Microtubules the seat of Consciousness

Yes of course you would. You reject the notion that the universe is a mathematical construct, functioning in a quasi-intelligent mathematical manner.

When you look around you see nature , as do I. But you do not see the mathematical patterns that make up what you see.

The beauty and artistry you so admire are the result of mathematical expressions.
Balance, symmetry, spirals, fractals, what at first sight appears to be chaotic, on closer examination reveals the mathematical order that exists everywhere.

The hexagons in beehives:

the Enineering of a spiders web:

The aerodynamis of flight:



Everywhere you look you see mathematical expressions of “natural selection” for most efficient logical self-organisation.

Do you see this natural artistry when you walk outside? I do .

The symmetry of mathematical organization of complex patterns are expressed in you and me . your child, your pets, the anthill in your backyard, the flowers, trees, …-----------> infinity

Mathematical order is what makes the Universe beautiful. The mathematical order of harmonic wavelengths is what makes music beautiful. Our bodies respond to harmonic wavelengths.

Animals love music

The Mathematics in Art

To conclude, mathematics isn’t always evident in art, unless you discover it. But there’s plenty of symmetry, geometry, and calculation involved in creating beautiful art. Often, many artists benefit from mathematical observations, such as the golden ratio, to make their artwork realistic and breathtaking. Mathematics can also explain angles and perspective. Thus, there is a large amount of math involved in art.


  1. The Mathematics of Art - Math Central
  2. Art and Math: Aesthetics of Calculations | DailyArt Magazine

The Mystery at the Heart of Physics That Only Math Can Solve

The accelerating effort to understand the mathematics of quantum field theory will have profound consequences for both math and physics.

Mathematics, which requires internal consistency and attention to every last detail, is the language that might make QFT whole. If mathematics can learn how to describe QFT with the same rigor with which it characterizes well-established mathematical objects, a more complete picture of the physical world will likely come along for the ride.


Microtubules process information at quantum levels,

I don’t care. I’m not diminishing their genius, but that doesn’t necessarily make them all wonderful humans, many have their heads up their keisters, with many big shots having monster egos, ruthlessly chasing their celebrity status, and profits. (Besides, there’s a difference between the scientist and the human inside)

You take grand umbrage at my lack of devotion, while I look at the state of our world and take grand umbrage at that.

Just as the state of my life is an indication of the value of my decisions.
LOOK at the state of society and humanity and this planet we depend on for our survival - From my perspective you’re proud of all the wrong things, at least when it comes to long time human welfare.

I’ve gone to great lengths to try to define and refine this shackling Abrahamic Mindset

Nah it’s too late to cure the world’s ills,
Especially when most everyone has their mind set on ignoring them.

I fear we’re entering the free-fall stage with one catastrophe building upon the next. There will be a certain hideous crescendos along way, such as certain major cities and regions running out of drinking water; crop failures disrupting supply chains, and governments, sea level rise and storms destroying coastal infrastructure that our global economy depends on. Waves of deaths colliding with each other. Our society will totally transformed and torn down. Globalism become a memory.

But, somewhere there will probably be equilibriums reached, some areas may well become refuges, Earth does have an amazing way of bouncing back. Thanks to some combination of environmental conditions and intrepid community (tribe) of humans with the where-with-all and can-do to prosper. There probably will be new communities making a stand in a totally brave new world of difficult and limiting weather conditions, still people are great survivors when push comes to shove. It’s possible.

Those people are going to need a whole different headspace and relationship with Earth and with themselves.

Seems to me, Today’s liberals are such losers because they got no soul, no grand vision,
they got no sense of who they are, or even what they are. Knowing factoids about microtubules can’t mend that.

Decades of quantum weirdness being marketed by philosophers to audiences that have never done the prerequisite homework to understanding what’s really being talked about, so any fanciful idea can be sold to them.

I’m long past the days of blanket respect for any class of authority figures,
I’ve been blindsided and profoundly disappointed by too many to buy into that myth. Older but wiser, don’t you know.

Before complaining about my “philosophy” you really should start addressing it, rather than all these distractions you toss at me.

JUNE 5, 2022
An Alternative Philosophical Perspective: “Earth Centrism” (1/5)

JUNE 8, 2022
Appreciating the Physical Reality ~ Human Mindscape divide (2/5)

JUNE 18, 2022
Being an element in Earth’s Pageant of Evolution (3/5)

JUNE 26, 2022
It’s not a “Body-Mind problem” it’s an “Ego-God issue.” (4-5)

JUNE 28, 2022
A distillation of my journey upon life’s stage, vintage 1955. (5/5)

What have you really offered. The details of microtubules, claims about how they are the answer to consciousness -
and getting pissed when I suggest the answers to consciousness lies in understanding the interaction of creatures with their environment.

Your response is to continue sharing yet more posts of the same, grand claims about how they have the answers to consciousness, but then you present another post about mechanical aspects microtubules.

I don’t doubt the importance of microtubules - why do you choose to ignore that!
I’m complaining about your tendency to over-simplify and over-reach with your conclusions (based on incomplete evidence).

Like do you actually believe you’re telling me something I don’t know?
Although mentioning math gives me a segue back to what I"m actually discussing,

The relationship we have with the knowledge we possess.

Since a great many great scholars will argue that Math is a human tool, that is a tool of the mind and thoughts, that is this “mindscape” I speak of.

You seem to insist math IS Physical Reality.
Something I would reject, I can appreciate math as humanity’s tool, not as nature’s secret.

[quote=“citizenschallengev4, post:103, topic:9472”]

The relationship we have with the knowledge we possess.

Since a great many great scholars will argue that Math is a human tool, that is a tool of the mind and thoughts, that is this “mindscape” I speak of.

No, what most say is that the universe has “some” mathematical properties.
After all, our observations of “universal constants” are all mathematical in essence and can be described with human symbolic mathematical representations.

Human maths are the symbolic codification of natural “generic relational values” and their interaction via mathematical (algebraic) “functions” .

What Tegmark insists on is that the Universe does not have “some” mathematical properties, but has “only” mathematical properties, i.e. “values” and “relational functions” from which self-ordering and self-assembling processes emerge. I see no reason to reject this perspective as it does away with all mystical and spiritual explanations.

You seem to insist math IS Physical Reality.
Something I would reject, I can appreciate math as humanity’s tool, not as nature’s secret.

You have this backwards.
Mathematics is not Reality (they are abstract). Reality is mathematical in essence (it is physical)
Reality emerges chronologically via mathematical principles.

Reality is an emergent phenomenon. It does so via mathematical “guiding principles”.
This process has a “quasi-intelligent” aspect to it and is the reason why and how religions emerged from the observation of the “unfolding physical explicate” of regular chronologies and patterns from the “enfolded implicate potentials” of natural values arranged in patterns of varying densities (matter).

As you correctly observed the generic mathematical guiding principles are via simple mathematical native values and functional equations. This is the essence of “stochastic determinism”

The difficulty lies in the actual numbers that are incalculable in sheer volume when broken down to their fundamental simplicity.

There is no “irreducible complexity”, it all started from an energetic singularity, the BB and the consequent Inflationary Epoch whence natural values (patterns) and their regular mathematical interaction (forces) emerged from Chaos.

The Universe functions via the dynamics of “differential equations”, which are the logical mathematical rules that physical processes must follow.

There is substantial proof of this universal chronology and the interpretation of every observational processes thereafter can be symbolized and codified with “human mathematics”.

To my knowledge there is no other logical explanation possible, without encountering contradictions and paradoxes.

The mathematics of spacetime keeps things apart and keeps them from happening all at once.

Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs)

Differential equations are important because for many physical systems, one can, subject to suitable idealizations, formulate a differential equation that describes how the system changes in time. Understanding the solutions of the differential equation is then of paramount interest.

The simplest ODE is:


You can verify that any function

y(t) = Cekt

where C is a constant, is a solution to this ODE. If k > 0, this ODE thus describes exponential growth (for example, unrestricted population growth). If k < 0, the interpretation is exponential decay (for example, the decay of radioactive atoms).

In many applications you will encounter the ODE:


where ω is a constant.

You can verify that any function

y(t) = A sin(ωt + ø) ,

where A and ø are constants, is a solution. This ODE thus describes a physical system whose behaviour is periodic in time. We say that the system undergoes simple harmonic motion with amplitude A, frequency ω, and phase ø.

In the foundational courses on ODEs you will learn to identify whether an ODE can be solved explicitly (most cannot!), or whether it is necessary to solve it numerically using a computer.

Great and humans use it as a tool to grasp natural secrets.

And you still don’t grasp what this particular string of words means:

[quote=“citizenschallengev4, post:105, topic:9472”]
Great and humans use it as a tool to grasp natural secrets.

Yes and that means nature used to have secrets that we did not understand until we discovered that the secrets were mathematical. Then we understood and learned to speak the mathematical language. Well, the human dialect of the language… :face_with_monocle:

And you still don’t grasp what this particular string of words means:

[quote=“citizenschallengev4, post:103, topic:9472”]
The relationship we have with the knowledge we possess.

Actually, we do not understand the awesome power we acquired with gaining knowledge.
The practical application of our knowledge is beginning to ruin the natural balance because we use our knowledge for making a new environment rather than adapting to the existing environment.

Nature does not like to be disturbed. Its mathematical nature demands that for every human action there must be an equal and opposite reaction by nature. The science community is beginning to understand this, even as the business community seems to be oblivious to the chaos they are creating.

That’s a cop out. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Where in the world did you come with that one?
Please explain.

You’re really stretching. Isn’t it a fundamental law of nature for every action their is an equal reaction. So what’s the point here?

So now we have another neat catagorization - science and business. Sort of like the separate categories of science and religion. Lordie don’t we know how well that division works. Seems to me history demonstrates that science and business are linked about as much as conjoined twins are.

Over simplification and over stating the facts.

'nough said.

That’s what it comes down to.

What you call cop-outs, stretching fundamental laws, neat categorization, and over-simplification are the reason we are in the midst of the 6th extinction event.

No amount of sophistry is going to change these simple facts.

Look and consider each of these simple facts and ask what they are responsible for in their own right.

You cannot wish away the simple laws of nature. Disturb the balance long enough and you will pay the price of what theists call “mortal sins”.

You cannot alter the logic of the physics. That’s why they are called 'universal constants"!

Let me remind you of the results of these SIMPLE facts I cited.


2,674,357 Forest loss [this year] (hectares)

3,600,408 Land lost to soil erosion [this year] (ha)

18,725,296,774 CO2 emissions [this year] (tons)

6,170,969 Desertification [this year] (hectares)

5,035,705 Toxic chemicals released in the environment [this year] (tons)


862,014,154 Undernourished people in the world

1,729,703,356 Overweight people in the world

812,835,278 Obese people in the world

22,996 People who died of hunger [today]

$ 468,691,104 Money spent for obesity-related diseases in the USA [today]

$ 142,155,409 Money spent on weight loss programs in the USA [today]


2,316,546,578 Water used [this year] (million L)

433,022 Deaths caused by water related diseases [this year]

780,902,996 People with no access to a safe drinking water source


350,978,591 Energy used today (MWh), of which:

298,772,795- from non-renewable sources (MWh)

52,854,315- from renewable sources (MWh)

2,199,249,296,623 Solar energy striking Earth [today] (MWh)

71,985,631 Oil pumped today (barrels)

1,433,648,524,930 Oil left (barrels)

14,951 Days to the end of oil (~41 years)

1,081,032,541,085 Natural Gas left (boe)

56,896 Days to the end of natural gas

4,293,867,880,930 Coal left (boe)

148,064 Days to the end of coal


6,675,595 Communicable disease deaths [this year]

256,078 Seasonal flu deaths [this year]

3,908,694 Deaths of children under 5 [this year]

21,975,290 Abortions [this year]

158,943 Deaths of mothers during birth [this year]

43,767,474 HIV/AIDS infected people

864,454 Deaths caused by HIV/AIDS [this year]

4,223,335 Deaths caused by cancer [this year]

202,782 Deaths caused by malaria [this year]

11,486,622,022 Cigarettes smoked [today]

2,570,655 Deaths caused by smoking [this year]

1,286,139 Deaths caused by alcohol [this year]

551,434 Suicides [this year]

$ 205,717,301,006 Money spent on illegal drugs [this year]

694,158 Road traffic accident fatalities [this year]

Take a breather.

And non sequiturs don’t do you case any good.

Those man-made RW statistics don’t tell you anything?

Wow… :scream:

I don’t know what happen with my response comment, but it seems to have been highjacked, how I don’t know, …

Let’s start fresh:

Write, I’m talking about other claims you’ve made, that I’ve called you on, so don’t play innocent.
Why are you suddenly tossing all those statistic at me that have never been part of our dialogue?
I ask you to focus on MY WORDS and you reach for further diversion?

What was all that about?

Which is what pisses me off - and it can be traced back to our history of the self-centered, self-serving “Abrahamic mindset” in action - with it’s ego-centric dualism and hard boundaries that have an easy way of taking assumptions and turning them into factual assertions - then sticking with it, even if contradictions fill our lives. (you know the history of science is chock full of 'em)

sophistry = the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving.

Just who’s being the sophist here?

Me with my appeals for broadening our perspective beyond our self-obsession blinded ways - and to better appreciate who we humans are and to better understand our “human condition” on this Earth.

Or the guy doing all the arm-waving and deflecting away from my actual words and the actual claims and arguments I’m wanting to discuss and hone? (although I see we’ve migrated back to the Microtubule thread. As granny would say: whatchagonnado.

Nothing. They are statistics. It’s a tallying, a reflection. Understanding humans acting and living, that’s what holds the key to better understanding what we are doing to each other and this planet.

I mean, can you conceive of a thousand hectares, or 10ha, or a 100ha, let alone a million hectares compared to a millions sq. miles, or for that matter the difference between 500 deaths and 5,000 deaths or 500,000 deaths (that you aren’t personally related to) - we attempt doing it, but it’s on an intellectual level, never extending into the gut, the way the loss of 1 child will, if its know and loved by you.

This is almost a malicious straw man.

Where have I advocated altering the logic or laws of physics?


Are you claiming that insisting that the substance of our thoughts should be classify as something distinct from the physical reality of our brain, body and the universe it exists within - Is insisting on breaking some logic or law of physics?

If you do, please define what you are reading into what I’m saying.

Explain yourself.
Not with another diversion, with a respond to that question and the idea behind it. Got nothing to do with microtubules or Newton’s laws, beyond being constrained by them - but that’s same as it ever was, even before we had a clue about the details.

Appreciating the Physical Reality ~ Human Mindscape divide (2/5)

“Our relationship between our selves and the knowledge we acquire is rarely examined.”
Š2022, citizenschallenge

“Who am I?”

Children and the learned have been fascinated by that question and the mystery of our sense of “self" since forever.

David Chalmers formalized some of that wonder with his Hard Problem of Consciousnessback around 1995 and philosophers have been having a field day with the notion ever since.*

The glaring problem with their conceptions and the endless philosophizing is that they rarely truly incorporate the ramifications of Evolution beyond lip service.

Seems to me as a society our biggest problem is that most are still trapped within the Abrahamic mindset of absolute self-absorption. A bubble where our own thoughts, perceptions and expectations totally engulf our thinking and leaves no space for explicitly recognizing the physical realities beyond our own immediate desires and thoughts - that unrecognized attitude permeates and shackles our understanding of the world around us .

For all the lectures on the topic, I rarely hear any examination of the relationship between our selves and the knowledge we acquire. That’s a big problem because it blinds us to Earth’s realities and the needs of others, such as this life sustaining biosphere we’re currently destroying as fast as we can.

No grand revelation, a simple observation.


why do you think that I am using that term in its most derogatory context?
I would NEVER accuse you of lying.

I used the term in a benign sense of being a flawed argument. No attachment of intentional deception.
If you read the history of Sophism you’ll understand the gist of my use.

Note that “sophistication” is a positive term. Read the history of sophism and get a better perspective on the true meaning of sophistry.


Where have I advocated altering the logic or laws of physics?

You haven’t you merely ignore them in favor of some intuitive rejection of the Abrahamic mindset.
How do you think we got that way? Something apart from evolution, or just a side effect that must be corrected somehow.
How would you correct an Abrahamic mindset other than being atheist (with an Abrahamic mindset?)

Why not just use the terms “Objective truth v Subjective experience.” Those terms can be discussed.

Abrahamic mindset is a belief system and has nothing to do with brain function.

The Abrahamic Religious Mindset – Why They Are Different From Other Religions

Primary Religions are formed and Secondary Religions are created. There is a clearcut demarcation between the World Before Secondary Religion and World After Secondary Religion. An extreme case of Secondary Religions is the Mosaic Distinction where Faith takes precedence over Logic. Because of this we land in a situation where Translatability of Gods is replaced by You Can’t Serve Two Masters and there is continuous struggle to topple the Master whom you don’t accept as your’s.

You keep accusing me of having an Abrahamic mindset and you are wrong.
In effect, you are accusing me of practising sophistry and that annoys me even as I know you are not doing this deliberatly!

And I followed that statement up with proof of man’s wanton use of resources that is driving this civilization over the cliff of extinction, by listing the RW statistic from Worldometer, a very reliable source of real time global statistics.

You responded that non sequitors don’t do my case any good, which sounded strange to me when looking at the statistics and wonder how long it will take for a threshold event that will remind us of our detrimental relationship with the Earth’s ecosystem…

Care to clarify why you used those terms? I thought it would be of interest to you, being that you and I are on the same page regarding the impact humans have on the ecosystem.

I’m not “rejecting” it, so much as, expecting us to be able to soberly recognize it!*

I’m trying to shine a spotlight on how it has limited our thinking and behaving and created some of the very negative self-destructive spirals we have married ourselves to.

Recognition. Openly examining how our hubris and willingness to accept lies has been humanity’s enemy one, always has been.

Write, it’s not like there isn’t a foundation for that dualistic self-centered outlook,
but it’s foolish not to examine the limitations of that outlook,
or to refuse to examine how it has become the ‘western’ default for all our assessments
and led to some very stupid and ultimately self-destructive choices, and outcomes.

It what leads to assumptions becoming assertions even when the full spectrum of evidence doesn’t justify it.

It’s the difference between thinking self-centered is all there is - and accepting that others (creatures and landscapes and entire communities) exist in my world, are part of it, and must be understood, respected, cooperated with, and what the hell, why not loved.
Now, that would produce a healthy human society.

It’s about how the basic Abrahamic mindset (*ME first, dualism imposed on everything, artificial divisions & categorizing, tendency towards hubris and Ego worship that beats all else.*) creates a polarizing lens through which all the information most absorb, gets filtered.

It begins with
a deep down recognition of how the universe of our human thoughts,
is something apart from the physical reality that creates this Earth and our body and brain, out of which conscious introspective minds are created.

One of the beauties of such an insight is that it leads to a fundamental choice, do I create this world I see, am I the most important thing in creation? Or, am I one of countless creatures who are simultaneously inhabiting this Earth?

If you choose the latter, the inevitable conclusion that follows is that - this universe, solar system, Earth, the landscape I reside within,
all have been following one specific, and only one, internally consistent path through time, or I would not be here to observe it in the first place. End of that discussion and all variations of it.

Seems to me a choice every young child has to make at some point, then we forget about it.

This in turn creates a sort of benchmark to help keep us (not just regular mortals), but also the genius’s with the super egos, in check. Too often I’ve listened, where it seems people are actually talking and thinking as though they were defining our reality.
That’s mind-bending to me, the thought that provocative takes precedence over fundamental critical thinking and respect for physical reality.

Or discussing consciousness and thought, and even self-reflection - as though they are were utterly and totally unique to humans because they were the result of a “freak” amazing fluke. Aren’t amazing flukes at the right time and place the hallmark of Evolution?

Our brain is part of another continuum, or should we say a “punctuated” continuum.

After all, it was rather small subtle shifts that triggered our obviously “superior” intellect. Plus we haven’t even begun to understand the likes of octopus, or other examples of superior “animal” brains with their suites of amazing abilities. Who knows what all lies within their mindscapes?

It’s not like storytelling and writing is all there is to living, which is why I find our high and mighty attitudes distasteful and stupefying.

Write: “if you examine the “diverse” evidence I cite you’ll see that all of it makes perfect logical sense to the exclusion of much more complicated and lofty “flights of fancy”.

True enough for the evidence. It’s some of your conclusions I need to call you on, and I’ve said so often.

Where is the complicated flight of fancy in explicitly recognizing the distinction between the universe of thoughts your mind exists within, and the physical reality of your body and the world that surrounds you ?

I’m curious Write, what is your relationship with your body? Have you ever sensed your body was something separate, something that carried your conscious mind around and that you two weren’t always in sync?

What’s “complicated and lofty” about

the simple straightforward proposition that God is created from within the human mind and experience?

Or that life and we ourselves were created by Earth’s processes and we will meld back into her?

Or the notion of having a visceral awareness and appreciation for being an element in Earth’s Pageant of Evolution unfolding one day at a time?

Or spending a little time thinking about and better understanding the relation one possess with the knowledge one acquires?

Or explicitly acknowledging our universe unfolded down one path and only one very specific path?

Or recognizing and personally coming to terms with the divide between the world of our thoughts, and the reality unfolding around us?

No, I don’t think so. Considering that every generation of living organisms creates billions if not trillions of very small changes, some beneficial, most detrimental.
Natural selection allows the individual with beneficial changes to survive and procreate, adding to the gene pool, while individuals with detrimental changes perish without producing offspring, subtracting the defective genes from the gene pool.
This is how it took some 3 billion years to even produce hominids.

Humans are the fortunate recipients of a rare beneficial genetic mutation that allowed for extraordinary brain growth, while retaining 98% of the hominin genes and all other changes are cosmetic as much as in other varieties of great apes, some of which were out-selected by natural selection and removed from the hominin gene pool.


Within the taxon Hominidae, a number of extant and known extinct, that is, fossil, genera are grouped with the humans, chimpanzees, and gorillas in the subfamily Homininae; others with orangutans in the subfamily Ponginae (see classification graphic below). The most recent common ancestor of all Hominidae lived roughly 14 million years ago,[6] when the ancestors of the orangutans speciated from the ancestral line of the other three genera.[7] Those ancestors of the family Hominidae had already speciated from the family Hylobatidae (the gibbons), perhaps 15 to 20 million years ago.[7][8]

Due to the close genetic relationship between humans and the other great apes, certain animal rights organizations, such as the Great Ape Project, argue that nonhuman great apes are persons and should be given basic human rights. Twenty-nine countries have instituted research bans to protect great apes from any kind of scientific testing.[9]

Ancient humans: What we know and still don’t know about them

What are the 21 human species?

Image result for how many hominin species have existed including all great apes

Ancient humans: What we know and still don’t know about them

  • Homo habilis (“handy” man) Discovered: 1960, officially named in 1964. …
  • Homo erectus (“upright man”) …
  • Homo neanderthalensis (the Neanderthal) …
  • The Denisovans. …
  • Homo floresiensis (the “hobbit”) …
  • Homo naledi (“star man”) …
  • Homo sapiens (“wise man”, or “modern humans”)

May 3, 2017

What we do know is that all human species have (had) 23 pr chromosomes, while all other great apes retained 24 pr chromosomes.
Basically that’s how we can tell what fossils belong to humans or to other apes.

And what we also know is that all Eukaryotic life has microtubules in common that execute the DNA growth instructions.

To you and me it is a simple proposition, but as you yourself observed, religious history is fraught with complicated psychopathy.

Just look at the thousands of gods, various scriptures, and all the rituals invented to explain the creation of the universe itself and the ways to get “closer to God”.

If belief in God and religion was simple, would we have this incredible sophistry in religious literature and behavior for thousands of years?

re. 116 I don’t dispute any of that. I’ve been watching the story develop since when Leaky was king.

What is it you think? That no other creature has any aspects of “consciousness and thought, and even self-reflection”?

re. 117 That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep trying.
If for no other reason than for all who have given up on god & religion and find themselves lost, it’s a benchmark with which to help order the information they are absorbing. And as a too for standing up to the faith-blinded when jumped by them.

The casual disregard #117 displays helps explain how faith-based fantasies and God-fearing bullying bamboozled a few generations worth of supposedly ration science respecting people and allowed a criminal idiot like trump to head of our government. Even though his every intention was to vandalize much as possible.

It’s all interconnected.

[quote=“citizenschallengev4, post:119, topic:9472”]

[quote=“write4u, post:117, topic:9472”]

No, I don’t think so

What is it you think? That no other creature has any aspects of “consciousness and thought, and even self-reflection”?

This has nothing to do with other creatures that evolved their mental powers commensurate with their ability to use it.

As far as humans are concerned I don’t think that the mutational fluke came at the right time and place at all. I think it came too soon because it was not a result of gradual evolution and humans were not quite ready for such power.

The terrible way we have used our extraordinary mental powers is obvious Instead of learning to live in harmony with nature, we have declared war on nature and nature is beginning to punish us for our greed and arrogance.

We made up those nice morals of “sins” and “virtues” and then completely ignored them .

Then you come at it from a moral point of view, too much, too fast. I agree with that plenty well, so far at it goes.

But you don’t understand I’m talking from an Evolutionary perspective. When I say right time and place I’m talking about the Earth’s right time and place. All the biological innovation in the world won’t go far if Earth’s environment isn’t ready to support it. That’s what I’m talking about.

The “boring billions” and the Cambrian “revolution” being excellent examples of that.

True enough, so how do we get to the bottom of that?