Goldwater Institute wants to legitimize hate speech.

First Beltane questioned that we could judge Coulter’s future action, then her being labeled as hateful by saying she is just lying, then asked for evidence although he knows exactly what we are talking about, then he says that denial of science is not a problem. Seems to be implying scientists just need to suck it up or something. He has no idea he is the cause of the downfall of civilization. He seems to think that civilization exists on its own and people within it can act uncivilized with no consequences. Having no idea it is the other way around.

You have expressed an opinion and you can't back it up. You very quickly backed down from saying Coulter's speech is not hateful to using a the very high bar of the legal definition.
The legal definition is the only one that matters in a society with countless ideas of hatefulness. Any other definition is too chaotic.
For good reason, it is very difficult to prosecute someone for speech. Even if they are going on television, with a known large audience and showing pictures of targets painted on specific people and those people later get shot.
No, somebody would probably be investigated for that. Its a far cry from what Coulter does, though.
This is an informal discussion forum, not a court of law. You've admitted that Coulter is a nasty person, but you still want to defend her. That makes you culpable for whatever consequences come of her actions.
Not legally culpable, which is all that really matters. You make her sound like a mob boss and I'm her hitman.
Freedom of speech includes my right to say Coulter's speech is hateful and fits the definition according to any reasonable person.
Correct about your right, I posted that much upthread. Incorrect that any reasonable person agrees with your definition.
First Beltane questioned that we could judge Coulter's future action, then her being labeled as hateful by saying she is just lying, then asked for evidence although he knows exactly what we are talking about, then he says that denial of science is not a problem. Seems to be implying scientists just need to suck it up or something. He has no idea he is the cause of the downfall of civilization. He seems to think that civilization exists on its own and people within it can act uncivilized with no consequences. Having no idea it is the other way around.
You are a dramatic person.
{Beltane} The issue here is labeling speech one don't like as hate speech, not this environmental obsession you seem to have.
NO! Stop trying to make this about me! Another favorite yet sleazy debate/discussion tactic. My concern about Earth awareness and our planet's health has nothing to do with it! We are trying to discuss the question of the hatefulness of character assassination. It's harmfulness to society when lies and juvenile ridicule of real expert becomes the accepted way to deal with complicated issues and unwanted critique or warnings. Think Shock'n Awe for a reminder, than again you might be among those think we won that one. Who knows? Care to share? Your sentence "environmental obsession" and that attitude is a wonderful example of what I'm talking about. You come across as though you think our "environment" is a joke, like you believe that anyone concerned with our planet's environment and/or its climate regime has got to be a pot smoking stooge. It seems as though you have no conception of the importance of a healthy environment to a thriving global community. It seems as though you have no conception of the increasing tempo of seriously destructive weather systems along with alarming polar ice destabilization. It seems as though you know nothing of the cascading consequences people are experiencing already and even less about the increasing trajectory of Earth's climate and biosphere transition into something harsh and unrecognizable. Basic reality of compounding cumulative interest within Earth's life sustaining environmental systems (biosphere), Beltane bet you've never given it a second thought. As though none of that will ever touch your smug existence. And all this because you were deftly brainwashed by the lies of people with absolutely no scruples or ethics, beyond immediate self-interest. You have been on that diet of lies and oh so humorous ridicule and seem to think it's just fine, so long as you feel like you're winning. Enjoy the feeling while you can. It won't last.
This post isn't helping your assertion that you're not on about the environment.
To be clear Beltane, Anne Coulter is a malicious hate-monger, the body of her work stands for itself, the fact that you think it humor and good fun, simply implies you're okay with hate speech, slander, and such. But your approval doesn't make it okay or healthy or intelligent or constructive.
I can tell it's unhealthy for you! :-P

I’m not trying to deny I’m more concerned with our planet more than most. That’s because I have a deeper understanding of it’s processes after a life time of actively learning about it. I see you can’t come at me with any real facts or argument, all you can do is reduce it to personalizing and emotionalize and demonizing.
That’s rather hateful, or should I simply call it fearful, of serious dialogue - don’t you think?
I’m telling you my feeling are beside to the point when it comes to the Right-wing justifying the use of deliberate fabricated and malicious lies intended to character assassinate bona fide experts, who they doing their duties by trying to explain their findings to a public that has a right to understand the truth of what’s going on within our planet.
Attacking me for being more aware of the situation makes about as much sense as psik and his 9/11 thing, but it’s all you got.
You dare not tease out any of these (my environmental issues) strands and look at them rationally and factually
instead you are absolutely dependent on turning it into a Dump On The ‘Idiot’ ridicule and then Running Off Claiming Victory as you’ve repeatedly shown.

First Beltane questioned that we could judge Coulter's future action, then her being labeled as hateful by saying she is just lying, then asked for evidence although he knows exactly what we are talking about, then he says that denial of science is not a problem. Seems to be implying scientists just need to suck it up or something. He has no idea he is the cause of the downfall of civilization. He seems to think that civilization exists on its own and people within it can act uncivilized with no consequences. Having no idea it is the other way around.
You are a dramatic person. Case in point - dismiss, ignore, ridicule, run off believing in your own superiority. It takes something more than a partisan lawyer's interpretation of the "letter of the Law" to make a society function. Playing with the law, manipulating and twisting it for your own purposes, that's degenerate and self-destructive - as we are watching being played out in the news.
First Beltane questioned that we could judge Coulter's future action, then her being labeled as hateful by saying she is just lying, then asked for evidence although he knows exactly what we are talking about, then he says that denial of science is not a problem. Seems to be implying scientists just need to suck it up or something. He has no idea he is the cause of the downfall of civilization. He seems to think that civilization exists on its own and people within it can act uncivilized with no consequences. Having no idea it is the other way around.
You are a dramatic person. Case in point - dismiss, ignore, ridicule, run off believing in your own superiority. It takes something more than a partisan lawyer's interpretation of the "letter of the Law" to make a society function. Playing with the law, manipulating and twisting it for your own purposes, that's degenerate and self-destructive - as we are watching being played out in the news.I could explain why this comment is totally crazy, but there's no point. You're unhinged about this topic. I don't want to drive you to suicide so I won't attempt any more communication.
