How many Earths?

An interesting graphic was shared in the climate change group within the AAAS forum.

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I wish I had the resources to evaluate this data. I heard it is promoted by oil companies to shift the guilt to the consumer. Consumers are guilty, but there is a problem of not having choices. Like when I went to public event about the new electric cars that came out a few years ago. It was a mix of environmental information and sales. Mostly sales. After decades of having almost no choices of low emission vehicles, suddenly the car companies are saying it’s up to me to go buy these cars to save the planet.

Back when I was commuting 80 miles a day, in one direction, I ran a calculator just me. Despite all my composting and local food choices, I was still a 5-planet consumer. I googled “how is energy used” but I’m getting “where” and “which sources”. I’ve seen a little data on how it is mostly transportation and heating. Housing design and crap being shipped all over the place are not things I have much control over.

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Agreed. I feel the same about plastics. The manufacturers are at fault for producing little or no choice. Glass worked fine for many years. I’d rather break a couple of bottles than contribute to our insane plastic dump.

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