EMW is the Creator of matter

EMW is the Creator of matter
Therefore “the Only Creator of the material world, the source of energy of motion and of life itself is electromagnetic waves, which pervades all space, from which are formed the atoms and cells. EMV are the carriers of electromagnetic energy and information, and given the occupancy their limitless space of the cosmos, EMW is infinite energy and information, which comprises energy and information system of the cosmos or the cosmic mind”.
4. The formation of atoms and cells
The issues of interaction EMW matter (the matter) are considered in physics as the energy of the electromagnetic effects ’ elementary particles constituent of atoms. Most strongly the action of the light wave occurs when its frequency coincides with one of natural frequencies of electrons in atoms or close to it.[6] But since we found out that atoms, and even more so in the cells, there is no electrons, then getting on the matter (e.g., leaves of trees) ehmv, the frequency spectrum of which coincides with this substance, thereby increasing the number of EMV in this matter. As a result of growing the cells themselves. And those EMV, which does not match the substance, are recorded. The cells of plants and living organisms grow only if the conditions necessary and sufficient for their formation.
In the absence of any of the necessary conditions for the growth of plants and living organisms ceases until death. And if you don’t burn them, they rot and turn into soil and minerals. Similarly, the process of formation of atoms in contact EMV on their corresponding spectrum of the object under appropriate conditions. This is especially evident in deserts where sunlight is converted in the sand. As a result, over millions of years, the volume of the planet Earth increases with increase in gravity. So millions of years ago animals and people was of large dimensions. And at depths of hundreds of meters are the products of decay of plants – coal, oil, etc.
6. Atoms – the source of electricity and gravity
Based on the foregoing, in atoms are protons and electrons and the electromagnetic waves that make up atoms. But given that EMV is constantly moving, and moving within the atom can only be spinning in its own magnetic shell, created by the movement of the EMV, the result is a solenoid with a rotating energy ehmv at the ends of the axis of rotation of which are formed magnetic pole and the EMF. That is, each atom is a small magnet and a battery with EMF.
From physics we also know that when crossing the wire the magnetic field lines at the ends of the wire electromotive force occurs. This is because under the influence of the wire intersections of the magnetic lines of atoms leads to line up their ends of the axis of rotation EMV consistently “+” of a single atom to the “–” of the other. And since a lot of atoms, and each of them is a battery with EMF, then the serial connection gives the sum of the EMF of the entire chain of atoms. Therefore, the EMF at the ends of the wire, that is electricity.
When such atoms-magnets a lot – for example, a piece of solid bodies, the formation of which from a molten state the atoms are arranged corresponding poles to each other – it turns out a solid piece.
“So while flying in Space astronaut don Pettit watched in weightlessness first scattered bags of particles of sugar, salt, coffee powder was gradually connected to each other, that is, were drawn independently. Thus “Astronaut Pettit made a Grand discovery!”: “In the micro gravity of space particles do not fly separately, but together. Dust particles collide among themselves, in the form of each other, grow to large particles”. “Experiments conducted by the NASA astronaut, thanks to the BBC /11/ become widely known. But to explain the behavior of particles in this experiment, on the basis of modern physical concepts, is not possible” [7]”.
This concept explains the interaction of the particles. Proof of atoms as a source of attraction (gravity) are also magnets made of iron, the axis of the atoms under the influence of the magnetic field created by electric current are arranged corresponding poles in the same direction, as a result, one end of the magnet produces a North pole of one of the outer atoms, and at the other end is the South pole of the atoms other end of the magnet. Thus magnetic energy is closed with the magnetic field lines outside the magnet, or interact with other magnets. And line up the atoms because the atoms themselves inside the consist of EMV, which rotate freely and not how some elementary particles according to the current interpretation of quantum physics.

I don’t think this will have any effect on creationists, if that’s what you were trying for.

EMW would be a second tier “creator” even if you did follow this line of reasoning. Just like the question “who created the creator?”, this line of reasoning raises that same question.
From another perspective EMW would be a creator by way of cause and effect, which opens up the definition of creator to broadly for the answer most people are looking for. By way of cause and effect many forces are an equal creator to EMW , ourselves included. Also if man can manipulate electromagnetic waves, then we can manipulate God?
But that is a cool line of thinking since electromagnetic waves are the most prevalent and influential force on atoms.