How ironic, been working in the ballpark - better defining my issue old obsolete self-absorbed, self-centered, “abrahamic mindset”
So, this is an interesting diversion.
Hmmm, now there’s an interesting philosophical question.
… as in, What was the cascade of thoughts that lead to that wording?
Do you have any exceptions in mind?
I’m at the flailing stage here, starting more paragraphs then finishing, and general chaos - but what the hell, why not, have at it might help me focus and get this thing moving again.
That (Hoffman, Hamerhoff approaches) can be summed up as a cumulative approach. Namely, that consciousness is a product of quantum (or some such) building blocks.
But, I ask you to consider an evolution where consciousness is an inevitable product of the emergent products & proprieties of biology, slamming up against the wall physical reality.
“Nature” isn’t a dreamer or planner, “Nature” is a problem solver.
It’s not all that mystical. Down at the very tiniest of tiny, there’s a background hum of energy, where primordial energy coalesces into bundles of confined, defined energy states, these are sub-atomic particles, that become atomic particles that become a building array of molecular arrangements. The building blocks of black holes, galaxies, universes, and ever so rare, and unique Earth, where her geological evolution triggered a biological awaking and nurtured an evolutionary pageant of astounding results.
( Sean Carroll, Arvin Ash )
“Superposition,” “quantum-collapse,” and other such quantum marvels are mathematical ways of explaining the physical data, we shouldn’t imbue them with mysterious power, keeping in mind that they are human constructs for better understanding stuff way beyond our ability to grasp.
At the primordial level of matter, decisions aren’t required. There are exacting ways energy and matter behave, probability patterns don’t imply decision making in action.
Consider, “Nature” isn’t a dreamer, nor a planner, “Nature” is a problem solver.
It’s not until the complexity of biological molecular components started existing that the need for choices arouse. Layers of emergent behaviors, folds within folds of cumulative harmonic poetry flowing down the cascade of time,
Starting with drive
bumping into feedback,
bumping into challenges,
bumping into processing,
bumping into choices,
bumping into outcomes,
bumping into problems solving,
bumping into accumulation,
bumping into learning,
bumping into development,
bumping into memory,
bumping into increasing complexity,
bumping into emergent transitions,
bumping into evolution and progress and consequences, and so on.
The origins of consciousness is
Western society’s philosophical foundation is firmly built upon the shoulders of great thinkers that had no idea about biology, or evolution, or this global biosphere that created us, or the cosmos that surrounded us. All they had was their thoughts, filtered through learning and ego with drive and determination. I do not discount their thinking process, or the foundation they laid out for us. Our society, as we know it, wouldn’t exist without this background.