact that I ever declared turn out fault.


Altimetry measurements over the last 25 years show that on average sea-level is rising about 3 mm a year and this rise is accelerating.

Just flooding. That’s rich.

Of course no supporting links


Hey, you’re the supporting link. With all this ice melting, I ask you were the water was. You told me it’s in the flooding. Do you think it will ever reach the sea where we can measure it in sea-level rise?

Yeah Mike, if you refuse to look at it - you’ll be able to claim it doesn’t exist foreevaa.

I wonder when you were a kid did you like closing your eyes and pretending the world didn’t exist?

You're a walking argument from ignorance - and you hate learning - so tragic.

Dancing again. You cannot answer the simple question. What is climate change sea-level rise in inches? Your nickname should be Little Goebbels with a propaganda you are spreading.

When the wind blows its climate change. When it rains its climate change. When the sun shines its climate change. When it snows its climate change.

You manage to have climate change melt the ice all over the world with no sea-level rise. You manage to have every drought in the world being caused by climate change.

You have managed to convince the world that 20 countries and 650,000,000 people are being threatened by sea-level rise caused by climate change.

Have your propaganda spread in schools around the world. Frighten little children around the world and cause them to have bad dreams about tails you tell of climate change.

You got the world blaming United States for climate change. You have got the world thinking that the United States is going to pay everybody for climate change.

Proof of climate change is sea-level rise above the level of natural sea-level rise.

Doesn’t it bother you that all these countries around the world that are going to be damaged or completely underwater by your climate change are not taking drastic measures?

Once CO2 is in the atmosphere. It takes 1000 years to be completely removed. That is why we had the deadline to stop CO2 emissions from reaching 400ppm. We reached 400ppm on May 21, 2013. February 20, 2019 410ppm.

Based upon your point of no return theory. The earth is doomed and there’s nothing we can do about it except try and take this CO2 out of the air.

The earth is supposed to be so hot now that today, snow falling is a thing of the past in America.

Your CO2 numbers are not working.

You will not answer what climate change sea-level rise is supposed to be, because you are using the natural mother nature’s sea-level rise as climate change sea-level rise. I guess you are forced to do that than because right now there is no climate change sea-level rise.

I agree there is climate change. But it is shown to be only 3% of the weather. And that’s hardly even measurable when it comes to weather.

What bothers me is the 100,000 reports and articles written each year. Of the truckloads of reports, you could probably carry the ones that are still valid today. Scientist working with models and highly quoted by the IPCC have predictions of countries under water by 2050. With higher sea-level rises than predicted by consensus for 2100 by the IPCC.

When the facts have changed, doesn’t it make sense to change our opinions to suit the facts rather than attempt the impossibility of changing the facts to suit your views?

CC teaching data.

<b>The rising water level is mostly due to a combination of melt water from glaciers and ice sheets and thermal expansion of seawater as it warms. </b>

OK, that’s going to happen whether mankind is on earth or not. It’s not hard to figure out what causes sea-level rise. Shall we agree its water expanding from heat or more water be an added?


Future sea level rise

As global temperatures continue to warm, sea level will continue to rise. How much it will rise depends mostly on the rate of future carbon dioxide emissions and future global warming. How fast it will rise depends mostly on the rate of glacier and ice sheet melting.

Annnnnnnnnnnd heres Johnny! Sea-level rise will depend on CO2 and mother nature. I am really let down. You had me thinking and that I could find out how much Sea-level rise was being caused by climate change. Your little rascal you tried to trick me.


In 2012, at the request of the U.S. Climate Change Science Program, NOAA scientists conducted a review of the research on global sea level rise projections, and concluded that there is very high confidence (greater than 90% chance) that global mean sea level will rise at least 8 inches (0.2 meter) but no more than 6.6 feet (2.0 meters) by 2100.

How about that. The projected sea-level rise on the low end by 2100 is even less than was predicted for natural sea-level rise without any climate change. That was 9 to 16 inches. In on the high end which nobody believes, because it is now common knowledge that the climate models have been running hot on purpose. So, were supposed to wait till 2100 and count Sea-level rise over 16 inches to find out the sea-level rise caused by climate change? We’re off to a slow start, we’re not even keeping up with mother nature’s predicted rise.

How exactly am I supposed to get your predictions from this ----- I guess we have to call this a disclaimer of climate change availability of facts. And

What is climate change sea-level rise in inches?
The answer is in the link. Why are you asking this question?
natural sea-level rise.
What is that? Prove that.
Doesn’t it bother you that all these countries around the world that are going to be damaged or completely underwater by your climate change are not taking drastic measures?
The countries that are profiting from the causes of AGW are not the ones that are getting hit the worst. Yet.
The earth is supposed to be so hot now that today, snow falling is a thing of the past in America.
According to whom?
But it is shown to be only 3% of the weather.
Shown how?
Of the truckloads of reports, you could probably carry the ones that are still valid today.
This is where you trap yourself. If there are so many wrong reports, like ones saying snow fall should be a thing of the past, where are they? There are lots of reports, they just don't say what you are reporting. If they were, you and every other denier would be linking to them all over the place.
When the facts have changed, doesn’t it make sense to change our opinions to suit the facts rather than attempt the impossibility of changing the facts to suit your views?
I think that's what we're asking you.

What is climate change sea-level rise in inches?

Lausten - The answer is in the link. Why are you asking this question?

Really! What is the answer in the link? Why am I asking the question? I think you mean, why have I been asking the same question for a years now. Because, the oceans have been going up and down by 400 feet long time before mankind was around. The oceans are still going up and down. Now, we have manmade CO2 in the air. And that claim is that this man-made CO2 will put nations under water. Mother nature will put nations under water by natural sea-level rise. But that will take 300 to 500 years for nations that are less than a yard high. Climate change predictions have been wrong all along so far. The link posted climate change rise as much as 6 ½ feet. If that as a case, why don’t you do these nations of favor and tell them they better get busy and moved a higher ground. Because they’re not taking this seriously. The goal is to stop all the lying. All weather is now said to be caused by climate change according to alarmist. Fires are said to be caused by a climate change according to alarmist. That is not only misleading, it is untrue.


natural sea-level rise.

What is that? Prove that.

OK - Milankovitch Ice Age cycles


Doesn’t it bother you that all these countries around the world that are going to be damaged or completely underwater by your climate change are not taking drastic measures?

The countries that are profiting from the causes of AGW are not the ones that are getting hit the worst. Yet.

There is no proof anybody has been hurt by AGW. There is a consensus of scientists. Take away all the scientists in the consensus that thought Hillary was going to win and you end up with no scientists left in the consensus. That’s not right. Either the consensus is wrong or there something corrupted going on.


The earth is supposed to be so hot now that today, snow falling is a thing of the past in America.

According to whom?


Of the truckloads of reports, you could probably carry the ones that are still valid today.


This is where you trap yourself. If there are so many wrong reports, like ones saying snow fall should be a thing of the past, where are they? There are lots of reports, they just don’t say what you are reporting. If they were, you and every other denier would be linking to them all over the place.

The search yields a total of almost 120,000 papers, as of the beginning of June this year. You can see below how the number of published papers about climate change took off during the 2000s.

Total number of climate change papers published, by year. Data from Scopus. Credit: Rosamund Pearce, Carbon Brief

These are just the science reports. You have to add all the articles from all sources. Then look at the videos and stuff written on the internet today too.

The data pathways. From taxpayer, money to Congress. From Congress, money to universities. From universities, money to scientists. From scientists, data to reports. From reports, to science writers. From science writers, to public.

The pathway has the scientists in control of the data. Every time there’s a change in the climate computer model’s pathway. Then all previous data is incorrect. The scientists control the computer models by requiring what datasets have to be used for compiling. In doing this, the outcome is predicted. Therefore, the outcome can match the political and monetary needs of the scientists. The downside is the predictions are wrong.

Tidal floods driven by climate change may hurt small businesses Researchers looked to parking data to assess downtown Annapolis, Md., business losses BY SUJATA GUPTA 6:00AM, FEBRUARY 19, 2019



Sep 9, 2017 | Trevor Nace New Study Finds 8 Islands Swallowed By Rising Sea Level https://www.forbes.com/sites/trevornace/2017/09/09/new-study-finds-8-islands-swallowed-by-rising-sea-level/#300ef6545283

A recent study documented the effect of sea level rise, which averages 3mm per year globally and up to 12mm per year in the western Pacific in recent decades. The team found that islands in Micronesia have disappeared in recent years with little to no evidence they existed at all. Several Solomon Islands had similar fates in recent decades as they were overtaken by the sea.

Truckloads of knowledge written every week. And the common factor is. It is knowledge without wisdom. Knowledge without wisdom can be very bad and harmful. Dump the junk and put some standards on your knowledge bases. Let’s say your life depends on the stories being 100% correct and no missing data. Would you still back these stories?

If that as a case, why don’t you do these nations of favor and tell them they better get busy and moved a higher ground.
I don’t think you understand what a “nation” is. It isn’t a home in the suburbs. You don’t put it up for sale and look for something split level with a good school system.
Take away all the scientists in the consensus that thought Hillary was going to win and you end up with no scientists left in the consensus.

You’re link of who said there would be no snow fall proves my point exactly. That there are so few data points is exactly what I’m saying. I could pick any topic, search news databases, and come up with 10 wacky things people said. It’s meaningless. A body of data and evidence and repeated experiments is meaningful.

The pathway has the scientists in control of the data.
If they are “controlling” the data, then they aren’t scientists. If they are collecting it and following it to the best conclusion they can make, that’s science.

If that as a case, why don’t you do these nations of favor and tell them they better get busy and moved a higher ground.

I don’t think you understand what a “nation” is. It isn’t a home in the suburbs. You don’t put it up for sale and look for something split level with a good school system. But

OK, let look at one of the articles. New Study Finds 8 Islands Swallowed By Rising Sea Level by Forbes.

Pretty straight forward. In 350 years, the nation is gone under water.

Now, we know that 350 years is the rate mother nature’s water rise without manmade CO2 in the air. That is because the highest island is only 15 feet high and the smaller ones are less than a yard high. It is no big deal for large waves to go right over the tops of these islands today. The people have only lived there for a few hundred years. So, it is not like most nations.

Now what am I supposed to do with this data? CC, took a data dump and left no tie in. I said if you know something the rest of the world does not, then tell them their country is going under water and move. Because the alarmist has the sea rise taking 35 years not 350 years like Forbes is quoting.

Then you hit me with I don’t understand what a nation is.

So far, nothing has anything to do with missing water and sea rise caused by Climate Change. I would bet you and CC just made the tie in with Climate Change and assumed that was the cause by Climate Change sea level rise. But the problem is there has been no Climate Change sea level rise. Or Forbes would have brought that up.

Forbes – “The Earth is warming, the oceans are rising. That is an absolute fact. Regardless of what cause you attribute the changes to, humans must adapt to a different world than the one we’ve built our civilizations on.”

Nothing about Climate Change. The earth has been warming for the last 90,000 years and we are in the peak of that warm cycle right now. The more the earth warms the more the oceans heat up and expand. We are at the warmest part of the Halogen Ice Age and we should expect the earth to continual to warm for the next century at least. Do to the heat lags that follow the cycles of earth and sun.

My question to you is why do you think that Forbes will not contribute sea level rise to Climate Change? Maybe because there has been no sea level rise over Mother’s Natures rise. But Forbes knows that Climate Change is what people are going to contribute sea level rise to. They just don’t want to get involved in the house of cards type of science the democrats are playing.

The biggest problem with measuring sea rise is the water expanding or contracting due to temperature and the land is also rising or falling at different rates.

Most land being taken over by sea level rise is because of sinking land, not rising water. I checked the internet to see what was going on with the Tuvalu Islands and I found a study from the University of Auckland.


The Pacific nation of Tuvalu—long seen as a prime candidate to disappear as climate change forces up sea levels—is actually growing in size, new research shows.

A University of Auckland study examined changes in the geography of Tuvalu’s nine atolls and 101 reef islands between 1971 and 2014, using aerial photographs and satellite imagery.

It found eight of the atolls and almost three-quarters of the islands grew during the study period, lifting Tuvalu’s total land area by 2.9 percent, even though sea levels in the country rose at twice the global average.

Co-author Paul Kench said the research, published Friday in the journal Nature Communications, challenged the assumption that low-lying island nations would be swamped as the sea rose.

“We tend to think of Pacific atolls as static landforms that will simply be inundated as sea levels rise, but there is growing evidence these islands are geologically dynamic and are constantly changing,” he said.

“The study findings may seem counter-intuitive, given that (the) sea level has been rising in the region over the past half century, but the dominant mode of change over that time on Tuvalu has been expansion, not erosion.”

It found factors such as wave patterns and sediment dumped by storms could offset the erosion caused by rising water levels.

The Auckland team says climate change remains one of the major threats to low-lying island nations.

But it argues the study should prompt a rethink on how such countries respond to the problem.

Rather than accepting their homes are doomed and looking to migrate to countries such as Australia and New Zealand, the researchers say they should start planning for a long-term future.

The pathway has the scientists in control of the data.


If they are “controlling” the data, then they aren’t scientists. If they are collecting it and following it to the best conclusion they can make, that’s science.


Thirty years and 350B latter. A lot of people are starting to think that way. Sadly, no one in the swap thinks that way.

The idea behind the IPCC’s method was to ask a question and have as many computer models working on getting the answer with no oversight. And then compare the answers. If three computer models matched. Then the answer would be considered good. What has happened is that the computer models are told what datasets they must use. That is oversight. The IPCC has admitted that oversight is the reason the models have been running hot. They only admitted that fact when the CO2 levels reached the point of no return. They raise the temperature point of no return and the CO2 levels and reset the point of no return. And they’re still controlling what databases must be used. Point being, the scientists couldn’t do it right if they wanted to.

I guess the answer is, this is where it gets cloudy. The scientists running the computer programs are not the same scientists that are setting on the committees that get to ask the questions and award the money. The IPCC is just reporting the actions of the scientists and political outcome the climate computers. I would be surprised to find a Republican anywhere close to the IPCC or climate computers. They would be shot on sight.

I decided to take a look at CC other posting. The Chesapeake Bay.

Tidal floods driven by climate change may hurt small businesses

Sea level rise, driven by climate change, is causing increased flooding during high tides along much of the U.S. coastline. Though such floods are usually minor, a new study suggests that car traffic patterns could help reveal how floods harm an area’s business revenues.

A new U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) report concludes that intensive groundwater withdrawals are a major cause of the sinking land, or land subsidence, that contributes to flooding risks in the region.

Previous USGS studies have established that the Chesapeake Bay region has the highest rates of relative sea-level rise on the East Coast. The sea-level rise rates around the Chesapeake Bay range from 3.2 to 4.7 mm/per year with 4.4 mm/year in Norfolk. Land subsidence alone causes more than half of the observed relative sea-level rise in the southern Chesapeake Bay.

While there are several factors influencing land subsidence, aquifer system compaction, caused by extensive groundwater pumping in the Virginia Coastal Plain, is a major cause in the Norfolk area. Land subsidence has occurred around Norfolk at an average rate of 3 mm/year since 1940.

The report suggests that changing groundwater management practices could slow or mitigate land subsidence and relative sea-level rise. Moving groundwater pumping away from high-risk areas or decreasing groundwater withdrawal rates can reduce subsidence in low-lying areas prone to flooding. These results will be used by federal and state managers to consider adaptation strategies in their efforts to restore and protect the Chesapeake Bay.

Natural Mother Nature sea level rise is 3mm/year. Land sinking causes another 3mm/year. Then that is 6mm/year with no Climate Change rise. They are seeing 3.2 to 4.7 per year of sea level rise. Where is the Climate Change sea level rise they are talking about?

Ice Melt Means Uneven Sea Level Rise Around the World

Published: February 22nd, 2013




How will sea level rise be distributed across the globe?

Earth Science Beta


We The People of the United States have a moral, ethical right - along with a pragmatic need - to learn what scientists have learned about this planet's biosphere and climate engine without constant dishonest crossfire. We should not tolerate serious scientists constantly being drown out by amoral, ruthless and frankly ignorant arguments - that an astoundingly ruthless GOP PR factory repeats over and over again, without ever learning a damned thing from the evidence in front of us.
Here you'll find a pared down version of the previous post - Focusing on that malicious 'libertarians' need to trash Dr. Michael Mann and science in general.

Based on Jim Steele’s “What’s Natural?” column, “Changing Sea Levels, Part 1” (2/13/19), published in the Pacifica Tribune.


For more information about the complexity of ocean surface over time, here’s something interesting from the European Space Agency, among others: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Chaotic ocean variability can mask regional sea level trends Scientists February 15, 2019

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CC, I need your advice here. How do you create the windows with the blue bar from other postings? I am using Win8.1 do I need Win 10? tried the reply and copy with no luck.



Coastal Flooding Is Erasing Billions in Property Value as Sea Level Rises. That’s Bad News for Cities.
High-tide flooding is eating away at the coastal property tax base just when communities need it most to adapt to climate change and repair the damage.

The analysis, published Wednesday by First Street Foundation, estimates that property value losses from coastal flooding in 17 states were nearly $16 billion from 2005 to 2017. Florida, New Jersey, New York and South Carolina each saw more than $1 billion in losses.



Cascading consequences, don’t you know . . .

Dark money, $400M bonds. New York advocacy group. Where is the science? Charts by banks? There is no scientific connection to Climate Change.

If mankind were not here. Would the water still rise is the question. The answer is yes. With mankind here is the water rising faster. The answer is, there is no proof that the water is rising faster than the natural mother nature rise rate.

This is all political, no science at all.