Abortion, Right and Wrong, By Rachel Richardson Smith

It doesn’t work and why it makes no sense, Citizenchallenge. Roe v Wade isn’t about lust, but apparently Sree thinks it is. Also, this is why the statement shows that Sree didn’t read any of the links. Scree didn’t even skim them. There is no mention of lust or evil in the humanist manifestos.

v.3: Can you explain how that train of thought works?
It's too complicated. Just follow this train of thought: 40 lashes on the butt of the ass who causes an unwanted pregnancy. Double that for every next unwanted pregnancy.

If we pass that law, you won’t need Roe v Wade.

For whom would the 40 lashes be? That still makes no sense at all Sree, especially when it’s none of your business if a woman get an abortion and on top of that, not all pregnancies are terminated because they are unwanted. Sometimes, as I said before, they are terminated due to either the health of the mother or the health of the fetus or both. Whatever the case, Roe v Wade is needed because if a woman wants or needs an abortion the reason why and the fact she has it one isn’t your business or anyone else’s business, except the doctor who is performing the abortion for her.

If we pass that law, you won’t need Roe v Wade.
Back to trolling again? I know you are not dumb enough to believe that punishment solves all crimes. You have to first solve the problem of all crimes being perfectly adjudicated.
Lausten: I know you are not dumb enough to believe that punishment solves all crimes.
Do you know that there are no illegal immigrants in Singapore now? There used to be, Indonesians; and they were deported the way we try to expel our illegals. But they returned and were caught again. The Singapore government amended its law and started flogging repeat offenders before deportation. It stopped. It's a lot cheaper and more effective than building a wall at our southern border.
Mriana: Sometimes, as I said before, they are terminated due to either the health of the mother or the health of the fetus or both.
I am sure women all over the world face the same situation as Jane Roe. Only in America do we kick up such a big fuss over this. The true story behind this fuss is a big farce over nothing.

Catholics promote abortion is wrong because they have to encourage a supply of future Catholics to maintain their financial gifts and personal favors into the future.

Sree said; 40 lashes on the butt of the ass who causes an unwanted pregnancy. Double that for every next unwanted pregnancy.
Sree, which scripture does that belong to? Shall I put that in my Gorean or modern revised BDSM bible? Sounds absolutely delightful.

People should seek counseling when thinking about abortion. Young people are easier to convert to brand name religions is why religion fights for abortion. It is wrong to mandate abortion without due consideration of the life of the mother, not religion.

Hal said; It is wrong to mandate abortion without due consideration of the life of the mother, not religion.
IMO, it is wrong to mandate bringing pregnancy to term, without due consideration of the life of the mother, not religion..

If there is something seriously wrong with the fetus, or the mother’s condition, during gestation, wouldn’t Nature step in and do the right thing? It’s just not our place to supplant Nature as the “guardian” just because we can do science.

@Sree, nature doesn’t always kick in and it’s not the guardian of anything. Technically, nature is out to get us, but that doesn’t make it right. If we were to allow nature to do it’s thing, then we’d be dead of measles, mumps, polio, the plague, etc. If we were to allow nature to do it’s thing, a lot more people might be dead from Covid-19. Not only that, many women and fetuses would be dead in this century. Thus why we have science so we don’t die from these things.

Apparently, something happened and it wiped out the dinosaurs to make way for us. And some Professor Macormack at Cambridge University said that humans must become extinct to save the planet.

Oh I’m sure we’ll do that too. Nature won’t have to help us do that.

Are we not to be identified as Nature also?

Sree: “And some Professor Macormack at Cambridge University said that humans must become extinct to save the planet.”

Check out a more recent picture:

She will get no argument from me if she wants to forego procreation.

With college professors like her there is no wonder young people’s thinking is screwed up. Hard to believe there isn’t someone there who would know this needs to be fixed.

Her mode of dress is interesting, but her views are horrid. However, not all college professors are like her. However, she’s not a professor at Cambridge, according to the second sentence in the article. She’s only promoting her book and her philosophy there. Colleges are suppose to teach people how to think for themselves. So we’ll just have to see if students have learned to think for themselves. Although, the way things are going, my older son is right about his nephew, in that he might not get to grow up due to the refusal to combat Climate Change and U.S. denying citizens basic human rights like health care.

Dr Patricia MacCormack, professor of continental philosophy at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU),

Found the uni she where she is a professor:


Kids today are open-minded, but I don’t know how far this woman can take her views. I doubt her views will become worldwide though.

Here’s more on her at the uni: https://aru.ac.uk/people/patricia-maccormack

Oh dear, antinatalist:

“Far from advocating mass death, genocide or eugenics, my manifesto is antinatalist,” says Dr MacCormack. “It boycotts human reproduction due to the damage humans have perpetrated on the Earth and its other inhabitants.

“The manifesto simply asks that humans no longer reproduce – no life is lost, no being is mourned. If we no longer reproduce, we can care for all inhabitants already here, human and non-human, as well as care for the Earth itself by mitigating the damage already caused. It’s an activism of care.

Dressed to persuade and convince. I think not. Dressed to provoke, perhaps.


This seems an example of looking at only a fraction of the problem - and coming up with a solution that only provides a fraction of an answer, and that fraction is most unconvincing, the moment you let your thoughts stray onto bigger issues.

Besides believing we can save this planet from imminent massive ecological (yes read life support systems) collapse simple reveals how ill informed we are and the depth of people’s cluelessness when it comes to this planet that created and sustains us.

We are experiencing what we put in the pipeline roughly 30 years, yes Earth systems have momentum. We have glibly and cluelessly passed so many “tipping points” - but it takes some time for the consequences to catch up with our actions, so people love to believe all is hunky-dory, so long as they keep their eye averted. Silly humans.

Another case of being lost within one’s Mindscape and no appreciation the Physical Reality we exist within.


More details regarding Patricia’s Mindscape (hat tip to Mriana):

Professor of Continental Philosophy Faculty:Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

School: Humanities and Social Sciences

Location: Cambridge

Areas of Expertise: Film, media and communication studies

Patricia is a researcher who has published in the areas of continental philosophy (especially Deleuze, Guattari, Serres, Irigaray, Lyotard, Kristeva, Blanchot, Ranciere), feminism, queer theory, posthuman theory, horror film, body modification, animal rights/abolitionism, cinesexuality and ethics.

Alrightie then, moving right along. Next,

Now had we appreciated all the lessons we were given in the 60s, 70s about the Population Bomb - then something could have been done.

But then America chose Mr. Hollywood and it was off to the races, peddle to the metal, Greed and Gluttony full speed ahead. Damn the torpedoes, we’ll let our kids deal with the consequences.

Now here we are, and we still haven’t learned a damned thing.