AI assisted writing

Just ran across a very interesting AI-based writing assistant. Not only does it spell-check, but also rates the content for clarity in the context.

To top it off, it tells you the emotional content of the presentation, i.e. Friendly, Direct, Confident, and accompanies it with an emoji.

And best of all …It’s free!

p.s. I have no conflicts in this recommendation.

I got that a couple weeks ago. I got an emoji that looked kind of shocked on one of my posts to dad1

I tried that before and I didn’t have much luck with it. It didn’t work for me nor did I have emojis, but this was a couple years ago.

I tried that before and I didn’t have much luck with it. It didn’t work for me nor did I have emojis, but this was a couple years ago.
It only has about 5 or 6 emojis to accompany the "emotional content" rating.

What I like especially is that also corrects punctuation, i.e. spacing, placing commas, hyphens. It just polishes the quality of the text.

As English is my second language, it helps me in composing a coherent message.

I got that a couple weeks ago. I got an emoji that looked kind of shocked on one of my posts to dad1
You can open the emotional content of the emoji message by clicking on it at bottom right of the page.


I’ve always thought your English was pretty good. Better than many U.S. English speakers.

Thank you. That’s important to me.

Congratulations for your English, @write4u

Where there’s an upside there’s a downside. I read an article awhile back about exactly the same idea, AI writing content. In that case though it was an experiment to see how effectively an AI program could generate content based on a few questions, legal content I think it was. Point being, whoever the scumbags are that are doing this stuff are thinking about ways to generate fake content that only reads real. No doubt they’ll want to get rid of more jobs.

Congratulations for your English, @write4u
Thank you Morgan, much appreciated.
Where there’s an upside there’s a downside. I read an article awhile back about exactly the same idea, AI writing content. In that case though it was an experiment to see how effectively an AI program could generate content based on a few questions, legal content I think it was. Point being, whoever the scumbags are that are doing this stuff are thinking about ways to generate fake content that only reads real. No doubt they’ll want to get rid of more jobs. -- Cuthbertj
I think it is high time that we paid attention to our most important mode of communication. If you compare the current state of the English language (texting) with the linguistic eloquence of the Shakespearean times, it is clear that our language has suffered perhaps fatal deterioration and a perverse dumbing down.

Any help that an AI can provide in that area should be welcomed.

Fake content that reads real?” What on earth does that mean? As compared to intentional fake content that reads real by modern human con-artists?

Why are AI immediately suspected of harming society when actual human-caused harm is in abundant evidence? I don’t understand these knee-jerk hysterical reactions to anything that may offer beneficial uses, such as working under hazardous conditions, jobs where humans would suffer injury.


Based on this single prompt:
“They’re taking the robots to Isengard, they’re taking the robots to Isengard!”

This is a poem written by GPT3 without any further assist or direction.
This was probably the best completion:

To Isengard, with engines’ song and rocket-blast!
To Isengard!
With plenty of tin and steel for Saruman!
To Isengard!
To Isengard, where the wizard waits.
With the voice of rolling wheels, and ringing steel
On land, on water, in the sky.
They’re taking the robots to Isengard, they’re taking the robots to Isengard.
Under the trees, through the grass.
Down the roads where battles are fought.
No horse can stay, no rider can last.
They’re taking the robots to Isengard, taking the robots to Isengard.
With good King Théoden who died in single combat,
The last of the kings of Rohan who fought with honour!
They’re taking the robots to Isengard, they’re taking the robots to Isengard.
There is no comfort for Gondor, no hope for men.
Only maybe a child will understand.
And it’s taking the robots to Isengard.
With uttermost silence, unsaid words, and unending pain.
They’re taking the robots to Isengard, they’re taking the robots to Isengard.

I find this remarkably coherent and poetic.

Does GPT-3? Who do I ask? For a functional decomposition of the process?

The actual program is proprietary, but select researchers are granted access for advanced development.

Ask the GPT3 !
Try this on for size. Note the presence of artificial microtubules,

Interesting thought. If we are the gods creating artificial intelligence, we have entered an era of gods competing for supremacy of the artificial world.

Has anybody tried Microsoft Copilot yet? It is another free AI assistant.
Ask it a question and it comes up with synopses from several source sites.

It is an AI search assistant and it is remarkable. I asked it who Write4U is on a forum named Center For InquirY (CFI) and this is what it returned.

“Write4U” is a user on the Center For Inquiry (CFI) forum who has been recognized as a moderator. They are known for their contributions to discussions and for helping to maintain the forum1. Write4U is also appreciated for their good command of English, which they use to engage in various topics, including AI-assisted writing and other subjects.

Does this help clarify things, or is there something more specific you’d like to know about Write4U?

A little out of date, but remarkable nevertheless.

I then asked it:
“do you have access to all of Write4U’s posts?”

and it returned:

I don’t have direct access to all of Write4U’s posts on the Center For Inquiry (CFI) forum. However, I can help you find specific information or summaries based on what’s publicly available. If you have any particular topics or posts in mind, feel free to share, and I’ll do my best to assist you!

I am not sure if I feel comfortable with this ease of access to my name. Any thoughts?

This video skips over a lot. It talks about the responses to some of the oddities GPT gave them, but says nothing about it was programmed, and how it only says what it is programmed to say. Just because it can put together words in a unique, no one who is serious about this technology believes that is consciousness. It claims AI will be able to drive our cars for us, far from proven.

The worst is the part about how robots do tasks but they aren’t creative, concluding that creativity by humans will be rewarded in the future. They use AI to read some books and see how creativity has been crushed for most of human history. We have improved the ability to distract people real creativity, imagination, self-reflection, and exploring their own interests. Early Christians preached on the dangers of curiosity. Capitalists pay certain artists and athletes millions and use that as entertainment the numb the people they want in their factories. “Sacrifice” is taken to extremes, including medals for giving your life for profits of others.

AI won’t solve this.

What you show us here could have been done in a few hours of effort by anyone given the prompts you gave. AI just did faster. The access to your name was there years ago.

I have tested an AI for an imaginary essay for a Master. It costed me 50$ and the result was a disaster.

I am a game master for tabletop role playing game

I use AI to test ideas and get refinements and adds.

Usually the result does not suit me fully but i get ideas, i can change or from which i can expand

Yes, the AI is strictly dependend on the input parameters.
However, given sufficient instruction the AI can now write poems, stories, compose music.
This is a self test by 2 Chinese musicians, if they could tell the difference between a classical symphony written by a human composer or an AI. The result is surprisingly close.

It is a fun test.

But what amazes me is that the AI compositions are not copied sets of existing music cobbled together, but truly original compositions! How does it do that?

I like AI. It is still 5 or 6 years away from being done. Feels, like we are in the time of Hundert Autoren Gegen Einstein, (A Hundred Authors Against Einstein) written in 1931. Will need to move from consensus to facts. Sometimes, I will have to ask questions many times to maybe get an answer based upon facts. It is still no help with basic political or religious questions. Will need an app that will ask several AI’s sites the same question for comparison when we get at that point in several years. Right now, AI has the taste of The Trusted News Initiative (TNI).
Example, Q. Is the American government a welfare organization? A. No, the American government is not considered a “welfare organization” in the strict sense …
Q. Is the American military part of a welfare system? A. While not considered a “welfare system” in the traditional sense, the American military does provide a comprehensive set of benefits …
This example shows that AI can not think. Just compares an unimaginable amount of data.