In the mean time I started to watch live streams of AxP, Talk Heathen and occasionally of Seth Andrews.
In most cases there was a lot of debate about the content of the Bible, or other holy texts. Now … my innocent mind is so innocent that I havent read Bible, Quran or Torah yet, and i have a particular reason to not do so at the moment. All these books start on accepting the premise of deism, which is then continually (throught the reading) evolving into specific form of theism, and later religious belief.
I happen to be agnostic, who is negative atheist.
I dont possess any knowledge of supernatural being, or being which can be described as a god, not even creator (which is a completely separate claim).
On other hand i read few catholic doctrines and parts of catechism. Both texts accepted not just gnostic theism, but also claim authority of the church based on “Church is bride of Jesus Christ” (you got it right "Holy Church is apparently female) and “Church is infallible because the Holy spirit is with it”.
I see that as non-sequitur, jumping to conclusions, making breathtakingly arrogant claims of authority and infallibility.
At that point i scratched those doctrines and katechism, i scratched the Bible (which is not source of roman catholic teachings anyway), i scratched all the mythology and all what remained is the agnostic state with “I dont know”. I dont even claim the gnostic statement “i know there is no god”.
Hitchens elaborated on this statement by “even if you prove deism or theism, the whole work is still in front of you”, when he regarded to all myths and claims in various holy books, doctrines or laws inspired by religions.
I wonder why american atheists (who are mostly ex-theists or ex-deists, but more specifically ex-members various religious denominations) discuss Bible that much. I understand they want to point all the contradictions and change views of people who are using it for arguing, but anyway…
Apparently i happen to be a nightmare for Jordan Peterson. A man who is unaware of “all the wisdom of the bible”, does not have any “metaphorical substrate” (wicked drinking game btw), and ultimately does not care about contents of the Bible.
Because I have nothing to say about the Bible or any other religious teachings, I am still at square one - prove to me there is anything we can call a god. Then you can start to prove all the associated mythology - start with the creation of all. Weasel wording or using “private” terms wont work…