One thing I like doing is taking a Fundie’s position and showing how based only on what their god said or did that their own position is actually counter to god. For example, faith. My argument goes like this: god’s greatest gift, that sets us apart from the lower animals, is reason. Faith is us NOT using her greatest gift, therefore we should stop relying on faith. That kinda thing. So similarly with their position on Abortion. God gave us free will (no matter what the CFI thread says, fundies believe this). By giving us free will she gave up some of her own power to control things, or at least could control them but never does, no matter how much it pains her. I.e. she gave us true free will, not watered down. But if that’s the case, then it’s a downright affront to god to try to negate people’s ability to choose freely. I hear god up there saying to herself “jesus, I gave up a little bit of my own power to choose just so these dimwits could try and take it away from some of my children?”
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the argument is that you were given free will so you would have the option to choose God. If it wasn’t an option, then you wouldn’t be doing what God wanted, which is to choose Him (or Her in your example). Once you accept that, then you need to know where to go to know HOW to choose God, which His word, and the rest is history.
This is not covered in the Bible anyway, so I’m not sure what logic your beating them at. The God of the Bible punishes people for actions, puts thoughts in their minds on occasion, or randomly smites them. Hell, purgatory and original sin all came later when people started asking questions about Biblical contradictions.
I don’t see why you need stuff like this since I’ve never met an argument for God that I haven’t found a response for. Other than “you can’t disprove that something undetectable isn’t there”, which leaves me with no way to know anything about what that is.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the argument is that you were given free will so you would have the option to choose God. If it wasn't an option, then you wouldn't be doing what God wanted, which is to choose Him (or Her in your example). Once you accept that, then you need to know where to go to know HOW to choose God, which His word, and the rest is history. This is not covered in the Bible anyway, so I'm not sure what logic your beating them at. The God of the Bible punishes people for actions, puts thoughts in their minds on occasion, or randomly smites them. Hell, purgatory and original sin all came later when people started asking questions about Biblical contradictions. I don't see why you need stuff like this since I've never met an argument for God that I haven't found a response for. Other than "you can't disprove that something undetectable isn't there", which leaves me with no way to know anything about what that is.I guess I AM assuming a little too much, namely that a fundie would possibly accept the notion that the bible, and the description of god in it, is just a man made thing. Your arguments are more of a logical argument. Mine, and maybe argument is the wrong word, are really just trying to lead them where their own ideas point.
How about approaching it from the stand point of … How the hell can a lousy egotistical insecure sinner of a mortal human being possibly comprehend God Almighty of Time, Life and Love -
- hell even the Bible warms against that -
You know - God beyond all human understanding - and all that lip service. :blank:
How about approaching it from the stand point of … How the hell can a lousy egotistical insecure sinner of a mortal human being possibly comprehend God Almighty of Time, Life and Love -
- hell even the Bible warms against that -
You know - God beyond all human understanding - and all that lip service. :blank:
People who don’t understand what god is are people who are dealing with “faith and belief". And religion in America is faith biased. And faith and belief is anything you want it to be. It is all in your mind.