Cory Booker's Speech at the DNC

Is Cory Booker that ignorant/stupid? Obviously not. He certainly knows about 9/11, San Bernardino, Orlando, etc.
I think it is too much of a shame in the world that too many people who seem to be good are too politically correct, dishonest and irresponsible when it comes to attacking the problem of injustice, hatted and barbarity. People like Cory Booker and political parties like the US Democratic Party are examples, where they are like that with Islamic fanaticism, hatred and terrorism.
Amazing you get your panties in a twitter because Booker used the loose categorization "because how they pray" to indicate religion - yet you go on trumpeting that San Bernardino and Orlando were terror attacks akin to 9/11 - when they were random acts of violence by some pissed off, crazies with easy access to weapons within a society immersed in their love of violence and big guns. As for 9/11 how about blaming Bush/Cheney Administration for ignoring their National Security Advisor and turning a blind eye to terrorist threats. Thus turning a blind eye to all the little piece of evidence tricking in. At least if Al Gore hadn't had the election stolen, he's have listen and an attentive security apparatus might very well have put the pieces together. Lordie it turns out there was a lot of pieces of ignored evidence in the end. And why the hell would they stoop so low? We they were stupid, self-obsessed and just a waiting for another lil ol terror incident a la USS Cole or a quaint foreign US embassy bombing, for their own agenda and opportunism - never underestimate your adversary. Remember the New American Century - well they made it, here it is and it's ugly as hell. Bain, again so long as you try to simplistically demonize your enemies and refuse to appreciate the full dynamic you're as bad as any of them.

I appreciate that you’ve toned down the rhetoric, but you showed your colors early and still have work to do to convince me. I agree, there are values that lead to actions, and the causes and effects of values and actions can be determined. But as soon as you start generalizing about religions and political affiliations, you step way out of the values conversation.
If you say my vote for Hillary says something about me, then you have completely missed the opportunity to get to know me, my values and what I stand for. I could go into more detail about that, but I haven’t found discussion with you terribly productive so I’ll hold out until we find what is truly your last word on this.
More important than feelings on the matter is what has been very clearly uncovered over the last year or two in politics. This idea that values matter, that has been sold by conservatives all over the world for decades, has been exposed for a cover of desire for personal preference. It was always fairly obvious, when values like “family" were shown to be male denomination in disguise over and over again. I was at a national convention of a 501 that fights hunger, when I heard someone say, “saving starving children, that’s fine, but what I’m really interested in is saving souls for Jesus." He didn’t represent the org as a whole, that’s not the point. We found out this year just how many people there are like that.
I agree, it’s crazy how some people think. A friend of mine has barely spoken to me since we talked about Malala Yousafzai. He strongly believed that it was our imposition of “Western" values that caused her to want an education and get herself shot. He thinks we should leave them to their culture and they will be happy. He’s kind of a quiet guy, so it’s hard to tell if is actually avoiding me or really just can’t get past that disagreement. Anyway, it’s a demonstration of how that values conversation, one that started millennia ago, has morphed into “evil Western empire" and “failure of the Enlightenment".