This is why I made the statement about how I’m not required to talk to you or read your posts. You have gone from long-winded to circular to obtuse, and now abusive.
I know that. Of course I know that. And about Darwin too. What makes you think I don’t know these things?
No I don’t. Usually, when people say “determinism”, they are talking about our thoughts, about consciousness, about the opposite of free will. You started out that way, but we’ve slid more into cause and effect. Which is Newton. Which again, of course I know that. I tried to read Einstein, but I at least have a layman’s understanding of him, Hawking as well.
All words are abstractions. Wittgenstein, basically. If you keep falling back on that, then we’ll get nowhere. It’s true, but it should be in the background, not brought up every time we have trouble with a definition, and just take the exit ramp, saying, well, it’s an abstraction.
Like that. The idea of determinism is real. The discussion about it is real. Free will vs determinism is being debated, but that doesn’t make either one not real.
They rejected that they came from monkeys, that god didn’t create them.
You know, if you would actually try to explain what you think Wolfram is up to, instead to insisting that I’m religious about determinism (I’m not) or don’t understand Darwin’s time (I do) or don’t know randomness comes before selection (everyone here knows that one), then maybe I might think you and/or Wolfram have something offer. But if you don’t actually talk about him, then I assume there is actually nothing there.
As a friend. Don’t use words like that with anyone. It makes you sound like a pompous, uh, person.
Oh, too late! (just kidding)
You sort of have a point there, but I don’t think you need to keep hammering it. Personally, removing the need for a creator seems like the bigger paradigm shift for Darwin, but whatever. You and I can move forward with the understanding of randomness that we have. But, sure, our brains don’t like it.
And yes I know chance and randomness are slightly different.
I keep repeating that you keep repeating yourself. Maybe you should stop doing that.