Here’s a variation on my favorite theme, inspired by a local Philosophy Club meeting last night.
Being mainly a college student oriented club, I have to keep my observations to a minimum, and stuff like last night really had me bitting my tongue, as it was riling up my thoughts.
So this morning I purged myself and figured I might as well share.
Do Religions Start Wars?
It’s an empty question in that it defies resolution because everyone works with their own specific definitions. Akin to “Guns Don’t Kill People, People Kill People,” which can only lead to a parade of “sure, but …” talking points that lead nowhere.
The conversation then drifted into the notion that Religion & Science are both simply faith systems of a different flavor.
While some great points were made for science, the discussion felt like thrashing at branches while the core of matter was avoided all together.
Why not go for the heart of the matter? It begins with the question:
“Who Are You?”
To which I’d respond: “Most fundamentally I’m an evolved biological sensing creature - a product of Earth’s processes.” Why is that important?
Because only from an Evolutionary Perspective can we fully appreciate human consciousness in a way that helps us define the difference between Science & Religion.
The key insight is a deep time appreciation for the Human Mind ~ Physical Reality divide.
Physical Reality is the physical world of atoms, molecules, universal laws of physics, biology and Earth’s laws of nature. It is Earth’s dance between geology and biology and time and Earth’s evolving creatures.
Human “Mindscape" is all that goes on inside of our minds. The landscape of our thoughts and desires and impulses along with those various voices and personalities who inhabit our thoughts and Being. The ineffable notions that our hands can turn into physical reality that changes our planet.
The me, myself and I, and all that unfolds within the thoughts just beyond the biological sparks and chemical cascades unfolding within our physical bodies and brains as they navigate their environments.
Once we understand this conception it becomes clear that both science and religion are products of our minds dealing with the physical reality each of us is imbedded within.
Science seeks to objectively learn about our physical world, but we ought to still recognize all our understanding is embedded within and constrained by our mindscape and the bubble our personal ego creates.
Religion is all about the human mindscape itself, with its wonderful struggles, fears, spiritual undercurrents, needs and stories we create to give our live’s meaning and make it worth living, or at least bearable.
What’s the point?
Religions, science, same as political beliefs, heaven, hell, mathematics, art, music, even God, they are all products of the human mindscape, generations of imaginings built upon previous generations of imaginings, all the way down.
That’s not to say they are the same thing, they are not! Though I think they’re both valid human endeavors, still fundamentally, qualitatively different.
Religion deals with the inside of our minds, hearts and souls, Science does its best to objectively understand the physical world beyond all that, doing its best to eliminate ego and bias from of its deliberations…
From this starting point a much more constructive conversation about the differences between religion and science becomes possible.