Leading Environmental Activist’s Blunt Confession: I Was Completely Wrong To Oppose GMOs

So I guess you’ll be wondering—what happened between 1995 and now that made me not only change my mind but come here and admit it? Well, the answer is fairly simple: I discovered science, and in the process I hope I became a better environmentalist.
http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2013/01/03/mark_lynas_environmentalist_who_opposed_gmos_admits_he_was_wrong.html Wow!!

Aren’t terminator seeds genetically modified?
It is not as simple as GM = Good or GM = Bad.

Most every food we eat and pets we have have been genetically altered, the only differnce now is the methods used to do this is more advanced.

Most every food we eat and pets we have have been genetically altered, the only differnce now is the methods used to do this is more advanced.
Which is what I have been saying for years.

“I discovered science”. Ugh, a statement like that nauseates me. He probably read a few pseudo-scientific articles and got converted. Geez, don’t let him near any religious sermons or he’ll be converted to being a fundamentalist. :lol:

Still, props to him for admitting he made a mistake.

Me too. I just realized I misread the title of this thread. I thought he was saying he was going from being for to against GMOs, but I was wrong. It was just the reverse so I retract my prior post entirely. :red:

Exposed: the great GM crops myth
Major new study shows that modified soya produces 10 per cent less food than its conventional equivalent

I think we need to distinguish between technology and the implementation of technology. The same technology can be implemented a 1000 different ways. To use a conservative estimate. I mostly trust corporations to implement it in a way that will maximize their short term interests regardless of what long term harm it might do.
So the problem is not really the technology. It is people doing stupid shit with it.