Free Speech

Besides his having called Spain’s former Bourbon monarch King Juan Carlos a “thief” in a song, Hasél is being jailed for such Tweets as:

“Because of Saudi Arabia the kids in Yemen suffer like this [attached an image of a malnourished Yemeni child on scales]. Things of democrats like the Bourbon mafia.”

“[Basque nationalist] Joseba Arregi was murdered by the police under torture.”

“Two years since the murder of Iñigo Cabacas by police, no one has been charged.”

IMHO, he shouldn’t have been jailed for that. I’ve called the dotard a murderer more than once, because he is.

In France, there are people who have an almost unlimited right to Free speech: lawyers pleading during a trial.

The only limits are that:

  • they have no right to insult the judge
  • they must not be discourteous toward the other lawyers
May be there are others, but they have not been tested as far as i know. I think that for instance, racism would be punished.

Did you read what “Dotard” said?

Now, Loretta Lynch did say this, and was widely panned for it:

Obviously this is a country that is based on free speech,” Lynch told the audience at the Muslim Advocates dinner in Arlington, VA. But when that edges towards violence…we will take action.”
"Edges towards violence?" Sounds like it means anything you want it to mean.


Some conservatives criticized Lynch for her comments to a Muslim civil rights group, where she lamented "the ability of people to issue hateful speech of all types from the anonymity of a screen."


I am just wondering what are the participants take on QAnons and the issues their activities raise to society as a whole. I have watched the HBO documentary series - Q: Into the Storm - and it seems quite scary, especially in view that Trump wants to start his own platform of social media, since he has a fairly large fanatical base.

I am just wondering what are the participants take on QAnons and the issues their activities raise to society as a whole.
Why do they have to make stuff up? There's plenty of real stuff going on (Gaetz, Epstine) that's juicy and worth exposing.



Good examples with Gaetz and Epstine. I have a few conspiracy theory friends. When an actual conspiracy like those is uncovered, I like to point out how the QAnons or anyone else is never the ones that break them. It’s always quality journalism and investigation, backed up by evidence.

There was an article floating around last year, about how the Q stories are like playing a role playing game. You never actually win, you just keep obtaining stuff. The point is to enjoy the chase, to keep searching for the next mystery, no matter how many times you’ve failed.

Civilization is always on the edge of collapse. We’ve concurred many of the natural problems, but we are in a race to set our energies on actual threats, or continue to fight about what should be shown on television.