widdershins: Here is website for FERMILABS https://www.fnal.gov/
here is the guy I spoke with about his career for an hour or so a couple of weeks ago… I do not know him well. I just came to know him because he did marry a woman that my wife and I knew some years ago. Steve Krstulovich retires after 31 years at Fermilab.
As i said he was an engineer, not a physicist. worked 31 years at FERM. As a facilities manager and computer whiz, they relied upon him a lot. As to how many he spoke with over all that time, i did not think to ask. During this time, the search for the God particle was continuously in vogue and I can imagine that such topics would not be unusual specially around Steve who was not shy about his faith. You know, 31 years around the office, the water cooler, the break rooms, cafeteria, meetings is a long time to get to know and talk to people. How many, how would I know. I know the FERME collider was not sufficient for the God particle research. They did do a lot oof the theorizing. It took the big huge CERN collider to conduct the experiments needed. And, I think, I am not sure, but I think Steve has been to CERN…not sure about that.
Let’s get my point straight. i said clearly that these guys, or, at least most, were only alluding to the mysterious nature of reality. Our reality lives like a movie riding upon a quantum layer of wave packets. Now, what creative force is behind that layer that manages the quantum layer? Does that make your life feel more or less real. Think about it. Keep in mind that everything we consider as real and tangible is only and largely empty space held together by invisible forces. It is said that if this universe which has been racing out away at the speed of light was vacuum sealed by sucking out all the space and dark matter, it could be compressed down to something like the size of Mercury or its orbit. So, we are, indeed, very fragile pieces of matter. Just little bits of breathe that are here and gone (like the Bible says). Our existence is genuinely more than the life and death of material we are familiar with. You are more energy and empty space than stuff.
I am not saying at all…let me repeat, I am not at all saying that proves God. I am saying that the universe and reality is sufficiently complex and unknown enough for God to operate in all the ways faith imagines. Perhaps faith in God connects with quantum wave packets in ways that mere intelligence and flesh cannot.
Let me repeat that nothing that I have said above proves my faith or the God of the Bible, but it should bring some sober thought to the minds of those who are still locked into the cause and effects of just this tangible physical universe. And, when that pause is taken. It is possible to see how Genesis chapter oine might be more accurate in its poetic description than we know. It is not at all impossible that light and energy exists before a star or or a sun. And, God could create or unleash life nourishing light before he created light sources. When we say that is impossible, we thinking only with the laws of physics that we know and observe and not with a realization that there are laws and a different set of physics and physical laws that are higher and before the ones we live in for the time being.
Some of that is probably more agreeable, even if not accepted, by someone like mriana.
Your life is not just a living collection of cells that die. Those cells are collections of atoms which are composed of ever smaller particles which have unobserved lives of their own. Our biological life rides on a quantum layer of energies and we have no idea what is beyond that. Apparently, the origins of life is not really even or primarily biological or even chemical (which our textboooks have said for some time). All that we know, when broken down, consists of and lives on this quantum layer…or some other layer(s) of reality that has its own life which a different set of causes and effects.
So, in all respect, and with all seriousness, I do not think anyone can say that our spirit does not depart from the body and go somewhere else or return to its maker. I am speaking in layman’s terms in regards to what is popularly known about the science of quantum science.
So, I can continue my prayers. Perhaps, they ride on quantum layers of stuff which is, right now, beyond our understanding.
Now, yes, you can say that all of that, whatever it turns out to be will simply be a natural extension of whatever is real…not God. That is a logical statement or hypothesis to make. Nothing slack about that thinking.
REgarding miracles. Miracles are nothing more than the intervention of forces and physical creative laws that are higher than or behind the processes that we are familiar with and depend upon. Miracles are not magic. They are not supernatural in sense that they are illogical or irrational or unexplainable when known. Whatever set of physical laws set our universe in motion and whatever controls it, produced it is probably a whole new set of laws that we are not aware of. Even in the quantum layer, behaviors of quantum particles are not dependent upon the laws we recognize and depend upon.
I have also talked with a physicist at Duke university who was repulsed at even the mention of the possibility of God. So, even though it is oft mentioned that physicists and engineers (people in hard sciences) are more open to the concept of a designer God, surely, like the Duke guy, many, if not most, are not.
Why do we care about meaning, purpose, love, life, and freedom, etc. etc. ?? Is the universe alive? Is the universe god? Or Did God create the universe?
More than One Christian philosopher has suggested that if humans claim to have life, personality, intelligence, purpose or meaning, love, etc. then that means the universe has life, intelligence, personality, purpose, love, meaning, etc . If there is no God, then universe is our God. And, a fickle, mean, uncaring, cold god it unless…
The Bible declares that even the great mighty mysterious universe is created with a redemptive purpose. Man was given freedom. The Bible declares that existence of a creator/designer is clearly deduced from the intricacies of life and the universe to the one that seeks and ponders without bias.
So, that is where I am. A man of faith in God. I came simply to observe and ask questions which I can still do if i am permitted, but i thought I would pen a few lines of thought for the digestion and indigestion of some.
Have a great day.
I have not edited for spelling or grammar. So, if errors, hope you can figure it out.