A culling as a solution

The recurring proposal of culling a great amount of the human population for the survival of the planet and our species, or even wiping ourselves out to save it. In short I would like to know, why not?

The recurring proposal of culling a great amount of the human population for the survival of the planet and our species, or even wiping ourselves out to save it. In short I would like to know, why not?
If you feel that way then why not start with yourself? Or do you consider yourself somehow superior to others and think that it's acceptable to murder billions of people whom you consider inferior? In which case the answer why not is obvious.
The recurring proposal of culling a great amount of the human population for the survival of the planet and our species, or even wiping ourselves out to save it. In short I would like to know, why not?
If you feel that way then why not start with yourself? Or do you consider yourself somehow superior to others and think that it's acceptable to murder billions of people whom you consider inferior? In which case the answer why not is obvious. If the answer to why not is moral, then it's not an answer. I'm just wondering why not, because the counters to that are more convincing than the moral objection.

I don’t think myself superior, but I just hate to accept that I have no good reason as to why not cull.
Even this photo is hard to argue (to me):

How about because in human terms it’s considered the worst crime to engage in genocide for any reason.
Someone who feels differently is stepping outside the values and social structure of our species and is in fact placing themselves in a position of assumed superiority that includes the right to decide for other whether or not they have the most basic right…that is to exist.
I think history has answered very well how that kind of ideology and mentality should be seen and treated.
Genocide is murder on a vast scale, which is exactly what “culling” hundreds of millions or several billion people would be. If you have a hard time understanding why genocide is indefensible then I doubt anything posted here will change your views.

Because you can’t give any reason beyond moral ones (which don’t apply when faced with the objective reality of the environment and human population)

To repeat.

Someone who feels differently is stepping outside the values and social structure of our species and is in fact placing themselves in a position of assumed superiority that includes the right to decide for other whether or not they(others) have the most basic right...that is to exist.
Not having an issue with what is genocide in human terms isn't rational, moral, ethical or anything acceptable in the terms we all live under. Those who choose to step beyond those limits based on their biases - which we all have - have created some of the worst crimes in history. Culling billions of people is no different. So it doesn't matter if you think it's perfectly ethical based on your personal value system, most of the rest of us don't think so. And I'm guessing wouldn't be willing participants in your proposed genocide.

I have already established that morality isn’t a good reason to not consider a culling because morality is arbitrary.
When dealing with the objective reality of the environment and population, subjective and arbitrary positions don’t matter. You would need objective facts as to why a culling wouldn’t work.

I have already established that morality isn't a good reason to not consider a culling because morality is arbitrary. When dealing with the objective reality of the environment and population, subjective and arbitrary positions don't matter. You would need objective facts as to why a culling wouldn't work.
Good for you, I've already established that most of the rest of us wouldn't agree with and would be more than a little put off by someone trying to pull another "culling". How are you going to start your genocide, based on religion maybe. Or age. Or location. Or socio-economic level. The reason we go by morality is it's the best thing we have to keep the psychopaths from coming up with great plans to do away with the rest of us. Which has been tried repeatedly throughout history. What you're proposing isn't new, it's certainly not ethical and it only make sense to people who lack the ability to understand that other people have the right to exist too. So the reason you discount morality isn't because it's not relevant. It's more than likely because you don't understand the real basis for it.

And the correct term for what’s being suggested here is Genocide, not culling.

There is no such thing as a “right to exist”. No one has a right to live. That just opinion.
Morality is a crappy tool that can be used to justify anything. In other words the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Hitler and other believed they were right and their cause moral. To say it isn’t is just stating your opinion. You can’t prove it bad.
No one thinks they are doing evil, they believe they are right. We can’t prove them wrong. In the end it’s just matching your opinion against theirs, it has no weight besides the number of people who believe it.

And the correct term for what's being suggested here is Genocide, not culling.
Is called culling
I don't think myself superior, but I just hate to accept that I have no good reason as to why not cull. Even this photo is hard to argue (to me): https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/10258027_952127864841143_4996117771980397495_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=77f7430999ac905d75e17c15bb5106b2&oe=579D8B83
As DougC said, why not start with yourself? Why start with other people? Who are you to put yourself on the culling side as if you have a magic method of culling properly? Lois
There is no such thing as a "right to exist". No one has a right to live. That just opinion. Morality is a crappy tool that can be used to justify anything. In other words the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Hitler and other believed they were right and their cause moral. To say it isn't is just stating your opinion. You can't prove it bad. No one thinks they are doing evil, they believe they are right. We can't prove them wrong. In the end it's just matching your opinion against theirs, it has no weight besides the number of people who believe it.
There are any number of social conventions that clearly recognize the right of individuals to exist, it usually requires extreme conditions to remove those rights. Once again I'll point out that what you're advocating is stepping completely outside of social terms we all live under in the same way others have done which has resulted in some fairly extreme reactions to return those social terms to something approaching an equilibrium. There's no question that some will seek the extreme "solution" to current pressures that you do. To think that many would readily agree to be murdered is sheer idiocy of the kind that led Hitler to blow his brains out in 1945. I'll repeat, if you truly feel this way then start with yourself, if others agree then they can follow. Arbitrary and mandatory execution of humans without legal cause is in fact genocide despite whatever rationalization of mass murder you may have come up with. Calling it culling is an indication of how you see other people, it doesn't represent the objective reality you claim it does. For one none of us experiences objective reality, it's all subjective and no one has access to perfect information despite the fact that some fool themselves and sometimes others they do. The fact you're referring to this as culling and not advocating mass suicide which would involve free will says everything we need to know about how you see others. And it's not pretty... Basically it illuminates the downside of allowing psychopaths free access to the internet.
  1. No such thing as free will.
  2. You still fail to give a reason as to why a culling wouldn’t work. I keep telling morality isn’t a reason to not do it. You keep using should and ought. Morality is a weak stance to argue from. I need an objective fact as to why not to do it (implying that doing so wouldn’t change anything). If you’re going to keep pushing frail morality then I’m going to have to believe that there is no reason to explore that option. You fear psychopaths because they show just how frail our established systems really are (like morality).
  3. The proper term is culling. Genocide is the illogical emotional term people use out of fear.
    I’m not saying I want to do it, you you aren’t providing any good evidence against it.
I don't think myself superior, but I just hate to accept that I have no good reason as to why not cull. Even this photo is hard to argue (to me): https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/10258027_952127864841143_4996117771980397495_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=77f7430999ac905d75e17c15bb5106b2&oe=579D8B83
As DougC said, why not start with yourself? Why start with other people? Who are you to put yourself on the culling side as if you have a magic method of culling properly? Lois Once again you wildly misread my statement. I never said I want to, but I don't see a reason not to. Morality isn't a reason, it's just an opinion.

Their supposed grim outcome for the future.
How exactly are those environmental extremists and scientists wrong for suggesting a culling?

Once again you wildly misread my statement. I never said I want to, but I don't see a reason not to. Morality isn't a reason, it's just an opinion.
You keep saying that as if you know what is moral and the rest of us don't. Why did you choose "survival of the species and planet" as your basis? You must have some definition of "good" for that. And it's a definition that puts mere survival above this abhorrent idea of "culling". You're not alone in the idea, but you might want to take a look at who you are partnering with there. I don't think you have a good argument for the need to wipe out anyone, large numbers or small. Instead, working for a better life for everyone is more likely to actually succeed in making a better life for everyone. That is, focus on survival for all, and all will participate in making a healthier planet, because that's what's needed for everyone to survive. The math is fairly simple. It would take about 80 years to reduce the population to 2 billion simply by attrition and birth control. I'm not saying that's something we should do, I'm just saying it could be done without mass murder.
I don't think myself superior, but I just hate to accept that I have no good reason as to why not cull. Even this photo is hard to argue (to me): https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/10258027_952127864841143_4996117771980397495_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=77f7430999ac905d75e17c15bb5106b2&oe=579D8B83
As DougC said, why not start with yourself? Why start with other people? Who are you to put yourself on the culling side as if you have a magic method of culling properly? Lois Once again you wildly misread my statement. I never said I want to, but I don't see a reason not to. Morality isn't a reason, it's just an opinion. Only for a very small percent of the population who lack the ability to feel empathy upon which morality is based on.
I don't think myself superior, but I just hate to accept that I have no good reason as to why not cull. Even this photo is hard to argue (to me): https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/10258027_952127864841143_4996117771980397495_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=77f7430999ac905d75e17c15bb5106b2&oe=579D8B83
As DougC said, why not start with yourself? Why start with other people? Who are you to put yourself on the culling side as if you have a magic method of culling properly? Lois Once again you wildly misread my statement. I never said I want to, but I don't see a reason not to. Morality isn't a reason, it's just an opinion. Good luck! You'll do well.