To start off, you might be thinking that people who no longer believe in a God and an afterlife and complain about it are the people to be regarded as weak, immature, etc. when it is actually the exact opposite. The reason many people are whiny is that they are too much of a human being (someone great) to possibly accept that there is no God and afterlife and no longer complain about it or to no longer believe that there is a God and afterlife. They add their own personification as a human being and as someone great to reality itself and this is why they either whine that there is no God or afterlife or still believe that there is a God and an afterlife. In short, people who whine that there is no God or afterlife or who actually believe there is a God and an afterlife are the better people who have a sense of higher purpose/self to possibly stoop so low as to either, again, accept that there is no God and afterlife and not complain, or to no longer believe that there is a God and an afterlife. This sense of higher life and higher self that these people have (that they are special and that this life is special and intended for them or that, at least, they complain that it isn’t and that it should be that way anyway), this is what makes these people special and “higher” (great).
Although atheists can still achieve a sense of greatness and being someone special, the fact of the matter is that they are restricted from true greatness as I’ve just explained since they have stooped so low into a world where, in reality, they are not that great or special as to deserve a God and an afterlife and that this life is not something special in the sense that it was not intended for them and such. It doesn’t matter how great and special you think you are if you are an atheist, to realize that, in reality, you are not great and special in this universe is demeaning of yourself because just by giving yourself the message that you are not that great and special, this is demeaning of you as a human being and that is what makes you a lesser person. Therefore, this is why people who have a sense of higher self and such who either complain that there is no God and afterlife or who still arrogantly believe there is a God and afterlife anyway despite much scientific evidence are the better people.
Edit: Just in case anyone is confused as to the point I’m trying to make in my opening post, I am saying that people who think they are special and such apply that perception to life itself and conclude that life itself must also be something special and meant for them. For example, someone who thinks “I am a very helpful and caring special person” might then conclude that this life must then be something special as well and offers a special “higher” reward for who they are as a person (a God and an afterlife). They are not willing to either accept that this is not the case and no longer complain about it, or they still insist on believing that there is a God and an afterlife anyway. I feel that the reason such people believe in such things anyway despite much scientific evidence is because they are just too much of a human being (someone great and special) to, again, possibly stoop so low as to believe or accept otherwise.
Just because I am an Atheist and don’t believe in God, doesn’t mean I’m not a Christian.
I don’t believe in a creator and I thank god for that each day.
I really think that the main reason people believe in god is because it provides them with a way to understand the universe that puts everyone on an even playing field and doesn’t make them feel stupid. Most people don’t have a good grasp of even the basic scientific concepts that help explain the world around us and they are intimidated by science. Its uncomfortable and belittling to accept that there is an explanation out there that others can understand but which you can’t.
Science is also about uncertainty. Its the drive to understand what we don’t already know and that uncertainty makes people comfortable. In the recent debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham when asked about where the first atoms came from Nye said that is still a mystery and its the beauty of science that we can investigate and look for answers to these questions. Ham retorted that in case Bill wasn’t aware there is actually a book with the answers to all of those questions at which point the stacked audience cheered and laughed in approval.
Denying a scientific explanation for the origin of the universe and for human beings and insisting that there is a god is a way of saying there is an easy ready made explanation that we can all understand and in fact those scientists who think they are so smart are really the ones who are in the dark. Religion is the great equalizer.
Obviously there are many reasons people believe in god but having an easy to understand ( on the surface at least) explanation for the universe and why we are here is a huge part of it.
Well, Mozart, you kept it shorter than usual. Thanks for that. Hard to tell what you’re saying though.
You might like the book “God Laughs and Plays”, by David James Duncan. Or his novel, “The River Why”.
I should look it up, but somewhere in “Laughs and Plays” he talks about the dignity it takes to be a non-believer. That continuing to go to worship despite all that the church has done or even just what the scripture says would be too much of a contrast to the love and caring that people are capable of. Even if they feel a pull toward a higher power or connection to something supernatural, the pull to what is real is stronger. Even though it seems easier to just give in and let go to that higher power, they choose to deal with the struggle here on earth.
1). It’s a tradition some people do not question, especially since the creators of religions, such as Christianity, were sure to build in guilt and fear (of hell) to those that question it (they lack faith).
2). It’s a way to make sense of the world, people and what happens after death–people like that stuff whether it’s rational or not.
Just in case anyone is confused as to the point I’m trying to make in my opening post, I am saying that people who think they are special and such apply that perception to life itself and conclude that life itself must also be something special and meant for them. For example, someone who thinks “I am a very helpful and caring special person” might then conclude that this life must then be something special as well and offers a special “higher” reward for who they are as a person (a God and an afterlife). They are not willing to either accept that this is not the case and no longer complain about it, or they still insist on believing that there is a God and an afterlife anyway. I feel that the reason such people believe in such things anyway despite much scientific evidence is because they are just too much of a human being (someone great and special) to, again, possibly stoop so low as to believe or accept otherwise.
That actually did clarify, a little. It’s an interesting mix of “something great” and “stooping low”. But not everyone who considers themselves caring also considers themselves special or worthy of a reward. It’s called humility. We tend to value that. Look at sports. You like the superstars for what they do, but if they demand the rest of the team works to make sure he gets the opportunity to use his talents, then we like them a little less. The key player who also says that it is a team effort is the one we like the most, and for good reason.
Just in case anyone is confused as to the point I'm trying to make in my opening post, I am saying that people who think they are special and such apply that perception to life itself and conclude that life itself must also be something special and meant for them. For example, someone who thinks "I am a very helpful and caring special person" might then conclude that this life must then be something special as well and offers a special "higher" reward for who they are as a person (a God and an afterlife). They are not willing to either accept that this is not the case and no longer complain about it, or they still insist on believing that there is a God and an afterlife anyway. I feel that the reason such people believe in such things anyway despite much scientific evidence is because they are just too much of a human being (someone great and special) to, again, possibly stoop so low as to believe or accept otherwise.You’re right. One of my sons was so wrapped up in religion that his time on earth was only to serve god. The problem was he was going to marry and have a family, but he was not going to marry out of love for his wife. That’s because women were only here to serve man and have children. All his love was for God. This created quite a problem for me in that I couldn't deal with this by kicking his butt, or shaking sense into him. And he was in the god bubble so talking would only enforce his convictions. Your right, what I saw was he was self-centered and everything was about him. It is kind of a trap that the younger generation can get caught in when everything they do religiously is viewed by the people he respected and looked up to as righteous and godly. And he had a lot of friends in the religious movement that filled his social needs.
Also, it is a scientific fact that who you are is your brain and all of your thoughts and emotions. Therefore, if you have the thoughts and feelings that you are all great and special, then it is a scientific fact that this makes you all great and special.
I really think that the main reason people believe in god is because it provides them with a way to understand the universe that puts everyone on an even playing field and doesn't make them feel stupid. Most people don't have a good grasp of even the basic scientific concepts that help explain the world around us and they are intimidated by science. Its uncomfortable and belittling to accept that there is an explanation out there that others can understand but which you can't. Science is also about uncertainty. Its the drive to understand what we don't already know and that uncertainty makes people comfortable. In the recent debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham when asked about where the first atoms came from Nye said that is still a mystery and its the beauty of science that we can investigate and look for answers to these questions. Ham retorted that in case Bill wasn't aware there is actually a book with the answers to all of those questions at which point the stacked audience cheered and laughed in approval. Denying a scientific explanation for the origin of the universe and for human beings and insisting that there is a god is a way of saying there is an easy ready made explanation that we can all understand and in fact those scientists who think they are so smart are really the ones who are in the dark. Religion is the great equalizer. Obviously there are many reasons people believe in god but having an easy to understand ( on the surface at least) explanation for the universe and why we are here is a huge part of it.Reading a genesis story of beginning from the pre-history Rig Vega. Ancient man seemed to have a lot of the same problems. The way they explained it was. At first there was the universe. How it was create or came to be, man may never know. Then earth was made from matter. Then energy was formed. Then man was created from energy and matter. Then god was created. Note, I left out a lot. But the point being is that back thousands of years ago they were thinking about how the universe was created. Note, that they had god coming after man. I should note that god was not a deity at that time, god was the collection of man's knowledge.
Now continuing on from the previous post I just made, when it comes to something such as you thinking that you are some alien from another planet, then that would obviously be false. But when it comes to things such as personal opinions about yourself and such, then it would be a scientific fact that whatever personal opinion you have about yourself that cannot be scientifically proven false, then that personal opinion holds true for you and makes you that person.
Also, it is a scientific fact that who you are is your brain and all of your thoughts and emotions. Therefore, if you have the thoughts and feelings that you are all great and special, then it is a scientific fact that this makes you all great and special.Okay, now you're just being silly. How old are you?