Do experts actually exist?

I got into an argument with someone who says there isn’t such a thing and that it’s just giving people authority that isn’t earned. I tried to tell them that these people spend their lives in study in such fields and would know more than you would doing your own thing but they didn’t buy it.

There is alot more to know for me and you and everyone on this godforsaken planet. All of that gets complicated when you consider negative knowledge. I dont want to "hope" a specialists knowledge is correct so i use critical thinking even when it is the most basic of things. And entertain ideas even if they are woo woo in a what if scenario And then see why they are incorrect instead of using someones word for it. I try to make an effort to null lies because i learned how to think. I see why it is a fact instead of assuming that it is. And thus critical thinking and socratic entertainment. And i have been doing that since my first year of highschool. I dont claim to know everything and thus everyone else shouldn't aswell.

Just because you study something does not make you a authority, elitism is counterproductive to freedom. Of course if you have a career in science you have more exsposure to new scientific concepts but you could be replaced with anyone with passion and time. I am more likely to trust a plumber with plumbing, however with time and attention i can be just as good as the plumber and saving money in the process. Therefore authority has no basis of existence, just a vain claim.


I am more likely to trust a plumber with plumbing, however with time and attention i can be just as good as the plumber and saving money in the process. Therefore authority has no basis of existence, just a vain claim.
I think "time and attention" is what makes you an expert.

Pretty obvious, huh oneguy.

I think people get expert confused with credentialed. Credentials help, but they can be flawed.


I got into an argument with someone who says there isn’t such a thing and that it’s just giving people authority that isn’t earned. I tried to tell them that these people spend their lives in study in such fields and would know more than you would doing your own thing but they didn’t buy it.
I wouldn't buy it either unless the person, whose authority I accept, professes and does have the expertise that matters to me. I follow the President's guidelines for 15 days to slow the spread of the coronavirus based on the authority of his experts, Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx. They are physicians with expertise in fighting the virus. I accept their authority because the welfare of the country matters to me.

But I would get into an argument with you if you told me that I should accept the authority of Dr. Noam Chomsky on matters of American public policy. In this regard, his expertise is no better than that of my plumber.


On second thought, I feel that the authority of Dr. Fauci and Dr. Brix must be tempered by the President who is taking the pulse of the nation’s health. Likewise, I wouldn’t allow my plumber a free hand to pull out everything just to make his job easier.

To all newbies in this forum. Do experts actually exist is the kind of question you can expect from this pathetic forum.

Hey Hal, Don’t blame the whole forum for the nutty obsessions of Snowcity.

Sree said: “… I would get into an argument with you if you told me that I should accept the authority of Dr. Noam Chomsky on matters of American public policy. In this regard, his expertise is no better than that of my plumber.”

TimB said: That is probably right. Though I don’t know if I have ever heard a plumber say anything political.

Do experts actually exist is the kind of question you can expect from this pathetic forum.
Blame the pathetic minds, not the forum.


Had any of these self-certain jerks in power listened to the medical experts, life would still be humming along - because the COVID-19 would have been corralled long ago. Rather than being encouraged to flare into a society shattering pandemic. With an absolute ignoramous, that can’t see past his nose, in charge of the faith blinded sheople and dragging down the rest of us in the process.

Hell, they could have asked me how to handle the Pandemic. I am no expert, but I would have been way ahead of the T rump.