Climate Change in debates

No one said Hansen should be ignored. No one brought up a critique of the Paris Agreements except you. You are doing what I describe in post #30. Engage in this discussion or go somewhere eles.

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MikeYohe this is why it’s easy to get angry at and attack the strategically malicious and dishonest, and stupefying kaka you spit out regarding climate science and the people who are doing it, and the information they have gathered.

What drives scientists? - Richard Alley’s Golden Nugget

UQx Denial101x Making Sense of Climate

Aug 24, 2015
Prof Alley gets passionate about the motivation of scientists.


For instance

after all these years you still ignore the fact that today’s changes have nothing to do with the Milankovitch cycles and in fact - be it not for Anthropogenic Global Warming, we’d be in a cooling phase, because that’s where the cycle is at.

Feb 5, 2009
Penn State climate expert and glaciologist Richard Alley does a quirky dance to explain ice-age cycles, then shows how the natural warm and cool phases of climate help prove that more CO2 will warm the world in the long haul.


Richard Alley - 4.6 Billion Years of Earth’s Climate History: The Role of CO2

National Academy of Sciences

Jun 1, 2015
NAS member Richard Alley presents on 4.6 Billion Years of Earth’s Climate History: The Role of CO2, during the Symposium—Earths, Moons, Mars & Stars at the National Academy of Sciences 152nd Annual Meeting.

Mike has a talent for sprinkling in facts, surrounded by his own midirected conclusions. Muons and clouds are in the IPCC, and sure,little ol’ me don’t know much about them. But, I don’t bring them up either. I know enough, and can look up, how CO2 is still the big thing.

The video just touches on the $$ motivation. It is such a dumb argument that somehow science can maintain a veil of legitimacy and be the biggest liars ever. It’s an argument that destroys itself by claiming how facts are established then saying that system doesn’t work

Mriana says Hansen is not a reliable source for commentary on the Paris Agreement. Her thoughts arent to be respected

She says your posts are mostly unreliable. That’s her opinion. She didn’t evaluate the Hansen link because she has evaluated other links from and judges you to not be worth listening to. You don’t get to demand that she think differently.

Convince us with reason and that could change. Don’t demand people read your links.

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She didnt evalute any link . Taking her reliability opinion with a grain of salt

CC, there has been a lot of speculation that we will not enter an Ice Age because of anthropogenic warming. Some articles have speculated that the cold may be delayed by several hundred or even a thousand years. I personally would not put a lot of trust in these articles. Most of these articles are still confusing Global Warming and Climate Change. It has been said for years that the government is years behind the industries. And that seems to be true with Climate Change research.

For example, the United States Environmental Protection Agency has a glossary on Climate Change Terms. Jumps and Lags are not even in their glossary. And when you read the goal of the IPCC. You must ask yourself why that is not in the reports more often.

AI Example: The time lag between human actions and the resulting effects on global warming can vary, with some aspects responding almost immediately and others taking decades or more:

AI Example: A “global warming lag” in Milankovitch cycles typically refers to a time period of several thousand years, where the Earth’s temperature continues to rise even after the initial orbital forcing (change in solar radiation received) has peaked, meaning the maximum warming occurs slightly after the peak in the Milankovitch cycle, with the lag time often ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands of years depending on the specific cycle and climate factors involved.

My viewpoint: Look at lags this way. Use the Winter Solstice on December 21and the Summer Solstice on June 21st. Those are the days of least and the most sunlight.

AI Overview: Yes, the Winter Solstice is considered part of the Milankovitch cycle because it marks a key point in Earth’s orbital path, and the Milankovitch cycles are primarily concerned with variations in Earth’s orbital parameters, including the timing and intensity of seasonal changes which are directly related to the solstices and equinoxes.

Now, ask yourself is 12/21 – 06/21 the coldest and hottest part of our yearly cycle? No, it is not. The hottest and coldest days follow the Solstice and are known as the Lag.

Now the Jumps. And there have been Jumps in the past. They are scary SOB’s and nobody wants to talk about Jumps. They did make a movie about a jump called The Day After Tomorrow back in 2004.

AI Overview: Yes, The Day After Tomorrow is about a climate jump that leads to a new ice age. The 2004 film depicts a series of extreme weather events caused by global warming and the disruption of the North Atlantic Ocean circulation.

This is all I have time for now. Have a nice day and be well.

You know that when it’s summer in the northern hemisphere it’s winter in the southern hemisphere, right?

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I don’t know. Santa Clause uses a snow sled. Does that mean no toys for the kids at Christmas in the southern hemisphere?

Oh please! I’m sure parents in the southern hemisphere have their own Santa stories.

To all who are interested in climate change, this may be a useful site for reference.

My brother lived in Hawaii for years. It was hard to get into the Christmas spirit. One year, he got me a Santa in scuba gear ornament. He said they would ship trees across the Pacific, and they would have a moldy smell.