Right to left: 59/41
The dancer question was a little odd though. Cuz it depends on what perespective your viewing. Viewing from top or bottom would have different direction
Right to left: 59/41 The dancer question was a little odd though. Cuz it depends on what perespective your viewing. Viewing from top or bottom would have different directionIt's best to submit your answer according to which direction she seems to be going at your very first glance without analyzing it or trying to make it appear to change direction.
Dead even 50-50. That’ll give me something to brag about. I wish it meant something.
I had forgotten about this this thread, but I happened to be organizing old files on a flash drive, and I found a research report from about four years ago where the scientists found that a fair number of left handers’ brains had reversed functions, that is, what was expected to be a left brain function was taking place on the right side and vice versa.
The first time I saw that rotating dancer I was able to make the rotation change with some concentration. It is a lot harder now.