Left Brain/Right Brain

Here’s a test
See here for an analysis

Interesting but I am always a bit skeptical of the interpretations with these sorts of tests. For what its worth I ended up 25% left brain and 75% right brain.

FWIW, my score is LB 44%, RB 56%
For instance, in the test of the rotating dancer, if one looks initially, she is either rotating anti-clockwise or clockwise, but after some time it becomes vice versa.
Apparently, both hemispheres of the brain do interact and communicate and not one hemisphere is dominant as both can express themselves in one’s consciousness at different times.
Hence, the flip-flop (interpretation of rotation) of the rotating dancer at different times.
Not surprising, as from the link in the OP,

For example, recent research has shown that abilities in subjects such as math are actually strongest when both halves of the brain work together. Today, neuroscientists know that the two sides of the brain work together to perform a wide variety of tasks and that the two hemispheres communicate through the corpus collosum.


How did you get percentages? I didn’t get any, but the chart showed me to be nearly all left brained.
I take it as a game.

I did find the percentages. It said I’m 91% left brained, 9% right.

I got 52% LB, 48% RB

The test revealed me to be 69% right and 31% left. I’m totally left handed when I write, I type left handed but play instruments right handed. Go figure.
Cap’t Jack

The test revealed me to be 69% right and 31% left. I'm totally left handed when I write, I type left handed but play instruments right handed. Go figure. Cap't Jack
How does one type left-handed? Are you hunting and pecking with one finger? What instrumnts do you play? Lois
I did find the percentages. It said I'm 91% left brained, 9% right.
Being left brained might explain why I can't appreciate abstract art. I used to say I lack the abstract art gene. I've also tried all my life to draw and paint because my father did those things. I'm not particulatly good at it, though I'm quite good at perspective. I tend to lose interest quickly. My father was naturally left handed, though they forced him to write right-handed, which he did all his life, but he drew and painted and performed almost all other tasks with his dominant left hand. I am right handed. Lois

I tested as 56% left, 44% right. Little snag though… I don’t know if it means anything, but when I was asked to put my hand on my head, I used my left hand solely because my right hand was busy usiing the mouse! Otherwise I probably would have used my right! :slight_smile:

I tested as 56% left, 44% right. Little snag though... I don't know if it means anything, but when I was asked to put my hand on my head, I used my left hand solely because my right hand was busy usiing the mouse! Otherwise I probably would have used my right! :)
One anomaly shouldn't skew the results. Lois

Still can’t make it work for me. Can’t even get it to ask the questions, much less allow me to answer them. :vampire:

The Economist this week shows the difference in wiring of brains of men and women.

Still can't make it work for me. Can't even get it to ask the questions, much less allow me to answer them. :vampire: Occam
Try ckivking on this. The test should come right up http://en.sommer-sommer.com

Whether it’s a left/right dichotomy or not, I think certain areas and functions of the brain are dominant in different people.
A more accurate test would be much longer, would be supervised by a psychologist under nearly ideal conditions and would have ways of compensating for anomalies. This test is just designed to give an indication of what functions are dominant in a person. It is not a scientific test.


How does one type left-handed? Are you hunting and pecking with one finger? What instrumnts do you play?
I use my IPad and type with the first two fingers of my left hand while holding it, obviously, with my right. I play the fiddle, Appalachian style, guitar, now not so much as I switched to learning the Irish harp, lap dulcimer and Autoharp. I also had to learn to shoot long guns right handed but It feels more natural using my left hand. Cap't Jack
A more accurate test would be much longer, would be superised by a psychologist under nearly ideal conditions and would have ways of compensating for anomalies. This test is just designed to give an indication of what functions are dominant in a person. It is not a scientific test. Lois
You're right, especially since it instructed us to touch our heads and asked which hand we used. Did the test writer anticipate right-handed people would have their left hands free? Like advocates, my right hand was on my trackpad so I used my left hand. I scored a 56/44, which means I should be pretty good at math. I am not.
A more accurate test would be much longer, would be superised by a psychologist under nearly ideal conditions and would have ways of compensating for anomalies. This test is just designed to give an indication of what functions are dominant in a person. It is not a scientific test. Lois
You're right, especially since it instructed us to touch our heads and asked which hand we used. Did the test writer anticipate right-handed people would have their left hands free? Like advocates, my right hand was on my trackpad so I used my left hand. I scored a 56/44, which means I should be pretty good at math. I am not. Not ncessarily. I scored 91 left and I was never good at math, though I've gotten much better as I've grown older. I believe I have an intrinsic understanding of math but was frightened away from it as a child. Neither my parents nor teachers had any idea of how to teach a child properly. When I showed any lack of understanding they tended to throw up their hands and write me off. In a scientific test, some questions would be asked orally with the subject, sitting straight in a chair, not using a mouse or holding a pen or pencil. Lois