So, you mean you want to censor people?
I wrote "Why is it so difficult to expect an Occam’s razor introduction to the topic of Human Nature.
You know, sort of like talking Cosmology, we start with talking about the Big Bang and then work out into today’s complexities from there.

That covers many animals.
I’d rather assume it covers all of them., or they couldn’t have survived their environments. Besides it’s what science is also showing us.

It’s what we have been for millions of years. It leaves out all the DNA we have added along the way, not to mention the culture.
Why would you assume that. The DNA is the recipe that’s being handed down, generation after generations.
Culture, well here’s where it get important to understand the distinction between our thoughts, and the material matrix we are embedded within up this planet.

reflection? that’s all?
How you playing games.

What does the body say when its communicating?
It keeps up from walking off the cliff, or grabbing that frying pan that’s been in the fire, etc. Get serious about the various science and it become pretty straight forward to grasp. Some call it instinct.

How do I apply this basic knowledge?
I applies to better understanding your self and your behaviors and your option and the even some of the reasoning behind it.

How does it help me decide what to have for breakfast or who I should vote for?
It helps you grasp why voting is important.
It helps you decide to have breakfast, why are you expecting the impossible.
It helps you grasp your circumstances better,
it help you grasp why people behave as they do,

Human behavior is what we observe. It’s important to gather that data, it tells us if we are progressing and if a given policy or treatment is effective. But there is so much more to know, hormones, epigenetics, nueral activity, primate behavior, affects of diet.
Yes and with our fundamental frame works to guide us, it all a confusing melange, where one can read 15,000 words on Human Nature and come out more confused than one started.
You know this reminding of all people that expect their toilets to work properly, but who can’t be bothered to learn anything about what happened at the other end of you flush.
Or meat eaters that are grossed out at the killing and butchering required for that cut to appear on their plate.
Its the difference between superficiality and confusion,
and a sober organized internally consistent,
sorry miss B is getting mighty fidgety - …