Since this is really a commentary on “Intelligent Design” I’ve decide to correctly slot it into the “Religion and Secularism” although thinking about it, in some ways it would fit even better under “Humanism” .
This thread started in reaction to a silly who was trying to explain that the Cambrian “explosion” was physically impossible and required ‘outside tinkering’.
To take that position the Faith-shackled depended on some self-certain assumptions, among them:All the biological diversification occurred over an exceedingly short time.
That there is no evidence of diversification earlier in time.
That it’s physically impossible for these changes and developments to have happened.
They also are dependence on ignoring the environmental influence on biology.
(Yet only through understanding environments, and how they have changed through time, can we appreciate why a species is what it is, or diversifies.
Only through understanding the natural physical building blocks available can we appreciate what those building blocks helped create.).
In the scientific discussion the monster in the closet that’s rarely mentioned is Intelligent Design - and when it is, it’s beaten right back into the closet.
I believe that’s a mistake. I think rational people need to acknowledge and openly address the intuitive pull for some sort of touch-stone when dealing with the fantastical complexities of evolution.
I believe it would be valuable for scientists to acknowledge our humanity and our mind’s constant wondering about the ‘origin’ and ‘why’ questions - and that we do possess little voices in our heads constantly prattling on.
When seriously learning about evolution, particularly lay-people with no formal deep understanding of the ways of science, it gets overwhelming. The impression of a grand directed pageant is overwhelming and magnificent - that is where the Intelligent Designer comes into play. It helps our minds process the truly overwhelming information we are constantly hit with when studying evolution, or biology, particularly at the molecular level.
I believe that needs to be acknowledged. Besides what does science have to fear, it already has an Intelligent Designer at hand, Mathematics. Don’t we? Why not celebrate that!?
Another matter, much is made of “randomness” by Creationists, yet as I learned more and grew, it becomes ever more clear that “Randomness” doesn’t exist in the natural universe, or evolution. There are constraints that begin with the Big Bang and are further amplified through biology and evolution. Why not celebrate that?
They say people need stories and myths to make sense of the world around them - Why not supply some fact based stories, that are so much more satisfying that dogma driven myths, since they enable a life time of nonstop learning and personal discovering regarding the existence beyond us.
What does the Christian offer? A demand for obedience and constant obsessive worship? Seriously what else do the loud mouthed phony Christians offer?
Me, not only do I have a speck of dust that wanted to be more, I have a worm with no big plans, but boy did her kids go far.
How do we get from a simple worm to all this complexity?September 30, 2019
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